Post Feed in Hakyll

When I made my site, specifically when I switched to Hakyll, I didn’t bother to include a syndication feed because I didn’t expect that anyone would care to want to subscribe to my site. However, someone filed an issue concerning this on github. I knew Hakyll exposed a module specifically for this: Hakyll.Web.Feed. It was more a matter of implementing it in a straightforward manner with the least duplication of work.

I’d like to subscribe to your blog, but I can’t seem to find an RSS feed (nor the Hakyll code to generate one). Would you consider adding one?

Nathan on Issue #1


If I used my custom post compiler, it would include the table of contents and Pygments highlighted code. This was a problem because the table of contents didn’t work correctly in the feed reader I tested with and so just served to waste space. Worse, code blocks were completely absent from the feed reader. Finally, posts containing math type—which is rendered with MathJax on this site—did not render at all in the feed reader.

So it was obvious to me that I had to compile the posts meant for the syndication feed with a more vanilla Pandoc compiler. However, I did want to keep the abbreviation substitution filter as that seemed to work perfectly fine.

Because I needed to compile the posts with an entirely different Pandoc compiler, I knew that already I was duplicating some effort. Knowing this, I wanted to make sure to save as much work as possible to avoid further duplicate effort.

Drying Up

Since I wanted to use the abbreviation substitution filter in both the feed and regular post compiler, I knew that it was a potential location of duplicate effort. Both compilers would start something like this:

compile $ getResourceBody
  >>= withItemBody (abbreviationFilter)
  >>= pandocCompiler -- or pandocFeedCompiler

So it would have been preferable if I could save the state of the Item (i.e. post) as it was right after abbreviation substitution. Fortunately, Hakyll has support for this in the form of snapshots.

The solution was to save a snapshot of the post from the regular compiler for posts after it had been through the abbreviation substitution 1:

match postsPattern $ do
  route $ niceRoute "posts/"
  compile $ getResourceBody
    >>= withItemBody (abbreviationFilter)
    >>= saveSnapshot "abbreviated"
    >>= pandocCompiler
    -- ...


This meant that I could now refer to the “abbreviated” snapshot of any post. All I had to do now was to define a Rule to compile posts specifically for the syndication feed. Hakyll also has support for this in the form of versions, in which one can compile different versions of the same thing and refer to them later on.

So what I do in the “feed” version of the post compiler was to get the underlying Identifier for the given post and load the “abbreviated” snapshot of the version of that post that has no name, i.e. the version of the post compiled by the regular post compiler.

I then pass that snapshot to pandocFeedCompiler which is simply a more vanilla Pandoc compiler that removes the table of contents sentinel value I use, doesn’t generate the table of contents, doesn’t highlight code with Pygments, and uses regular superscripts etc. instead of MathJax:

match postsPattern $ version "feed" $
  compile $ do
    ident <- getUnderlying
    loadSnapshot (setVersion Nothing ident) "abbreviated"
      >>= makeItem . itemBody
      >>= pandocFeedCompiler

All that was left to do was to create the atom.xml file. An ephemeral Context is created to denote that the $description$ tag should be filled with the body of the post, as the syndication feed rendering functions in Hakyll expect. All “feed” versions of posts are loaded, sorted in reverse chronological order, and the first ten are taken. Finally the function renderAtom actually generates the XML from all of this information:

create ["atom.xml"] $ do
  route idRoute
  compile $ do
    let feedCtx = postCtx <> bodyField "description"
    posts <- fmap (take 10) . recentFirst
      =<< loadAll (postsPattern .&&. hasVersion "feed")
    renderAtom feedConf feedCtx posts


Notice that we are using the “feed” versions of posts to render the syndication feed. This poses a problem, because the atom feed template requires access to the $url$ field, but notice that the “feed” version is not routed.

This means that a Route is not created for “feed” versions, and as a result the $url$ will be an empty string, so the link to individual stories in the feed will just link to the site root!

This becomes apparent when you look at the implementation of urlField, which is defined in Hakyll.Web.Template.Context:

urlField :: String -> Context a
urlField key = field key $
    fmap (maybe empty toUrl) . getRoute . itemIdentifier

First it gets the Item’s Identifier, and then it gets that Identifier’s Route. The problem is that since we’re using a different version of the post, the Identifier will be different, and there won’t be a Route associated with that Identifier.

I actually use a slightly different urlField-type function, which I called niceUrlField, it simply returns the URL without the index.html at the end. However, the solution to this problem is the same in both functions.

The solution is to get the no-name version of the Identifier that is retrieved, that is, the version of the post without an explicit version—the version that was compiled normally. This is done using the setVersion function. The function can be changed to this:

urlField' :: String -> Context a
urlField' key = field key $
    fmap (maybe empty toUrl) . getRoute . setVersion Nothing . itemIdentifier

This successfully retrieves the correct URL of the post, just make sure you mappend this alternate function in your feed’s Context.


It’s a shame that some duplicate work seems necessary when it comes to compiling the post. That is, I have to compile every post using my special Pandoc compiler, and then again using the more vanilla feed compiler I made. I tried to balance this by saving effort at the very least with the abbreviation substitution filter, so that it only runs once on every post.

  1. If you’re wondering what postsPattern is, refer to my Drafts in Hakyll post, in which this value is used to determine from where to pull posts in, in order to facilitate a draft preview system. ↩︎

June 19, 2013
329ce08 — May 23, 2024