
Java is considered by many to be a very boring language, relegated to insurance applications—or the enterprise in general. Compared to many other languages, it’s dry and monotone. It has a reputation of being over-engineered, being home to the classic FactoryFactory joke 1. In the past, programs written in Java were generally regarded as being slow and bloated resource hogs.

When Java was introduced in the 90s, it was hailed as being very portable, giving rise to the famous slogan “Write Once, Run Anywhere.” Java runtimes became available on various operating systems, cell phones, and even gained traction on websites as Java applets.

Java applets quickly became a very popular attack vector for malicious entities, leading public perception of Java as being insecure, ultimately leading Mozilla to adopt a stance of having Java disabled by default in Firefox—though this was eventually reverted due to public outcry.

Despite this negative perception of Java by many, I’ve always held a certain respect for it. Throughout all this, real Java applications have and continue to be created, seemingly impervious to this image. Where many are creating virtual machines from scratch, Java has a very robust JVM which is the added experience of the many years that Java has been in existence.

These notes are a recap of Java and also cover Java 8.


Java is an interpreted language. Java code is compiled to highly optimized bytecode which is run by the JVM. HotSpot provides a Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler for Java bytecode. However, this doesn’t mean that the entire Java program is compiled into executable code, which would be too complicated since it requires many run-time checks that can only be performed at run-time. Instead, the JIT compiler compiles parts of the program as it sees fit.

JDK 8 adds the concept of compact profiles which contain a subset of the Java API. Profiles go from 1 to 3, where compact1 is the smallest profile. When compiling a program, the profile can be specified to determine if the program conforms to the subset specified by the profile.

The following command ensures that Program only uses the compact subset:

$ javac -profile compact1 Program


The double floating-point type is more commonly used than float because all of the standard library’s math functions use doubles. The char can hold unsigned 16-bit values and uses UTF-16.

Java doesn’t support unsigned integers. A byte is a signed 8-bit value. The compiler statically enforces that a byte is not given a value larger than +127, but this can be worked-around by casting an int to a byte.

byte b = (byte)200;

A byte that is intended to be treated as unsigned may end up being interpreted by Java as a negative number, in which case the value can be upcast to a int with the java.lang.Byte.toUnsignedInt method, which casts the byte to an int and then only keeps the byte bits, turning off the sign bit if it was turned on.

int i = java.lang.Byte.toUnsignedInt(b);

// or
int i = ((int) b) & 0xFF;

Underscores can be written within integer or floating-point literals to make them more readable.

Automatic type conversions only take place if the two types are compatible and the destination is larger than the source type, a widening conversion. Manual conversions can be performed using casts, the same as C-style casts.

When different types are present in the same expression, Java enforces type promotion rules. The char, byte, and short values are promoted to int. If long, float, or double values are present in the expression, then the entire expression becomes of that type.

Integer types are always signed in Java. Bitwise right-shift operations therefore shift the sign bit into the high-order bit. This is not always preferable, and so the unsigned right shift operator >>> exists to shift a zero in the high-order bit regardless of sign.

// 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
int a = -1;

// 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
a >> 24;

// 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111
a >>> 24;

The strictfp modifier can be applied to a class, method, or interface to ensure that floating-point calculations perform truncations of certain intermediate values during a computation, as in previous JVM versions.

Array type syntax can place the [] in one of two locations. The latter is better for methods returning arrays and for declaring multiple arrays in one line.

int a[] = new int[3];
int[] a = new int[3];

// three arrays
int[] nums, nums2, nums3;

Primitive Wrappers

Type wrappers are classes that wrap primitive types, such as Character which wraps char. All numeric type wrappers such as Integer and Float inherit from abstract class Number 2 which provides conversion methods for all numeric types.

Encapsulating a primitive in an object is referred to as boxing, and the reverse is called unboxing. Autoboxing and auto-unboxing refers to the automatic wrapping and unwrapping of primitive values. JDK 5 added support for autoboxing and auto-unboxing, which works whenever a primitive type must be converted to an object, such as when passed as parameters to methods or when used in expressions.

Integer i = 100; // autoboxed

Integer ib = 1;
++ib; // auto-unboxed, incremented, re-boxed

There is no way to refer to the same instance of a primitive value. Primitive values can be wrapped into objects using the primitive wrappers—for use in collection classes which only work with objects, for example.

Number is an abstract class that is derived by specific numeric type wrappers like Integer and Double. It provides methods for retrieving a given value in any other type format, e.g. doubleValue.

Wrappers can be constructed given the actual primitive value or a string representation of it.

Specific wrapper types also include static methods for parsing strings into primitive types, such as Float.parseFloat("3.14").

Each of these wrapper types include certain constants such as MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE.

The Double and Float methods isInfinite and isNaN can be used to test if the values are either of those special values.

The Char methods forDigit and digit can convert a number to a character and vice versa, respectively.

Big Numbers

The BigInteger and BigDecimal classes can represent arbitrarily large numbers. It can be constructed from a string representation of the number or using the valueOf static method.

BigInteger biggie = new BigInteger("234234234234");

Supplemental Characters

Java chars can only hold 16 bits, which means that a single char is unable to represent supplemental characters, those characters which are larger than 0xFFFF and thus would require 32 bits to represent. Java resolves this issue by using two chars to represent a supplemental character: a high surrogate and a low surrogate.

Various Character methods provide overloads that accept an int, which is 32 bits and therefore large enough to hold even a supplemental character.

The method codePointAt returns an int containing a particular code point of the provided character sequence location. The method toCodePoint is similar except that it returns the code point of the provided surrogate pair provided a high and low surrogate character argument.

The toChars method performs the reverse operation, taking a code point and returning an array of characters, which may be two elements in length if it’s a supplemental character.

Control Structures

Switch statements in Java can operate on expressions of type byte, short, int, char, enumerations, or String. Case statements don’t break automatically, and so the break keyword must be used.

Labeled break statements can specify exactly which block to break to, causing execution to jump to the end of the specified enclosing block. Blocks can be given names by prefixing the { character with a label in the form of thelabel:.

The continue keyword also supports this functionality, in effect specifying which outter-loop to continue.

redundant: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  break redundant;

outter: {
  for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
    for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
      for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
        // break out of _all_ loops
        if (somecondition)
          break outter;
} // execution jumps here


Something to remember is that variables of class type hold references to new instantiated objects of that type, not the objects themselves.

When no constructor is defined a default one is created which leaves all instance variables at their default values of 0, false, or null.

Constructors can leverage other constructors by invoking the constructor using the this keyword as long as it’s the first statement in the constructor, as with superclass construction:

public Person(double thing) {
  this(3.14, thing);

It’s possible to mark a class member as protected, which allows all classes in the same package to access the member, as well as all subclasses.

Classes can have finalizer methods which can be used to free resources and are run just prior to being garbage collected.

protected void finalize() {
  // free resources

Static methods can only directly call other static methods and access static data. Static variables that require computation for initialization can use static blocks which are executed exactly once, specifically when the class is first loaded.

static int a = 3;
static int b;

static {
  System.out.println("static block initialized");
  b = a * 4;

Instance variable initializers are run after object allocation and before a constructor runs.

public class Person {
  private String name = "";

It’s also possible to create initializer blocks. Code in initializer blocks is automatically copied into the beginning of every constructor, which makes this one way for sharing code between constructors. However, it’s generally preferred to place common initialization code in a separate helper method or by leveraging a separate constructor.

Initializer blocks paired with anonymous classes allows succinct creation of HashMaps. The first level of braces is the anonymous class and the second is the initializer block, which is one way to circumvent the restriction that anonymous classes may not define constructors. This is discouraged because it can be inefficient as well as behave incorrectly in equality tests:

Map map = new HashMap() {{
  put("a", "1");
  put("one", "two");

Fields can be final, which means that they cannot be reassigned 3. Final fields can be initialized via a value given at declaration or within a constructor. If the final instance variable doesn’t have an instance initializer then it must be initialized by the end of a constructor.

Fields can be transient, which means that they should not be persisted when the object is stored.

Variable-length arguments are specified by three periods and makes the arguments available as an array.

void printArgs(int ...v) {
  for (int a : v) {

printArgs(1, 2, 3);

The instanceof operator can test to see if an instance is of a given type or can be cast into a given type, yielding a boolean value.

Nested Classes

A class may be nested within another for organizational and/or visibility purposes, such as Map.Entry, since the Entry only makes sense within the context of a Map. Such a class is defined as static and is known as a nested class. A static nested class cannot reference instance variables of the enclosing class because it has no concept of this.

Inner Classes

It’s also possible to nest a class within another class without the static qualifier which allows the nested class to capture and refer to variables from the enclosing class, which implicitly means it can call methods of the enclosing class. This is known as an inner class. A nested class can’t do this because, like a static method, it doesn’t have access to a this reference.

An enclosing class’s reference can be obtained explicitly using the ClassName.this syntax. This is useful for disambiguation.

It’s not possible to define non-final static members on inner classes, since it would be ambiguous as to whether it meant there was only one instance or one per outer class instance.

Local Inner Classes

A local class is one that is defined within a method. It has access to the variables of the enclosing scope, in particular the method parameters.

Anonymous Classes

It’s possible to instantiate an anonymous class that defines and instantiates an object that extends a given class or implements a given interface.

// anonymous subclass deriving ArrayList
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(100) {
  public void add(int index, String element) {
    super.add(index, element);
    System.out.printf("Adding %s at %d\n", element, index);

// anonymous class implementing SomeInterface
public static SomeInterface method() {
  return new SomeInterface() {
    public theMethod() {

Anonymous classes can capture variables, specifically the members of an enclosing class and final or effectively final local variables in the enclosing scope. Declarations in the anonymous class shadow those in the enclosing scope.

Anonymous classes can’t define constructors.


Inheritance is expressed with the extends keyword. Private members in the superclass can’t be accessed by the child class. The superclass can be accessed via the super keyword.

A superclass initializer can be called with super as well, which must be the first statement in a subclass constructor. If the superclass constructor isn’t called, then the superclass must have a nullary (zero-argument) constructor, which is implicitly called.

class A {
  int a;

  public A(int a) { this.a = a; }

class B extends A {
  int b;

  public B(int a, int b) {
    this.b = b;

Whereas this is a reference to an object, super is a directive to bypass dynamic method lookup.

The abstract keyword can be used to denote that subclasses must override a method, and this property bubbles up to the class, so that a class with an abstract method must itself be declared abstract. Even if a class is abstract, it may contain concrete method implementations. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated, though they may be used to create references in order to leverage run-time polymorphism.

abstract class A {
  abstract void callme();

class B extends A {
  void callme() {

It’s possible to have a reference of a type that is an abstract class that points to a concrete subclass.

The final keyword can be used to prevent a method from being overridden in subclasses. Such methods can be inlined by the compiler because it knows that they will not be overridden and thus doesn’t need to resolve the call dynamically at run-time.

Further, the final keyword can be used to prevent inheriting from a particular class at all.

All classes are subclasses of Object, so that a reference of type Object can refer to any other class.

Overloaded constructors can call other constructors by using the this keyword as a method, but if this is done then it must be the first statement within the constructor. Calling overloaded constructors in this manner imposes a performance impact due to the call and return mechanism used when the second constructor is invoked, so this mechanism shouldn’t be used simply for the sake of cleaner code.

There are two restrictions with calling other constructors. The first is that an instance variable of the constructor’s class can’t be used in a call to another constructor (i.e. passing it as an argument). The second is that superclass constructor delegation and same-class constructor delegation can’t be used in the same constructor, since each has the requirement of being the first statement in the constructor.

Arrays are covariant, so that a reference to an array of a superclass can point to an array of a subclass. However, it may only hold elements of the subclass, otherwise ArrayStoreException is thrown at run-time.

Apple[] apples = new Apples[10];
Fruit[] fruits = apples;

// throws ArrayStoreException
fruits[0] = new Fruit();


Generics only work with reference types, so that a primitive type such as int can’t be a type argument to a type parameter, instead necessitating a boxed type such as Integer.

It’s not possible to:

  • create an instance of a type parameter, since the compiler won’t know what type to actually create
  • instantiate arrays whose element type is a type parameter
  • create arrays of a specific generic type, since after type erasure it becomes a raw type and would allow any type of object. However, it is possible to create arrays of references to a generic type via a wildcard
  • create generic exception classes
class T<A> {
  A obj;

  T() {
    obj = new A(); // error
    A vals[] = new A[10]; // error
    T<Integer> vals[] = new T<Integer>[10]; // error
    T<?> vals[] = new T<?>[10]; // fine

To create an array of the appropriate type, a reference to the constructor should be passed, e.g. String[]::new. Alternatively, a class object can be passed and reflection used to instantiate it.

While there can be generic static methods that define their own type parameters, it’s not possible to define static members (methods or variables) that use type parameters declared by the enclosing class. This is because after type erasure there would only be one method with that given signature or name for the class, instead of one for each variation of the type parameter(s).

Generic classes are defined in the following form.

class Name<TypeParameter> {}

Generic methods can be defined within non-generic classes. In this case, the type parameter list precedes the return type. If type inference fails in inferring the types, they may be explicitly provided before the method name.

class Generic {
  static <T, V> boolean method(T a, V b) { ... }

Generic.<Integer, Double>method(2, 3.0);

Constructors can also be generic even if their classes aren’t, in which case the type parameter list also precedes the constructor name.

class DoubleContainer {
  private double val;

  <T extends Number> DoubleContainer(T arg) {
    val = arg.doubleValue();

Interfaces can also be made generic, in which case their declaration syntax is identical to that of a generic class. In most cases, if a class implements a generic interface then the class itself must be generic in order to pass the type parameter to the interface’s type parameter list.

Type Erasure

Java doesn’t actually create different versions of parameterized classes or methods, unlike C++ template instantiations. Instead it performs type erasure so all generic type information is substituted by necessary type casts.

With type erasure, all generic type information is erased at compile-time, replacing type parameters with their bound type—Object if no explicit bound is specified. This is known as a raw type.

public class Test<T, <R extends Comparable<? super R>> {
  private T one;
  private R two;

// becomes
public class Test {
  private Object one;
  private Comparable two;

Appropriate casts are then inserted to maintain compatibility with the types specified by the type arguments, a compatibility which the compiler also enforces.

Entry<String, Integer> entry = ...;
String key = entry.getKey();

// becomes
String key = (String)entry.getKey();

It’s also possible for type erasure to lead to ambiguity errors, where two distinct declarations resolve to the same erased type. This can be fixed by placing strict type bounds or making the method names distinct.

class T<X, Y> {
  X obj1;
  Y obj2;

  // both resolve to void set(Object o)
  void set(X o) { ... }
  void set(Y o) { ... }

Bridge Methods

It’s possible for methods overridden in subclasses to mismatch the type erasure of the superclass method definition. In this case, the compiler inserts a bridge method that has the same type erasure as the superclass which then calls the method that has the type erasure specified by the override.

In the following example, getOb in T1<String> results in a return type of Object due to type erasure, so the override isn’t actually an override since the return types don’t match. For this reason, the compiler would insert a method of the same name with the same return type as T1 which itself would call the T2 “override”.

In this example the only difference between the two methods with the same name is the return type, which is not a valid overload and would normally yield a compiler error, but it’s handled automatically and correctly by the JVM.

class T1<T> {
  T ob;

  T getOb() {
    return ob;

  void addOb(T o) {
    // do something

class T2 extends T1<String> {
  // override differs in return type
  String getOb() {
    System.out.println("called String override");
    return ob;

  // generated bridge method calls the version of
  // getOb that returns a String. this can only
  // be done by the JVM
  Object getOb() {
    // hypothetical name

  // override differs in parameter type
  void addOb(String s) {
    // do something

  // generated bridge method calls appropriate
  // method and casts parameter
  void addOb(Object o) {

Bridge methods are also used for covariant return types, such as the clone method. When a class implements Cloneable and defines clone, it results in two clone methods in that class. A bridge method of Object clone is generated which calls the specific implementation.

Bridge methods can end up clashing. For example, if Employee implements Comparable<Employee> and Manager extends Employee and implements Comparable<Manager>, then after compareTo there will be two compareTo methods that take an Object.

Raw Types

In order to preserve backwards compatibility, Java allows a generic class to be used without any type arguments, in which case it’s referred to as a raw type. Type casts, which would normally be substituted automatically during type erasure, must be explicitly included to type check. However, if the type cast fails at run-time, it yields a run-time error.

Due to the danger imposed by raw types, the Java compiler displays unchecked warnings when raw types are used in ways that may break type safety.

class Type<T> {
  T ob;

Type raw = new Gen(new Double(3.0));
double d = (Double)raw.ob;
int i = (Integer)raw.ob; // run-time error

Due to type erasure, all generics are raw types at run-time. This means it’s not possible to check if an object is an instanceof a generic class, and emits a compile-time error:

if (a instanceof ArrayList<String>)

The getClass method always returns a raw type, so that ArrayList<String> results in ArrayList.class. There is no ArrayList<String>.class, and that is a syntax error. More generally, there is no T.class, T[].class, or ArrayList<T>.class.

Casting a variable to a generic type is legal, but only checks that the originating type is the raw type of the generic, and doesn’t actually check the type parameters. As a result, this emits a warning.

Object result = whatever;
// only checks that `result` is an ArrayList,
// but it can be an ArrayList<Whatever> instead of ArrayList<String>
ArrayList<String> list = (ArrayList<String>)result;

The warning can be suppressed using the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation, but this can lead to heap pollution, where objects belong to the wrong generic type instantiation, e.g. assigning an ArrayList<Employee> to an ArrayList<String>.

This is where checked views on collections would be beneficial. Checked views monitor all insertions to ensure that they are of the same type and throw an exception if not.

Bounded Types

Bounded types allow the specification of an upper or lower bound on the expected type. An upper bound specifies the superclass from which the type argument must derive and is accomplished using the extends keyword. It’s possible to use an interface as a bound, in which case the passed type must implement the given interface. A combination of type and interface(s) may be provided separated by ampersands &, but the type must come first.

// upper bound: type argument must be or extend SuperClass
<T extends SuperClass>

// type argument must be or extend SuperClass
//   and extend Interface1 and Interface2
<T extends SuperClass & Interface1 & Interface2>


Generics are invariant, so that if S is a subtype of T, there is no relationship between C<S> and C<T>.

It’s possible to specify a wildcard type parameter with the question mark ?, which represents an unknown type. This is also known as use-site variance. This would match any generic type regardless of its type argument, so that Test<A> and Test<B> would match Test<?>.

// this can take in a Stats<Integer> and Stats<Double>
boolean sameAvg(Stats<?> obj) {
  return average() == obj.average();

For example, the instanceof operator can be used on generic classes, but since generic type information is not available at run-time, a wildcard must be used to check.

Type<Integer> t = new Type<Integer>(3);

assert t instanceof Type<?>;

It’s not possible to use ? as a type to define a variable to hold a value of the actual type, but such a value can be passed to a generic helper method. Since the ? stands for some type, that type is used for the generic method.

public static void swap(ArrayList<?> elements, int i, int j) {
  swapHelper(elements, i, j);

private static <T> void swapHelper(ArrayList<T> elements, int i, int j) {
  T temp = elements.get(i);
  elements.set(i, elements.get(j));
  elements.set(j, temp);

Wildcards can also be bounded with an upper or lower bound with the extends and super keywords respectively. In both cases, the provided bound type is eligible for satisfying the bound. Note that it’s also possible for the bound itself to be a type parameter.

// upper bound
<? extends SuperClass>

// lower bound: type must be superclass of SubClass
//   or SubClass itself
<? super SubClass>

// bound is a type parameter
<? extends T>

Upper Bounds

Upper bounds are useful for expressing covariance relationships, such as for performing read-only operations on generics of the “same” type parameter.

Unlike arrays which are covariant, generics are invariant. With arrays, it would be possible to pass a Manager[] to an Employee[] parameter because Manager is a subclass of Employee and arrays are covariant. The same isn’t possible with an ArrayList<Manager> and an ArrayList<Employee> parameter, since it would then be possible to add a regular Employee to the list of Managers. This issue is present and possible in arrays, since they are covariant.

However, if the ArrayList is only being read then it’s possible to leverage use-site variance using a wildcard to specify that an ArrayList of any subclass of Employee is permitted. The compiler enforces that the ArrayList can only be read and not written, to avoid corrupting it as mentioned earlier.

This naturally follows from the fact that it’s possible to treat a ? extends Employee as an Employee, since it is a subclass of Employee or Employee itself, by definition. However, it’s not possible to go from an arbitrary object to ? extends Employee

// now it's possible to pass an ArrayList<Manager>
public void printStaff(ArrayList<? extends Employee> staff) {
  // OK
  // Employee e = staff.get(0)

  // NOT OK
  // ? could be any subclass of Employee, e.g. Janitor
  // in which case it's not possible to add a Manager
  // to an ArrayList<Janitor>
  // staff.add(new Manager())

Lower Bounds

Lower bounds are useful for expressing contravariance relationships, which are commonly required by functions. For example, a method that accepts a Predicate on type T should generally also allow a Predicate on a type that is more general (i.e. a superclass of) than T, such as Object—that is, if Predicate<Manager> is allowed, then the more general Predicate<Employee> should be allowed too.

public void printSatisfying(Employee[] staff, Predicate<? super Employee> filter) {
  // ...

Generally, generic functional interfaces should use lower bounds. The mnemonic PECS refers to: producer extends, consumer super. In the first example, the ArrayList is a “producer of values” (as values are being read from it) and so an upper bound of extends is used, whereas the Predicate is a “consumer of values” and so a lower bound of super is used.

The Collections.sort method leverages both an upper bound and a lower bound. The sort method wants to be generic over the type contained in the list and it also wants to be able to compare individual elements in the list. This is expressed by saying that the T should be a subclass of Comparable<T>.

However, it should be possible to leverage more general Comparable implementations. For example, if Employee implements Comparable<Employee> but Manager doesn’t implement Comparable<Manager>, the bound T extends Comparable<T> wouldn’t work for Manager since it’s not a subtype of Comparable<Manager>.

The Comparable<Employee> implementation can be admitted by specifying Comparable<? super T>, since Manager is a subtype of Employee, which is a subtype of Comparable<Employee>.

public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list)

Generics and Inheritance

Generic classes may inherit from generic and non-generic classes. It’s also possible to inherit from a specific generic type (e.g. T<String>).

It’s possible to cast an instance of a generic class into another if the type arguments are the same and the classes are compatible (related).

Diamond Operator

The diamond operator <> can be used to instantiate a generic class and infer the type arguments from the types passed to the constructor.

Type<Integer, String> ob = new Type<>(3, "string");


Packages serve as containers for classes and serve a similar purpose to namespaces in C++, in particular they help avoid name collisions.

Packages are created by specifying a package declaration at the beginning of a source file, which has the effect of putting all classes declared within that file to belong to the package.

package mypackage;

Multiple source files may contain the same package declaration, allowing packages to be spread across many source files. Packages map to directories on the file system.

The default access specification is that, if a class member doesn’t have an explicit access specification, it is visible to subclasses and other classes in the same package. Specifying a member as protected makes it accessible outside of the package but only to subclasses of the class to which they are a member.

The following table specifies whether a class member with a particular access modifier is accessible by other package components.

Class Member Accessible By Public Protected No Modifier Private
Same Class Yes Yes Yes Yes
Same Package SubClass Yes Yes Yes No
Same Package Non-SubClass Yes Yes Yes No
Different Package SubClass Yes Yes No No
Different Package Non-SubClass Yes No No No

Packages can be imported using the import keyword in order to avoid having to fully qualify package contents. The import statement may import either a classname or the * to import all classes.

import java.util.Date;

Wildcard import collisions may be resolved by explicitly importing the winner.

If the import keyword is followed by the static keyword then only static members are imported, avoiding the need to fully qualify them. A wildcard is also possible with static imports. This is also useful for enumeration constants.

import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.Math.pow;

// or
import static java.lang.Math.*;


Classes must implement the complete set of methods specified in an interface in order to fully implement that interface. Interfaces must be declared as either public or use the default access level, while nested interfaces may be declared as public, private, or protected.

interface Callback {
  void callback(int param);

Classes specify that they implement a particular interface by using the implements keyword followed by a list of interfaces that it implements. Methods that implement an interface must be declared public.

class Client implements Callback {
  public void callback(int p) {
    System.out.println("callback called with " + p);

As with subclasses, it’s possible to create references of interface types that point to objects that implement the interface, such that method calls resolve to those implemented by the object.

Callback c = new Client();
// callback called with 42

If a class doesn’t fully implement the methods required by the interface it claims to implement, then that class must be declared as abstract.

abstract class Incomplete implements Callback {
  int a, b;

Variables may also be declared within interface declarations, but they are implicitly final and static such that they cannot be changed by the implementing class.

Interfaces may inherit from each other, such that the derived interface requires all methods in its parent interfaces to be implemented as well as its own.

interface A {
  void method();

interface B extends A {
  void method2();

class SomeClass implements B {
  public void method() { /* ... */ }
  public void method2() { /* ... */ }

JDK 8 makes it possible to provide default implementations of methods. Such implementations are referred to as default methods or extension methods. Default methods are specified by prefixing the method implementation with the default keyword.

public interface SomeInterface {
  int getNumber();

  default String getString() {
    return "default";

Class implementations take priority over interface default implementations. As a result, interfaces may not contain default methods that redefine an Object method—such as toString, equals, or hashCode—since such methods would never win over the Object methods since those are defined in a class.

If a class implements two interfaces with the same default method, the method must be overridden to disambiguate the call.

If an interface inherits from another and both define a common default method, the sub-interface’s version takes precedence. However, the sub-interface can refer to the super-interface’s default implementation by using the super keyword, as in Interface.super.method().

JDK 8 also added the ability to define static methods in interfaces which can only be called off of the interface name, since static interface methods aren’t inherited by an implementing class or a subinterface.

interface SomeInterface {
  static int getDefaultNumber() {
    return 0;

int defNum = SomeInterface.getDefaultNumber();

Prior to static interface methods, static methods that would otherwise have gone in the interface were implemented in a pluralized class, e.g. the Collection interface and the Collections class.


The try block is used to enclose code that may potentially throw an exception. These can be nested so that an exception thrown within an inner one bubbles outwards until it is caught.

The catch statement essentially works like a pattern matching in functional languages, where the match succeeds if the actual exception type is a subclass of or is the type specified within the parentheses. This is the manner in which the type of error is determined, in order to appropriately handle it.

try {}

catch (ExceptionType e) {}

finally {}

Exception types are subclasses of the built-in class Throwable. Under Throwable there are two subclasses: Exception which is for exceptional conditions that programs should catch, and Error which is for exceptions that aren’t expected to be caught under normal circumstances. In particular, exceptions of type Error are used for errors pertaining to the Java run-time environment and are usually created in response to serious failures that usually can’t be handled by the program.

Two categories of exceptions derive from Exception: unchecked exceptions, which derive from RuntimeException, and checked exceptions, which are all other exceptions. The name RuntimeException is a bit of a misnomer since all exceptions occur at run-time, but it actually refers to the fact that the handling of such exceptions isn’t enforced at compile-time. The compiler enforces that checked exceptions are caught or that methods that may throw them advertise as much.

Unchecked exceptions are generally used for when it’s possible to prevent them from being thrown. For example, Integer.parseInt throws an unchecked exception because it’s possible to ensure that the string is an integer before it’s passed to parseInt. On the other hand, Class.forName throws a checked exception because it’s not possible to know if a class name is valid until the attempt is made to load it. Dereferencing a null pointer also throws a RuntimeException for the same reason, since it’s possible to ensure that a pointer isn’t null before attempting to dereference it.

The throw statement is used to throw instances of exception types, particularly of type Throwable or a subclass of it. Execution immediately stops after the throw statement and jumps to wherever the exception is caught, bubbling out of enclosing try blocks until a handler is found or the run-time catches it.

try {
  throw new NullPointerException("demo");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
  System.out.println("caught " + e);

The printStackTrace method can be used to print the stack trace of the exception.

Chained exceptions allow associating one exception with another. This is facilitated by two constructors on Throwable, one which takes the other exception instance and another that takes a message as well as the instance. The getCause method can then yield the exception instance that was the cause of the current exception. The initCause method allows associating another exception with the current exception after it has been created.

If a method is capable of throwing a checked exception that it doesn’t handle, it must be marked with the throws keyword to inform callers that they should put it within a try block. The throws keyword is placed after the parameter list and includes a list of exception types that may be thrown. Failing to do this prevents the program from compiling.

class Throws {
  static void throwOne() throws IllegalAccessException {
    throw new IllegalAccessException("demo");

try {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
  // ...

A subclass method cannot throw more checked exceptions than those declared by the superclass method that is being overridden. By extension, if the superclass method throws no checked exceptions (has no throws clause) then the overriding method can’t throw a checked exception. By further extension, this means that a lambda expression may not throw a checked exception that the functional interface method doesn’t declare in its throws list, so it must be handled within the lambda.

One way to work around the restriction that an overriding method cannot throw checked exceptions aside from the ones mentioned by the superclass method is to chain (i.e. wrap) the checked exception to an unchecked exception.

The finally block is used to define code that must be run regardless of whether or not an exception was thrown, even in the event that an exception is thrown but not handled.

It’s possible to rethrow an exception within a catch handler, which can be useful for doing some partial handling of the exception, or logging, before allowing the exception to bubble up to a more appropriate handler.

Multi-catch allows two or more exceptions to be caught by the same catch clause. This is useful if two ore more exception handlers use the same exact code despite responding to different exceptions. To facilitate this, the exception types are separated by | and the exception parameter is implicitly final.

catch (ArithmeticException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}

The final rethrow or more precise rethrow feature refers to the restriction of the type of exceptions that can be rethrown to only the checked exceptions that the associated try block throws which aren’t handled by a preceding catch clause and are a subtype or supertype of the parameter. For this restriction to be enforced, the catch parameter must be treated as or be explicitly declared as final.

When working with resources in pre-JDK 7 environments, it’s necessary to leverage exception handling to make sure that resources don’t leak if exceptions are thrown.

try {
  FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("test");
  // ...
} catch (Exception e) {
  // ...
} finally {
  // dispose of the resource if it was created
  try {
    if (fin != null) fin.close();
  catch (IOException e) { /* error closing file */ }

Note that it’s important to check that the stream isn’t null before attempting to invoke the close method—in case the exception was thrown before the object was instantiated—in order to avoid a null pointer exception.

JDK 7 introduced try-with-resources which allows initializing a resource within a try statement that should be automatically closed if the body ends, whether it threw or not. This can only be used on those resources that implement the AutoCloseable interface which defines a close method. This allows catch clauses to be used for more meaningful reasons.

Multiple resources can be defined within the same try statement by separating their declarations with semicolons. Resources are closed in reverse order of initialization.

Something to note is that the resource declared in the try statement is implicitly final, so that the resource can’t be assigned to after it has been created.

try (FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("test")) {
  // work with fin
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  // handle meaningful exception

Normally when an exception occurs after another exception leads to the finally block, the original exception is lost in favor of the new exception. With try-with-resources, the new exception is supressed and can be accessed using the getSuppressed method of the original exception.

If a try block contains a return statement and a finally block contains one too, the one in the finally block replaces the return value that was set by the try block.

It’s possible to define a default uncaught exception handler for the current thread with the setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler method.

Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, ex) -> {

The Objects.requireNonNull method checks if its parameter is null and if so throws a NullPointerException, leaving a trace of requireNonNull in the stack trace for better diagnostics. If the parameter is not null, it returns the parameter as-is. It’s also possible to pass a message for the exception 4.

Person person = Objects.requireNonNull(employee, "employee must not be null");


The assert keyword takes a condition which is optionally followed by a colon and an expression that is converted to a string and displayed if the assertion fails. If the expression is Throwable, it is set as the cause of the assertion error.

assert divisor != 0: "attempted to divide by zero";

Assertions aren’t run by default due to the performance impact, but can be enabled by supplying the -ea option to the java interpreter, or disabled with the -da option. Assertions can be enabled or disabled at the package level by specifying the package and following it by three periods. The program doesn’t have to be recompiled to make this change. When assertions are disabled, the class loader strips out assertion code to avoid a performance hit.

The following enables all assertions:

$ java -ea Program

The following only enables assertions from the Core package.

$ java -ea:Core... Program


The Runnable interface represents a unit of executable code and consists of a run method. The Runnable object’s run method can be executed in a separate thread by instantiating a Thread and passing it a reference to the Runnable. This can be accomplished by using a particular Thread constructor which takes the reference, then calling the Thread’s start method.

It’s also possible extend the Thread class and override its run method to more directly specify code that should be run in a separate thread.

A daemon thread can be created by calling setDaemon(true) before starting the thread. If only daemon threads remain in the application, the virtual machine exits.

The join method from Thread can be used to join one thread to another, i.e. wait for another thread to finish.

The functionality for suspending, resuming, and stopping threads must be implemented manually, usually in the form of a loop that checks a flag which represents the user’s request. A suspend method can’t be provided by the standard library because it could end up suspending a thread before it relinquishes its locks, leading to deadlocks. A stop method can’t be provided either because it could leave data in an inconsistent state if it’s stopped abruptly.

Normally in multithreaded programs when two or more threads share the same variable they store thread-local copies and update the “master copy” at certain points in execution, such as when synchronized methods are entered. Specifying the variable as volatile tells the compiler that it must always use the master copy of the variable, or to always keep the local copies synchronized with the master copy.

Note that typically UI libraries are not thread safe, and instead provide some way to schedule operations to be performed on the UI thread in order to avoid race conditions and corruption.

The ThreadGroup class can be used to create a group of threads, which is useful when wanting to manage a group of threads as a single unit. Threads are added to the thread group by providing a reference to it as an argument in the Thread constructor. Operations can be performed on each of the threads in a group by enumerating them using the enumerate method on ThreadGroup.


In Java, enumerations define class types that implicitly inherit from the Enum class, meaning that they may define constructors, methods, and instance variables. Despite this, they may not explicitly inherit or be inherited from. The Enum class is defined as:

class Enum<E extends Enum<E>>

Enumeration constants are implicitly static and final. Each enumeration constant is an object of its enumeration type, and each enumeration constant has its own copy of instance variables.

When defining a constructor, it may be called once for each enumeration constant that is specified by providing the parameters in parentheses after each constant.

enum Colors {
  Red(3), Green(2), Blue(1);

  private int number;

  Colors(int n) { number = n; }
  int getNumber() { return number; }

An enumeration constant’s position, or ordinal value, can be retrieved by calling the ordinal method, and it can be compared against another enumeration constant’s ordinal using the compareTo method. The equals method can be used to test if two enumeration constants are the same. Since enumeration constants are objects of their enumeration type, they can also be compared using the reference equality operator ==.

It’s also possible to create anonymous subclasses of an enumeration, which makes it possible override methods for individual enum instances.

public enum Operation {
  ADD {
    public int eval(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
    public int eval(int a, int b) { return a - b; }

  public abstract int eval(int a, int b);

It’s possible to define static members for enumerations, but note that enumerated constants are constructed before static members, preventing a constructor from referring to a static member.

public enum Colors {
  Red(), Green(), Blue();
  private static int maskBit = 1;

  private int mask;

  public Colors() {
    this.mask = maskBit;
    maskBit *= 2;

This can be resolved by using a static initializer:

public enum Colors {
  Red(), Green(), Blue();
  private static int maskBit = 1;

  private int mask;

  static {
    for (Colors c : Colors.values()) {
      c.mask = maskBit;
      maskBit *= 2;

If an enumeration is nested within a class, it is implicitly a static nested class.

It’s possible to import names from an enumeration to access them at the top-level, or all of them in one go using wildcards, with static imports.

import static;


Annotations provide metadata about code that can be used by development tools. Annotations are created through a special kind of interface that consists solely of method declarations for which Java provides implementations. All annotations implicitly extend the Annotation interface, so that Annotation is a super-interface of all annotations.

@interface Annot {
  String str();
  int val();

@Annot(str = "Example", val = 100)
public static void method() {}

Annotations could be used on declarations of any type, including classes, methods, fields, parameters, enumeration constants, and even other annotations. Annotations are applied by giving values to the annotation members.

@Entity public class User { ... }

@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<User> users = ...;

public User getUser(@Param("id") String userId)

public class Cache<@Immutable V> { ... }


import org.annotations.GPL;

Annotations members can be given default values by following the member line with the default keyword and the value to give it, such as:

int val() default 3;

Annotation retention policies refer to how long the annotation is retained. Regardless of the policy, annotations on local variable declarations are not retained in .class files.

Policy Lifetime
SOURCE source code
CLASS .class files
RUNTIME .class files; available at runtime

Annotation retention policies are specified using the @Retention annotation.

@interface Annot {
  String str();
  int val();

Annotations with RUNTIME retention policies can be obtained at run-time via reflection. First, a Class object must be obtained that represents the class whose annotations we want to obtain, which is usually done with getClass or the class member. Next, it’s necessary to obtain an object that represents the item for which we want to obtain annotations, e.g. getMethod. Once one of these objects is obtained, the actual annotation may be obtained with getAnnotation which can then be queried for the values of its members.

@interface MyAnno {
  String str();
  int val();

class Meta {
  @MyAnno(str = "test", val = 3)
  public static void myMethod(String str, int i) {
    Class<?> c = Meta.class;
    // or str.getClass()
    // or Class.forName("String")
    Method m = c.getMethod("myMethod", String.class, int.class);
    MyAnno anno = m.getAnnotation(MyAnno.class);

    System.out.println("str: " + anno.str() + ", val: " + anno.val());

Alternatively, the getAnnotations method on a given item, such as Method, yields all annotations associated with the item with a RUNTIME retention. This method is defined by the AnnotatedElement interface, which defines many other annotation introspection methods.

Marker annotations don’t have any members, so that their only purpose is to mark the items to which they’re applied, which can then be checked using the method isAnnotationPresent. Parentheses are optional with marker annotations.

Single-member annotations are those that only contain one member. These annotations can leverage a short-hand syntax if the member’s name is value, in which case the value of the single member is the only thing within the parentheses.

It’s also possible to use this short-hand if there are other members but they have default values.

@interface MySingle {
  int value();

class Single {}

There are a variety of built-in annotations but some are used more than others.

The @Target annotation specifies the types of items to which the annotation may be applied by supplying possible targets as defined by the ElementType enumeration. If more than one target is specified, it must be specified in a comma-separated manner within braces, as in array initialization syntax.

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
@interface Whatever {}
Constant Applicable To
ANNOTATION_TYPE another annotation
CONSTRUCTOR constructor
FIELD field
LOCAL_VARIABLE local variable
METHOD method
PACKAGE package
PARAMETER parameter
TYPE class, interface, enumeration
TYPE_PARAMETER type parameter (JDK 8)
TYPE_USE type use (JDK 8)

The @Inherited annotation can only be applied to annotations being applied to class declarations, causing the annotation of a superclass to be inherited by a subclass. That is, if a subclass is searched for a given annotation and it’s not found, its superclass is searched.

The @Override annotation can only be used on methods in order to declare that the method to which it’s applied must be overriding a method from a superclass, yielding a compile-time error if this isn’t the case.

The @Deprecated annotation is used to mark a declaration obsolete.

The @FunctionalInterface is a marker annotation added by JDK 8 that indicates that the annotated interface is a functional interface. This makes the compiler emit compile-time errors if the interface doesn’t have a single abstract method and also emits javadoc documentation noting that it’s a functional interface.

Beginning with JDK 8, annotations can also be placed in most cases in which a type is used—such as return types, the type of this, a type cast, and so on—in which case they’re referred to as type annotations. These annotations are mainly used for external tools to enforce stricter checks than the Java compiler may perform.

To annotate the type of this, known as the receiver, JDK 8 allows explicitly declaring this as the first parameter of a method in which case it should take on the type of the class the method belongs to.

int myMethod(@TypeAnno SomeClass this, int i, int j) {}

When annotating return types, it’s not possible to annotate a return type of void.

JDK 8 added support for so called repeating annotations which are annotations that can be repeated on the same element. The annotation that is intended to be repeatable must be annotated with the @Repeatable annotation which specifies the annotation’s container type, that is, another annotation for which its value field is an array of the repeatable annotation type.

These repeated annotations can then be retrieved using getAnnotation to retrieve the container type.

Alternatively, it’s more straightforward to use the getAnnotationsByType method.

@interface MyAnno {
  String str() default "test";
  int val() default 3;

@interface RepeatedAnnos {
  MyAnno[] value();

@MyAnno(str = "first", val = 1)
@MyAnno(str = "second", val = 2)
class Annotated {
  Annotation container = Annotated.class.getAnnotation(RepeatedAnnos.class);
  MyAnno[] annos = container.value();

  // or
  MyAnno[] annos = Annotated.class.getAnnotationsByType(MyAnno.class);

  for (Annotation a : annos)


A functional interface is an interface that contains only one abstract method. This means that the interface can contain other methods so long as they have default implementations. The functional interface’s method specifies the target type, and lambda expressions can only be specified in a context in which a target type is defined.

When a lambda expression does occur in a target type context, an instance of a class is automatically created that implements the functional interface. The parameters and return type of the lambda expression must match those of the abstract method’s, and any exceptions thrown by the lambda must be acceptable to the method.

interface Test {
  double getValue();

class Demo {
  Test t = () -> 2.0;
  System.out.println("value: " + t.getValue());

If a lambda expression has only one parameter, it’s not necesary to surround the parameters with parentheses. If it’s necessary to explicitly declare the type of a parameter, all of them must be specified—all or nothing. If multiple statements are required within a lambda, they simply need to be surrounded with braces as with a method body and a return statement must be given.

More specifically, lambda expressions have the same scope as a nested block. It’s an error to declare a parameter or local variable in the lambda that has the same name as a local variable in the enclosing scope.

Lambdas may only use local variables from their enclosing scope if they’re effectively final, that is, their value doesn’t change after they’re first assigned. As a result, lambdas can’t modify local variables from their enclosing scope. However, it may use and modify instance variables from its invoking class.

Method references can refer to methods without executing them. Static method references can be obtained using the :: separator introduced in JDK 8. A method reference can then be used anywhere in which it is compatible with the target type. It’s also possible to use a constructor reference, including the one for an array.



// useful for creating an array of the correct type
Person[] people = stream.toArray(Person[]::new);

It’s also possible to obtain references to instance methods of a specific object with the same syntax. Similarly, it’s possible to create a method reference to a superclass method, in which case the target becomes this and the superclass method is invoked.



It’s also possible to obtain a reference to an instance method that can be used on any object. In this case, the first parameter of the functional interface should be of the type of the invoking object and the second should be the parameter(s) specified by the method.

interface Func {
  boolean func(ClassName a, int b);


If the class is generic, then the type parameter is specified after the :: separator.

ClassName::<Type, OtherType>instanceMethod;

It’s also possible to reference constructors. If the class is generic, then the type parameters are provided as mentioned above. Constructor references for arrays can also be created. A functional interface for a constructor references to arrays should contain a method that takes an integer parameter to refer to an array constructor.


ClassName[]::new; // arrays

A superclass version of a method may be referred to with the super keyword.


JDK 8 contains predefined functional interfaces in java.util.function.

Lambdas can be used to define higher-order functions by returning a lambda expression that captures method parameters:

public static Comparator<String> compareInDirection(int direction) {
  return (x, y) -> direction * x.compareTo(y);

Arrays.sort(items, compareInDirection(-1));


String objects are automatically created from string literals, which means that string literals may be used as if they were String objects themselves. When working with regions, the end index is one-past the last affected index, as with C++ iterators.

Java automatically converts data to strings using the String’s static method valueOf, which is overloaded for all primitive types and Object. For other objects, valueOf calls the object’s toString method.

The equals and equalsIgnoreCase methods can be used to determine if a string is equal to another. The regionMatches method can be used to determine if separate regions of two different strings match. The startsWith and endsWith methods can be used to determine if a string ends or begins with another string. The Comparable interface’s compareTo and compareToIgnoreCase methods can be used to get a less, equal, or greater than result with respect to another string.

The indexOf and lastIndexOf methods can be used to obtain the index where the first occurrence of a character or string begins. There are overloads which take a starting point as well, which can simplify getting all the positions of all of the occurrences.

Strings are immutable, so operations that appear to modify them simply return new copies of the resulting strings. The substring method can be used to extract a copy of a region of a string given a starting index and optionally en ending index. The replace method can replace all occurrences of a character with another. An overload exists which replaces character sequences. The replaceAll method can replace any substring that matches the given regex with the specified string.

JDK 8 adds a static join method that can join a number of strings with a given string. Conversely, the split method can split a string based on a regex string.

The toLowerCase and toUpperCase methods can be used to convert an entire string to upper or lower case characters.


The StringBuffer class represents a growable, thread-safe mutable string. JDK 5 added StringBuilder which is similar but not thread-safe, making it inadvertently faster.

Constructors exist for creating one with a given capacity size or to build one from an existing string plus an additional 16 characters in capacity. The default constructor only reserves 16 characters for its capacity.

It’s possible to ensure a certain capacity is available with the ensureCapacity method which is given the minimum size that the buffer should have. The setLength method can be used to either extend the string by adding null characters or to truncate the string.

StringBuffer provides a setCharAt method that can modify a character at the provided position. The append method can concatenate strings to the buffer while returning the updated buffer, allowing calls to this method to be chained. The insert method can insert a given string at the specified index. The reverse method can reverse the string. The delete and deleteCharAt methods can remove a region of the string or a single character respectively. The replace method can replace a region of the string with another string, even if it differs in length.



The abstract class Process represents an executing program and is derived by objects created by exec in Runtime or start in ProcessBuilder.

The Runtime class represents the Java Virtual Machine’s run-time environment. A reference to the current run-time’s Runtime instance can be retrieved using Runtime.getRuntime. Runtime defines methods such as exec for executing processes, in which case it returns an object of type Process that describes the process.

Runtime provides methods such as gc to manually initiate garbage collection, or runFinalization to initiate the finalize methods of unused but not yet garbage collected objects.

There is also exit for halting execution of the program.


The Process class can be used to control a running process. The destroy method can be used to kill the process. The waitFor method waits until the process finishes, whereas exitValue does the same but yields the process’ exit value. Access to the input and output streams are available via the getOutputStream and getInputStream methods.

The ProcessBuilder class provides even more control over a process, allowing for example to set the working directory. The constructors accept either a variable argument list of strings or a List<String>. The start method is used to actually start execution of the process.

There is also a static class ProcessBuilder.Redirect which has methods to, from, and appendTo which can be used to redirect the input or output streams to or from a given file. The type method returns a value of the enumeration type ProcessBuilder.Redirect.Type describing the type of redirection, which can be APPEND, INHERIT, PIPE, and WRITE.


The System class provides a variety of static methods and variables, such as the input, output, and error streams in System.{in,out,err}.

There is also—for some reason—a method for copying arrays, arrayCopy, which takes a reference to the array, its starting index, the same for the other array, and a size.


The Object class defines a method clone which generates a duplicate copy of the object, but only if the class implements the Cloneable interface. The Cloneable interface defines no members and is instead used to signal to the system that it is safe to create a bitwise copy of a particular type of object.

The default implementation of clone simply makes a shallow copy, which copies all instance variables, which can lead to unintended shared state.

Since it may sometimes be dangerous to perform bitwise copies of certain classes, it may be useful to override clone, but this is rare.

Overriding the equals method usually necessitates overriding the hashCode method, such that it must be the case that if x.equals(y) then x.hashCode() == y.hashCode(). Failure to do this will cause problems with hash-based data structures such as HashMaps.

A simple way to define hashCode is to combine the hashes of constituent variables using Objects.hash which takes a variable-argument list of objects. Hash codes of arrays should be pre-computed using Arrays.hashCode and passed to Objects.hash:

public int hashCode() {
  return Objects.hash(first, second, Arrays.hashCode(someArray));

A common optimization in an equals method is to first check if they are the same reference. Also, equals should return false when the parameter is null. Since the parameter is an Object, it’s typically a good idea to also ensure that it’s the same or similar class, perhaps by using the getClass method. If it is, then cast the parameter to the same class and perform.

Generally equals methods should perform a variety of checks:

  1. check if same reference
  2. check if super.equals
  3. return false if parameter is null
  4. check if same type with getClass or instanceof
  5. cast to appropriate type
  6. compare:
    • primitives: ==
    • arrays: Arrays.equals
    • doubles: Double.equals
    • objects: Objects.equals

It’s preferable that equals implementations are symmetrical so that x.equals(y) is the same as y.equals(x). For this reason, comparing subclasses to a superclass wouldn’t work since subclass.equals(x) would attempt to check non-existent data or methods on the superclass.


The Class class represents the run-time state of a class or interface, and objects of this type are created automatically when classes are loaded. A reference to an object’s Class instance can be retrieved using the getClass method defined on Object. A Class instance can also be retrieved using forName static method. The Class object provides a variety of Run-time Type Information methods such as getName, getSuperClass, and so on. The getCanonicalName method provides the “real” name instead of for example the cryptic array type names.

This class is a good real-world example of the use of wildcards as well as lower and upper bounds.

Class<?> forName(String name)
Class<? super T> getSuperClass()
<A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<A> annoType)

It’s possible to instantiate an object of the Class by using the newInstance method which forwards its arguments to the constructor.

Class Loaders

Class loaders are responsible for transforming bytes into classes or interfaces in the virtual machine.

The bootstrap class loader is part of the virtual machine and loads Java library classes. The extension class loader loads standard extensions. The system class loader loads application classes.

Loader Name Loads
bootstrap Java library classes (VM built-in)
extension standard extensions
system application classes

Arbitrary classes can be loaded explicitly using a URLClassLoader instance:

URL[] urls = {
  new URL("file://some/directory/"),
  new URL("file://some/jarfile.jar"),

String className = "";

try (URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls)) {
  // second parameter ensures that static initialization happens after loading
  Class<?> klass = Class.forName(className, true, loader);
  // can now construct instance of klass

Class Loader Inversion

A phenomenon class loader inversion occurs when classes loaded by separate class loaders invoke methods on each other that themselves load classes, thereby becoming detached from the context of their own class loader.

public class A {
  public Object createInstance(String className) {
    Class<?> = Class.forName(className);
    // ...
  1. system class loader: load class A with method loadIt that loads a class
  2. custom class loader: load class B, call method A.loadIt

The call to A.loadIt in step 2 doesn’t use the custom class loader that was used to load B, instead it uses the system class loader.

One work around is to pass a reference to the class loader to use for loading.

public class A {
  public Object createInstance(String className, ClassLoader loader) {
    Class<?> = Class.forName(className, true, loader);
    // ...

Another workaround is to use a context class loader, which is a class loader associated with a thread. By default all threads use the system class loader as the context class loader, and new threads’ context class loaders are set to the creating thread’s context class loader.

public class A {
  public Object createInstance(String className, ClassLoader loader) {
    Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
    ClassLoader contextClassLoader = t.getContextClassLoader();
    Class<?> = Class.forName(className, true, contextClassLoader);
    // ...

It’s possible to set the context class loader with the setContextClassLoader method on Thread:



The Package class provides information associated with a package.


The Comparable interface represents objects that can be compared, and provides a single method compareTo which should return 0 if the values are equal, a negative number if the invoking object is lower, or a positive number if the invoking object is greater.


The Appendable interface signifies that a character or character sequences can be appended to an object by means of its append method.


The Iterable interface signifies that an object can be used in a for-each loop. It provides an iterator method yielding an Iterator of the object. JDK 8 also provides two default methods forEach and splititerator. The forEach method takes functional interface Consumer and applies it to each element yielded by the iterator.


The AutoCloseable interface signifies that the object can be used with the try-with-resources statement which provides automatic resource management by means of its close method.


The Java Collections Framework provides a variety of collections and interfaces for working with them.

Collection Interfaces

It’s generally a good idea to use the least restrictive interface as the parameter type when processing a collection.

Collection Purpose
Collection work with groups of objects
List extends Collection to handle sequences of objects
Queue extends Collection to handle lists with removal only from head
Deque extends Queue to handle double-ended queue
Set extends Collection to handle sets
SortedSet extends Set to handle sorted sets
NavigableSet extends SortedSet to add closest-match retrieval


The Collection<E> interface represents a generic collection of elements, and it extends the Iterable interface so that all collections are inherently compatible with for-each loops. The methods of Collection may throw a variety of exceptions:

Exception Cause
UnsupportedOperationException attempting to mutate immutable collection
ClassCastException adding incompatible object
NullPointerException storing a null when nulls aren’t allowed
IllegalStateException adding element to fixed-length, full collection

The add method adds an object to a collection, returning a boolean indicating whether the object was added or if it already existed and duplicates are not allowed. The addAll method adds all of the objects from another collection.

The remove and removeAll methods are analogous to the add methods. The remove method removes the last visited element. clear removes all elements. The JDK 8 removeIf method removes all elements that satisfy the provided predicate. The retainAll method removes all elements except those in the provided collection.

The size method provides the number of elements in the collection.

The contains method returns true is the object is present in the collection. There is also a containsAll method similar to addAll.

The equals method provides equality checking, whether it’s value or reference equality is up to the implementer. The isEmpty method checks if the collection is empty.

The toArray methods can return an array of the elements in the collection. The first overload returns an array of Object whereas the second takes an array parameter into which the elements are written if they fit, otherwise an array is returned. If they did fit and the array was larger than the amount of elements, the element after the last collection element is set to null.


The List interface extends Collection to provide behavior for a sequence of elements, which can be inserted or accessed by their zero-based index position. The methods here may throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if an invalid index is used. Overloads are provided for the add methods that take an index argument to specify where to insert the element. The overloads without the index parameter are changed in List to insert the elements at the end of the sequence.

The get method takes an index argument and retrieves the element at that index. Conversely, the set method takes an index parameter and an element with which to replace the element at that index.

The indexOf and lastIndexOf methods can be used to find an element in the sequence and retrieve its index.

A sub-list of the sequence can be obtained using the subList method and specifying beginning and end indices.

The sort method can sort a List using a provided Comparator.


The Set interface extends Collection and adds behavior that doesn’t allow duplicate elements. It doesn’t actually provide any additional methods aside from providing this behavior. The add method returns false if the element already existed within the collection.

There are no union, intersection, or difference methods but they may be emulated using other methods. Union can be performed using addAll, intersection with retainAll, and difference with removeAll.


The SortedSet interface extends Set to add the behavior of a set sorted in ascending order. It provides methods such as first and last for getting the first and last elements. A sorted subset can be obtained using subSet and specifying start and end indices, or there are the headSet and tailSet methods that obtain a subset starting with the first element or a subset that ends the set—respectively—up to a certain end index..

The NavigableSet interface extends SortedSet and provides closest match element retrieval. For example, the lower method will find the largest element that is smaller than the provided object, whereas the floor method will find the smallest element that is smaller than or equal to the provided object. There are also higher and ceil analogs to those methods.

There are also methods that behave like priority queues, such as pollFirst which returns the first element—which will be the smallest element since the set is sorted in ascending order—and removes it from the set. There is also a pollLast analog.


The Queue interface extends Collection and adds behavior for a FIFO structure. Elements can only be removed from the head of the queue via the methods poll and remove, where the first returns null if the queue is empty and remove throws an exception. The methods peek and element are analogous to poll and remove respectively, but don’t remove the element from the queue. An addition to the queue can be attempted via the offer method, which may fail if the queue is of fixed-size and is full, in which case it returns false.


The Deque interface extends Queue to add behavior for a double-ended queue so that a queue can function as a FIFO (queue) as well as a LIFO (stack) thanks to methods push and pop. The descendingIterator returns an iterator that iterates over the elements in reverse. There are also addFirst and addLast methods that are similar to offer except they throw IllegalStateException if the queue is of fixed-size and full.


The RandomAccess interface has no members and simply signifies that that the collection supports efficient random access.

Collection Classes


The ArrayList class is similar to vector in C++ in that it represents an array that will grow as required. It can be constructed either as an empty array list, from an arbitrary collection, or an empty array list with a reserved capacity. Capacity can be reserved after construction using the ensureCapacity method. The trimToSize method can be used to shrink the array to the minimum size required to store all of the elements.

The toArray method from Collection can be used to yield an array from an ArrayList:

ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Integer array[] = new Integer[arrayList.size()];

// fills array with elements if it's large enough,
// otherwise it returns a new array that is large enough
array = arrayList.toArray(array);


The LinkedList class extends AbstractSequentialList and implements List, Deque, and Queue, and provides linked-list behavior. The add method would be used to insert elements at a particular location with minimal performance cost.


The HashSet class extends AbstractSet and implements Set, and provides hash table behavior. Two of the constructors accept a capacity argument (default 16), with one of them accepting a load capacity argument (default 0.75) known as fill ratio, which determines how full the hash set can be before it is grown, and as such it must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. In other words, the hash set is grown when:

$$ \text{# of elements} \gt \text{capacity} \cdot \text{fill ratio} $$


The LinkedHashSet class extends HashSet and adds no members of its own aside from adding the behavior that it maintains a linked list of elements in order of insertion.


The TreeSet class extends AbstractSet and implements NavigableSet and represents a tree-backed ascending-order sorted set. This class is great when storing many sorted elements that must be accessed quickly. One of the constructors accepts a Comparator to use for sorting the elements. Another constructor can build the TreeSet from another SortedSet.


The PriorityQueue class extends AbstractQueue and implements Queue and provides priority queue behavior. One of the JDK 8 constructors accepts a Comparator used to order the elements, which is also possible via another non-JDK 8 constructor that takes a capacity and Comparator. A reference to the Comparator can be obtained using the comparator method, which returns null if the default ascending order is used.

Note that manually iterating over a PriorityQueue yields an undefined order, so offer and poll should be used instead.


The ArrayDeque class extends AbstractCollection and implements Deque and can be used as a growable stack.


The EnumSet class extends AbstractSet and implements Set and is used for enumerations, as enforced by its signature which forces all elements to be of the same enumeration type:

class EnumSet<E extends Enum<E>>

It provides no constructors and instead has static factory methods. The allOf method creates an EnumSet of all possible enumerations of a given type represented by a Class object. The complementOf method creates a set of all enumerations not present in the given set. More generally, the of method accepts an arbitrary amount of enumerations and constructs an EnumSet from it, providing overloads for efficiency. The range method creates a set from the given range of enumerations.


The Iterator interface encapsulates the act of iterating over a collection. It provides methods hasNext and next to both test if a value remains and to obtain that value. The remove method can be used to remove the current element from the collection being iterated over, but may throw IllegalStateException if the call was not preceded by next or if the collection is read-only. The JDK 8 method forEachRemaining takes a Consumer and applies it to each remaining element in the iterator.

The ListIterator interface extends Iterator and adds bidirectional iteration as well as modification of elements. It’s accessible from collections that implement List. The add method inserts an element before the element that will be returned by the next call to next. The set method sets the value for the current element. It also provides bidirectional equivalents to the methods in Iterator such as hasPrevious and previous.

The nextIndex and previousIndex methods return the index of the next or previous element respectively. If there is no such element, it returns the size of the list in the case of nextIndex or -1 in the case of previousIndex, i.e. one past the last element or one before the first element.

The set method can be used to replace the current element, which is the element last returned by next or previous.


JDK 8 introduces a new kind of iterator known as a spliterator, represented with the Spliterator interface. Spliterators provide support for parallel iteration, but also provide many more facilities than regular iterators making them useful in non-parallel contexts.

Iterating with a Spliterator is done using the tryAdvance which applies a Consumer to the next element, returning false if there is no element remaining. The forEachRemaining method does the same thing but for every element remaining.

The fact that tryAdvance returns false when no elements remain means that it can be used in a while loop very easily, though the same can be done using forEachRemaining:

while (spliterator.tryAdvance((e) -> System.out.println(e)));

// order
spliterator.forEachRemaining((e) -> System.out.println(e));

The spliterator can be split further using the trySplit method which yields a new spliterator that iterates over a portion of the sequence and the invoking spliterator iterates over the other portion, or it returns null if it’s not possible to split further.

Spliterators can contain characteristics which are retrieved using the characteristics method to retrieve them all or the hasCharacteristics method to test for an individual characteristic. Characteristics are defined as static integer fields on Spliterator, such as SORTED and IMMUTABLE.


Maps represents associations between keys and values. They do not implement Iterable and so the pairs cannot be iterated over.

Map Interfaces

Collection Purpose
Map maps keys to values
Map.Entry describes a key-value pair
SortedMap extends Map to put keys in ascending order
NavigableMap extends SortedMap for closest-match retrieval


The Map interface embodies behavior for key-value stores. The two fundamental methods provided are get and put which are used to retrieve and insert into the map. The remove method takes a key and removes the entry associated with it, returning it.

Though maps aren’t collections since they don’t implement Collection, they do provide collection views for their keys and values via the keySet and values methods respectively, or over the key-value pairs using the entrySet method. Each of the collection views is backed by the map, so changing or removing values through the view changes the values in the map as well.

There are some compute variant methods that facilitate the use of a map as a cache, such as computeIfAbsent, which takes a function and returns the value associated with the key, and if it doesn’t exist, computes the value using the function, stores it in the map, and then returns the computed value 5.

The containsKey and containsValue methods can be used to test the presence of a key or value respectively. The equals method can be used to check if another map contains the same entries.

The JDK 8 method forEach can be used to apply an action on each entry in the map.

The JDK 8 method merge takes a key and value and inserts it into the map if the key didn’t already exist, otherwise it computes a new value given the old value and the provided value.

The putAll method puts all the entries from another map into the invoking map.


The SortedMap interface extends Map and ensures that entries are stored in ascending order. It provides very efficient sub-map manipulations via the headMap, tailMap, and subMap methods. The first and last key can be obtained using firstKey and lastKey respectively.

The NavigableMap interface extends SortedMap and provides closest-match retrieval of key(s).


The Map.Entry interface represents a map entry, i.e. a key-value pair. It provides methods for getting the key and value via getKey and getValue respectively as well as setting the value using setValue.

Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> set = map.entrySet();

for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : set) {
  System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue());

Map Classes


The WeakHashMap class uses a WeakReference to hold the keys so that if an object is reachable only by the weak reference, the garbage collector reclaims the object and puts the weak reference into a queue associated with the WeakReference object, which in this case is shared with the WeakHashMap. On every method invocation of a WeakHashMap, it removes each entry associated with the key in the queue of weak references, if any.


The HashMap class extends AbstractMap and implements the Map interface and represents a map backed by a hash table. It provides constructors similar to HashSet’s, such as those that allow to set the capacity and load capacity (fill ratio).


The TreeMap class extends AbstractMap and implements NavigableMap. It’s like TreeSet in that it can store entries in sorted order allowing for efficient retrieval. It has similar methods to TreeSort such as one that takes a Comparator.


The LinkedHashMap class extends HashMap and is the map analog to LinkedHashSet in that it maintains a linked list of entries in the order in which they were inserted. This means that iterating over a collection view of the map yields elements in insertion order.

One of the constructors takes an order parameter after the capacity and load capacity which specifies whether the linked list should store elements in insertion order or by last access order.

It also provides a single additional method aside from those defined by HashMap and that is removeEldestEntry. This function is called internally after calling put or putAll and is used to determine whether or not to remove the oldest entry in the map. For that purpose, it returns false by default but can be overridden to provide different behavior, such as a fixed-size LRU cache:

protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, V> entry) {
    return this.size() > self.MAX_SIZE;


The EnumMap extends AbstractMap and implements Map. It specifically takes enumerations for keys.

class EnumMap<K extends Enum<K>, V>


The Comparator interface represents an arbitrary comparison between two values. Prior to JDK 8 it defined two methods compare and equals. JDK 8 adds many more methods as default and static interface methods.

The default method reverse returns a comparator that is the reverse of the invoking comparator.

The static methods naturalOrder and reverseOrder provide comparators for the natural ordering and the reverse of it respectively.

The static methods nullsFirst and nullsLast adapts an existing comparator so that it can handle null values and considers them to be first or last in the order respectively. If the comparator passed is null, then all non-null values are considered equivalent.

The default method thenComparing returns a comparator that chains a comparator in the event that the invoking comparator considers two values to be equivalent. Two additional overloads accept a function for selecting the next comparison key to compare as well as the comparator to use. There are also specialized versions for primitives such as thenComparingInt.

// sort by last name
// if they're equal, sort by first name

The static method comparing takes a function to select a comparison key and returns a comparator that compares based on that key. The second overload accepts an arbitrary comparator and adapts it accordingly. As with thenComparing, there are specialized versions of comparing for primitives, such as comparingInt.

Since Comparator only requires one method to be implemented—the rest being default or static methods—it is possible to use a lambda to instantiate a comparator.

Collection Algorithms

The Collections class provides a variety of algorithms as static methods.

The checkedCollection family of methods returns a run-time type-safe collection view which provides run-time checks to ensure that compatible objects are inserted into the collection, throwing ClassCastException if the check fails. There are checkedSet, checkedList, checkedMap, etc.

Thread-safe (synchronized) copies of collections can be obtained using the synchronized family of methods such as synchronizedList. Iteration over synchronized collections must be performed within synchronized blocks.

The unmodifiable family of methods such as unmodifiableSet provides an immutable view over a collection. Collections provides three static methods that yield immutable collections: EMPTY_SET, EMPTY_LIST, and EMPTY_MAP.

The asLifoQueue provides a LIFO (stack) view of a Deque as a Queue.

The binarySearch method takes a list and a search value and performs a binary search on the list, returning the index of the match or a negative value if none was found.

The disjoint method checks if the two collections have no elements in common.

The emptyIterator method yields an empty iterator.

The fill method takes a list and an object and replaces each element in the list with that object.

The frequency method takes a collection and an object and counts the number of occurrences in it.

The indexOfSublist method takes two lists and returns the index of the beginning of the first match or -1 if none was found. There is also lastIndexOfSubList.

The max and min methods return the maximum and minimum element in the collection based on natural order, respectively. Overloads exist that accept a custom comparator.

The replaceAll method replaces all occurrences of one value with another in a given list.

The reverse method reverses a list.

The reverseOrder method returns a comparator that is the reverse of the one that is passed, or the reverse of the natural order if none is given.

The rotate method reverse a list by a given number of places to the right, where a negative number rotates to the left.

The shuffle method shuffles the elements in a list given a Random seed, or an arbitrary seed if none is given.

The sort method sorts a list given a comparator, or uses natural order if none is given.

The swap method swaps two elements of a list at the given indices.


The asList method returns a List backed by the invoking array, so that modifying one modifies the other.

The binarySearch method performs binary search on a sorted array for a given value, returning the index if found or a negative value if not found. One overload accepts a custom comparator, while others allow specifying a sub-range.

The copyOf method returns a copy of the array up to a certain size. If the size is shorter then the copy is truncated, and if it’s larger it is padded with zeros for numeric arrays, nulls for object arrays, and false for boolean arrays. The copyOfRange method is similar except it allows specifying a sub-range to copy by providing a start and end index.

The equals method tests if two arrays are equivalent. The deepEquals array does the same for arrays that may contain other arrays.

The fill method assigns a value to all elements in the array, with an overload accepting a sub-range to fill.

The sort method sorts an array into ascending order, or one of the overloads accepts a custom comparator. Other overloads allow specifying a sub-range.

Arrays in JDK 8

JDK 8 adds a variety of new methods.

The parallelSort method which performs a sort in parallel and then merges the results, which provides similar overloads to sort.

The spliterator method returns a spliterator of an entire array, with an overload accepting a sub-range to iterate over.

The stream method yields a Stream for use with the JDK 8 Stream interface.

The setAll and parallelSetAll methods assign values to all elements based on the result of applying a provided generator function on a given element.

The parallelPrefix method performs an operation on all previous elements for each element 6. So that if the operation is addition, each element will be the sum of all elements prior to it.

The toString and hashCode methods work on arrays as well as deepToString and deepHashCode variants.

Legacy Collections

The Enumeration interface is a legacy version of Iterator and some classes still use it, such as SequenceInputStream. It defines two methods: hasMoreElements and nextElement, where the former must return true so long as there are still more elements to process and nextElement must return the next element if there is one, or throw NoSuchElementException when enumeration is complete.

The Vector class is a legacy version of ArrayList.

The Stack class is a LIFO subclass of Vector.

The Dictionary abstract class is a legacy version of Map.

The Hashtable class is a legacy version of HashMap.

The Properties class is a subclass of Hashtable and is still used for Java system related functionality, such as System.getProperties. It can retrieve values using getProperty and set properties with setProperty. It’s possible to specify a default value to return if no value is associated with a given key by giving the getProperty a second argument. Alternatively, a constructor can take another Properties object to use as default properties. The store and load methods can be used to serialize and deserialize the properties to to a stream.



The BitSet class is a set where each member is an individual bit. It’s backed by an array of longs which grows dynamically, though one of the constructors can set the initial size.

The set method can be used to set a bit at a particular index, with overloads for explicitly setting the value instead of the default of true as well as setting a range. The get method returns a boolean representing the state of a bit at a particular index, with an overload accepting a range and returning a new BitSet containing only that range.

The cardinality method returns the number of set bits. The clear method zeros all of the bits, with overloads for a specific index or range. The flip method flips an individual bit.

It provides a variety of methods such as and, andNot, or, and xor which takes another bitset and performs that operation on it with the result overwriting the invoking object.

The intersects method returns true if at least one of the same bits in the invoking BitSet and the argument are set.

The length method returns the number of bits needed to hold the invoking BitSet, based on the last set bit.

The nextClearBit and nextSetBit methods find the next clear or set bit from the provided index, returning -1 if none is found. There are also previousClearBit and previousSetBit methods.


JDK 8 introduces an Optional type that is similar to Haskell’s Maybe and Scala & Rust’s Option in that it represents the possibility of a value. Previous to JDK 8 objects would be set to null for this purpose, which would lead to null pointer exceptions if unchecked prior to their use.

The primary way of using optionals in Java is to either unwrap the value or provide a default if none is available with orElse, or pass the value to a Consumer function if it is available with ifPresent.

There are no constructors for Optional, instead there are static methods for creating Optionals such as of which takes a value that must not be null or ofNullable which takes a value that may be null in which case it returns an empty Optional.

The orElse method returns the contained value or a provided default value if the Optional is empty, like Rust’s unwrap_or. The orElseGet function is similar except it accepts a Supplier which is invoked to obtain the default value to return if the invoking Optional is empty, like Rust’s unwrap_or_else. The orElseThrow method returns the value or throws an exception generated by the provided Supplier.

The isPresent method may be used to check if the Optional is not empty. The ifPresent method accepts a Consumer function which is applied to the contained value if the Optional is not empty.

optionalValue.ifPresent(v -> results.add(v));

// or

The get method is used for unwrapping the Optional, but may throw NoSuchElementException if the Optional is empty.

The filter method applies a predicate to the contained value and returns an empty Optional if the predicate fails, or the original Optional otherwise. It’s essentially mapping a conditional identity function over the value.

The flatMap method applies a given function to the contained value if any and returns a new Optional of the result, similar to Rust’s and_then or Haskell’s bind >>=.

The map method applies a given function to the contained value to another value.

There are also specialized variants of the Optional class for primitives which are OptionalDouble, OptionalInt, and OptionalLong which have methods such as getAsDouble instead of regular get, and don’t support filter, ofNullable, map, or flatMap. These methods are more efficient than boxing a primitive to store.


The Random class is a pseudorandom number generator. A variety of different kinds of numbers can be extracted from Random via different methods such as nextBoolean, nextBytes, nextInt, and so on. The nextBytes method in particular takes an array and fills it with the randomly generated values. The nextInt method has an overload that accepts an upper bound so that numbers are generated within the range $[0, n)$.

The seed can be passed to one of the constructor overloads or reset after the fact with the setSeed method.

With the stream API the methods doubles, ints, and longs return a reference to a stream of the appropriate type.


The Observable class can be derived so that other classes can register interest in the class so that they are notified of any changes to objects of the class. To accomplish this, the derived class must call setChanged whenever the object is changed, and then it must notify observers of the change using notifyObservers, which causes the update method to be called on the observing objects. An overload of notifyObservers exists which accepts an arbitrary object which is passed as the second argument to the observing objects’ update method, otherwise null is passed.

Observers can be added using the addObserver method, whereas the deleteObserver method does the opposite, with a deleteObservers variant removing all observers.

The clearChanged method can be used to reset the status to “unchanged.”

Observer objects must implement the Observer interface which defines a method update which takes a reference to the Observerable object and an optional second object which may be passed through the notifyObservers overload.


The Formatter class provides format conversions for displaying numbers and other values as strings. By default, Formatter builds the result in a StringBuilder. The format methods can be used for actually formatting strings, with one overload taking a Locale as the first parameter. The toString method yields a String of the output. A Formatter should be closed with the close method when it’s no longer needed, so that underlying resources can be freed. The System.out.printf method is a convenient way to leverage Formatter without explicitly creating one.

There’s a convenience static method format on the String class which can leverage the Formatter class for formatting strings.


The Scanner class is the reverse of the Formatter class in that it reads formatted input, deserializing it. It can be created from a String, InputStream, File, or any Readable or ReadableByteChannel. Scanner tokenizes the input using regular expressions, providing built-in patterns for primitive types such as integers.

The Scanner is typically used to read formatted input from standard in:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

The general flow of using a scanner is to determine the next token’s type of data using the hasNext family of methods, such as hasNextInt, which is then consumed using the corresponding next family of methods, such as nextInt. This is repeated as needed, then closed when no longer needed with close.

The general hasNext method checks if there’s another token of any type left in the input. There are also overloads that accept a regular expression to match the next token with. There are corresponding versions of these functions for the next family of functions, with a no-parameter next method yielding the next token as a String. There is also nextLine for consuming the entire next line of input.

If the next method is called and the next token type doesn’t match, InputMismatchException is thrown. If instead there is no more data in the input, NoSuchElementException is thrown.

Scanner implements AutoCloseable so it can be used with try-with-resources.

A common pattern is to loop on hasNext and then within the loop check for specific types of data.

It’s possible to set custom delimiters using the useDelimiter method, whereas the current delimiter can be obtained using delimiter.

The findInLine method looks for a match given a pattern so that and returns the matched string if found, advancing the input to the point past the match. The more general findWithinHorizon method is similar but it accepts a maximum character count to look forward in.

The skip method is used to look for a specific pattern and advances the input stream to the point past the match, if any is found.


The java.util.function package contains various functional interfaces which can be used by lambda expressions.

Consumer variants refer to functions that accept arguments of different types, whereas Function variants also produce a result. Operator variants are like a Function except the parameters and result are all the same type.

Predicates accept potentially different types of parameters and returns a boolean result. The Predicate interface also provides static methods for combining predicates, such as and, or, and negate.

Predicate.isEqual(a).or(Predicate.isEqual(b)) ==
  x -> a.equals(x) || b.equals(x)

Supplier variants take no parameters and provide a result value. Bi-prefix variants take two parameters. To-prefix variants represent a function that returns a value of the type following the To prefix, e.g. ToDoubleBiFunction.

There are also specialized primitive prefix variants, such as DoubleConsumer.


A File represents a file system file and can be constructed using a String path to a directory, with another overload taking a second String path to a file within the directory, while another overload takes a URI.

There are getParent and getName for retrieving the directory and file name components of the path represented by a File. The exists method yields a boolean indicating whether a file at that location exists. The isFile method can be used to detect if it’s a regular file or a directory.

There is a renameTo utility method that takes another File instance representing the target to rename the invoking File to. There is also a delete method to remove a regular file or empty directory from the file system, as well as a deleteOnExit method.

The toPath method returns a Path object of the path to the invoking File’s path.

If the File is a directory, the list method will return a String array of file names of the contents of the directory. An overload of the list method takes a FilenameFilter object which filters the returned list of files to ones that match a particular file name pattern. The FilenameFilter interface contains a single method taking a reference to the directory’s File and the file in question’s file name as a string, and must return a boolean indicating whether or not the file satisfies the filter.

Alternatively, there is a listFiles method that yields File instances instead which is otherwise identical to the list method, except one of the overloads can take a FileFilter which is identical to FilenameFilter aside from the fact that it operates on File objects instead of String file names.

Creating directories is possible with the mkdir and mkdirs method, where the second one creates all necessary directories in the path, like the mkdir -p command.

I/O Streams

I/O is performed in Java through the stream abstraction which is split into two types: byte streams reserved for binary data and character streams reserved for internationalizable Unicode text (and are sometimes more efficient than byte streams).

Byte streams consist of two hierarchies with the following abstract classes at the top: InputStream and OutputStream. Character streams are similar, with Reader and Writer being at the top. Each of these sets of classes define read and write methods respectively.

The System class defines three static, predefined stream variables in, out, and err where in is an InputStream while out and err are PrintStream types.

For example, to read input from the keyboard, the InputStream can be wrapped by InputStreamReader to convert bytes to characters, then wrapped in BufferedReader to support a buffered input stream.

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

Likewise, to print characters to the terminal it’s preferred to use a PrintWriter which can be created by wrapping the PrintStream.

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);

Byte Streams


The InputStream abstract class represents streaming byte input.

The read method reads the next byte or -1 if it’s there’s no more input, with a variant that takes a byte array to write the contents into, returning the number of bytes read or -1 if there’s no more input. The final overload of read takes a byte array, an offset into it, and the maximum number of bytes to read, returning the same thing as the second overload.

The mark method places a “bookmark” at the current position in the input stream which will remain valid until the provided number of bytes have been read. The reset method then resets the input pointer to the set mark. The markSupported method must be consulted before attempting to use these methods, as some streams don’t support them. The skip method skips the provided number of bytes of input, returning the number of bytes that were actually skipped. The `

The FileInputStream class is an InputStream for reading bytes from a file. It can be created from a String file path or an existing File object.

The ByteArrayInputStream class is more general in that it uses a byte array as the input source, with one of the constructors taking an offset into the array and a number of bytes to use as input.


The OutputStream abstract class represents streaming byte output. The available method returns the number of bytes available for reading.

The write method writes a single byte to the output stream, with an overload taking a byte array to write to the output stream. The final overload takes a byte array, an offset into it, and the number of bytes to write.

The FileOutputStream class is an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file. It can be constructed the same way that a FileInputStream can be, with overloads taking an additional parameter indicating whether to append to the file. The file backing the FileOutputStream doesn’t have to already exist, in which case it’s created automatically.

The ByteArrayOutputStream class is analogous to the ByteArrayInputStream class, except that it uses a byte array as the destination, with one of the constructors specifying the size of the output buffer, which is dynamically grown otherwise.

Filtered Byte Streams

Filtered streams are adapters around other streams that provide additional behavior. For example, FilterInputStream simply extends InputStream and overrides all methods of InputStream to versions that pass the requests to the wrapped input stream. Arbitrary stream adapters can be created by deriving from FilterInputStream, for example, and constructing the adapter from an existing InputStream.

Concretely, a LoggingStream can be created that derives from FilterInputStream and overrides the read methods with logging messages. A LoggingStream would then be constructed from an existing InputStream like FileInputStream, so that the FileInputStream can continue to be used as expected while triggering the logging messages from the LoggingStream adapter.

Buffered Byte Streams

Buffered streams extend a filtered stream and attach a memory buffer to back the I/O stream, allowing operations on more than one byte at a time, which improves performance and facilitates skipping, marking, and resetting the stream.

The BufferedInputStream class for example wraps any InputStream into a buffered stream, with one of the overloads taking a buffer size parameter, which should generally be the the size of a memory page or disk block. There is also a BufferedOutputStream.


The PushbackInputStream allows peeking at the next byte on the input stream without consuming it 7. In fact, the amount of peekable data can be specified in one of the constructors by passing the size of the peekable buffer.

Peeking is performed by reading data from the input normally with the read method and then explicitly “pushing back” the data that should be pushed back using the unread method, which takes an integer whose lower byte is sent back to the input stream. There are also overloads that mirror the overloads available for read, in particular one that takes an array of bytes and another that takes an array of bytes, an offset into it, and a number of bytes to send back.

Note that PushbackInputStream invalidates the mark and reset methods.


The SequenceInputStream concatenates multiple InputStreams into one and is constructed from either two InputStream objects or from an Enumeration of InputStreams. Closing a SequenceInputStream closes all unclosed streams that constitute it.


The PrintStream class is a stream that facilitates printing data, and is what’s used when accessing System.out. It’s constructed from an existing OutputStream and can take a parameter determining whether to turn on auto flushing of the stream. Auto flushing is performed whenever a newline is printed, when a byte array is written, or when println is called. There is also an overload that accepts a string representing the character set to use for the stream. A PrintStream can also be created from a File and a String path.

The PrintStream class also defines the printf method which leverages the Formatter for outputting formatted strings.


The DataOutputStream and DataInputStream which are specifically for writing and reading primitive data to or from a stream. They define multiple methods for writing and reading specific types of primitive data, such as writeDouble.


The RandomAccessFile class represents a file that can be accessed randomly, which means that the position in the file can be moved around. It’s constructed from a File or String file path and takes a String parameter specifying the access policy to use with the file, such as "r" or "rw". The "s" specifier means that all changes to the file or its metadata are made immediately, whereas "d" does the same but only when the file’s data is changed.

The seek method can be used to move the current position of the file pointer given a byte position, and the current pointer can be accessed with getFilePointer.

The setLength method can be used to truncate or lengthen a file, where the added portion is undefined.

Character Streams

The Reader and Writer abstract classes are analogs to the InputStream and OutputStream byte stream abstract classes, except that they are instead used for handling Unicode characters.


The Reader abstract class represents streaming character input. The read method returns an integer representation of the next available character. There are also overloads for reading into a char[], as well as writing into a provided CharBuffer. There is also an abstract read method that takes a char[], an offset into it, and a number of characters to read into it. The ready method returns true if the next read would not block.

A Reader can be created from any InputStream by using the InputStreamReader adapter.


The Writer abstract class represents streaming character output. The append method appends a single char to the output stream, with overloads accepting a CharSequence along or with a range. The write method writes a single character to the output stream, with overloads for writing a char[] and another for specifying an offset into it and a number of characters to write. There are also simpler overloads for writing a String, as well as a substring of a String.


The StringWriter and StringReader classes are streams backed by a StringBuffer. This is useful when an API insists on writing to a stream but the goal is to capture the output in a string.


The FileReader class extends Reader and can be constructed from a String file path or a File object.


The FileWriter class extends Writer and can be constructed from a String file path or `File object along with a parameter specifying whether it should be open in append mode.


The CharArrayReader class represents an input stream that is backed by a character array, like the character equivalent of ByteArrayInputStream. It can be constructed from a char[], with one of the overloads accepting an offset into it and a number of characters to use.


The CharArrayWriter class represents an output stream that is backed by a character array. One of the constructors has a parameter specifying the size of the backing buffer.


The BufferedReader class is an analog to the BufferedInputStream class for character streams: it backs an existing stream with a buffer. JDK 8 adds the method lines for accessing individual lines in the stream.


The BufferedWriter class is an analog to the BufferedOutputStream class for character streams.


The PushbackReader class is an analog of the PushbackInputStream class for character streams.


The PrintWriter class is an analog of the PrintStream class for character streams.


The Console class added in JDK 6 is for reading from and writing to a console. Most of its functionality is available through and System.out. It has no constructors and instead a reference to the associated Console can be obtained using the System.console static method, which returns null if no console is associated.

The readPassword method is useful for reading input without echoing it to the console.


Serialization is writing an object to a byte stream. Serialization in Java correctly handles references and cyclic references. All objects referenced in an object being serialized are automatically serialized as well, and this is correctly handled at the point of deserialization.

Objects can be serializable by implementing the Serializable interface, which contains no members and is only used to signify that the class and its subclasses may be serialized.

Member variables declared as transient are not serialized.

The Externalizable interface can be used for customizing parts of the serialization process to enable for example compression and/or encryption of the serialized data. It defines methods for reading and writing the data: readExternal and writeExternal, which take an input byte stream and output byte stream respectively.

The ObjectOutput interface extends DataOutput and represents object serialization. It contains a writeObject method which is used for serializing an object to the stream. There are also general write methods found in output streams.

The ObjectOutputStream class extends OutputStream and implements ObjectOutput and is actually responsible for writing objects to a stream. It can be constructed from a general OutputStream which is the stream to which the object is written. It contains a variety of write methods such as one that takes a byte[], one that takes a byte[] and offset and length, as well as variants for all of the primitive data types as well as a regular Object.

The ObjectInput interface extends DataInput and represents object deserialization. The readObject method is used for deserializing an object.

The ObjectInputStream class extends InputStream and implements ObjectInput and is responsible for reading objects from a stream. It can be constructed from the stream from which to read the object. Like ObjectOutputStream, it contains a variety of read methods.

The general process of serialization is to create a backing stream such as a FileOutputStream and wrap it in an ObjectOutputStream, then invoking writeObject on it to serialize a particular object. Deserialization is achieved by doing the reverse: creating a FileInputStream, wrapping it in an ObjectInputStream, and invoking readObject.


NIO (new I/O) is built on buffers and channels. Buffers hold data while channels represent open connections to an I/O device such as a file. Channels read to and from buffers.


NIO buffers are subclasses of the Buffer class which represents buffers with a current position, limit, and capacity. The limit is the index past the last valid location of data in the buffer. Subclasses of Buffer include ByteBuffer and buffers specialized for primitive data, as well as MappedByteBuffer which extends ByteBuffer and maps a file to a buffer 8.

Buffers provide put and get methods for reading and writing to a buffer. The allocate method can be used to allocate a buffer manually, or an existing array can be used to back a Buffer using the wrap method. A sequence of a buffer can be created with slice.

There is a mark method and as well as a reset method that resets the position to the last set mark.

A rewind method sets the position to the beginning of the buffer, which is necessary when writing to a buffer and then wanting to read from it from the beginning.

Alternatively, the flip method sets the position to the beginning of the buffer and sets the limit to the previous position, which is convenient for writing to the buffer, flipping, then reading from it so that only the written portion is read.


NIO channels represent an open connection to an I/O device. All channels implement the Channel interface. A channel can be obtained from an object that supports channels by calling getChannel on it. The actual type of channel returned differs based on the source object. This is supported by:

  • DatagramSocket
  • FileInputStream
  • FileOutputStream
  • RandomAccessFile
  • ServerSocket
  • Socket

Alternatively, they can be created manually by calling static methods on the source objects, such as Files.newByteChannel, and providing it the Path to the file.


A charset defines how bytes are mapped to characters. A sequence of characters are encoded into bytes using an encoder. A sequence of bytes is decoded into characters using a decoder. Charsets, encoders, and decoders are available in the java.nio.charset package.


A selector provides key-based, non-blocking, multiplexed I/O. Selectors are used for performing I/O through multiple channels. Selectors are available in java.nio.channels.


The Path interface encapsulates a path to a file and it implements Watchable, Iterable<Path>, and Comparable<Path>. The Watchable interface represents an object that can be monitored for changes. A Path can be iterated over, yielding each component in the path.

The toFile method returns a File object of that path for interoperating with legacy APIs.

A String representation of the path can be obtained with toString.

Paths can be joined using the resolve method. If the parameter to resolve is an absolute path, then the result of the join becomes the parameter, otherwise the parameter is joined to the invoking Path. The resolve method accepts either a String or Path. The resolveSibling method is similar but it resolves the parameter to the parent of the invoking Path.

The relativize method returns the parameter path relative to the invoking path.

The normalize method normalizes a path so that there are no . and .. components.

The getName method can access a specific component of a path given an index. The number of components in the path can be obtained using getNameCount.

The Paths class provides methods for retrieving a concrete class that implements the Path interface. The get method that takes a String path to a file, optionally followed by individual variable-argument list components. Another overload of get accepts a URI.

File System Traversal

NIO provides better facilities for getting information about a file and its path. It’s possible to read a directory’s contents using a directory stream which can be obtained with newDirectoryStream on Files with the Path to the directory. This returns a DirectoryStream<Path> which implements Iterable<Path>, allowing a regular for-each loop to iterate over the directory contents, however, the iterator can only be obtained once over the lifetime of the directory stream.

DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get("/home"));

for (Path entry : stream) {
  System.out.printf("> %s\n", entry);

An overload of newDirectoryStream takes a String parameter representing a wildcard pattern with which to filter entries. Another overload takes a DirectoryStream.Filter instead of a wildcard, which has an accept method which specifies whether the file is accepted based on the Path, allowing filtering based on the file’s attributes, for example.

The walkFileTree static method on Paths enables the recursive enumeration of a directory’s contents. It takes a Path to the root to begin enumerating at and a FileVisitor object.

The FileVisitor interface represents how files are visited in a directory tree. It provides a series of pre and post-visiting hooks for directories, a visit hook for files, and finally a visitFileFailed hook. For the file and directory visiting hooks, a Path of the file or directory is passed as well as the file attributes. The visitFileFailed method is passed the Path to the file that failed to be visited as well as the IOException that was thrown.

Each of the FileVisitor methods returns a FileVisitResult enumeration which can be any of the following values. Note that SKIP_SIBLINGS and SKIP_SUBTREE must only be returned from preVisitDirectory and have the effect of preventing the call to postVisitDirectory.

Value Meaning
CONTINUE continue visiting
SKIP_SIBLINGS skip directory and siblings
SKIP_SUBTREE skip directory and children
TERMINATE stop visiting

It’s much more common and convenient to extend the SimpleFileVisitor class which implements FileVisitor so that only select behavior needs to be overridden.

class TestVisitor extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> {
  public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
    throws IOException {
    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

Files.walkFileTree(Paths.get("/home"), new TestVisitor());


The Files class provides a variety of static methods for performing actions on a file specified as a Path. JDK 8 adds methods list, walk, lines, and find which each return a Stream object. The list method returns a stream that yields the entries in the invoking path. The walk method is similar but it recursively yields entries.

The delete method on Files for example takes a Path to a file to be deleted, although it throws an error if the file doesn’t exist, whereas deleteIfExists doesn’t. There are also many other utility methods such as copy, which aside from copying two file system files, also enables copying all bytes from an InputStream to a file. There is also a move method for moving a file from one location to another. Both copy and move fail if the target already exists, unless the StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING option is provided. An atomic move is possible with StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE.

There are also convenience methods for reading all bytes or lines in a file with readAllBytes and readAllLines. A buffered reader or writer can be obtained with e.g. newBufferdWriter. If the data to be written is already accessible, it’s quicker to use the write method.

There are also utility methods for creating directories through createDirectory and createDirectories, where the latter acts as mkdir -p. There is also createFile.


The OpenOption interface is used for specifying how a file should be opened 9 and is implemented by the StandardOpenOption class which defines an enumeration containing for example CREATE_NEW for creating a file only if it doesn’t already exist.

File Attributes

Attributes such as whether a file is a directory, a file’s size, and so on are represented by a variety of interfaces in java.nio.file.attribute with the top interface being BasicFileAttributes which encapsulates common file attributes via methods such as creationTime, isDirectory, lastModifiedTime, and so on.

Platform specific file attributes are represented by interfaces that derive from BasicFileAttributes such as DosFileAttributes for FAT file systems, such as isSystem, and PosixFileAttributes for POSIX file attributes, such as permissions.

File attributes for a particular file can be obtained using the readAttributes static method on Files which takes a Path, a Class representing the attribute type e.g. BasicFileAttributes.class, and optional LinkOption which specify whether to follow symbolic links.

Another way to obtain file attributes is by calling the getFileAttributeView static method on Files.

However, there are already some dedicated static methods on Files for accessing specific file attributes, such as isWritable and exists.

Channel-based I/O

Reading from a Channel

Reading a file using a channel can be done in various ways. One way is to obtain a channel via Files.newByteChannel which returns a SeekableByteChannel object such as FileChannel. Then a buffer must be created for use by the channel either by wrapping an existing array or allocating one with ByteBuffer.allocate, passing it the size of the buffer.

Once there is a channel to the file and a buffer for use by the channel, the read method can be called on the channel with a reference to the buffer, which returns the number of bytes actually read or -1 on EOF.

Path file = Paths.get("file.txt");
SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel(file);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(128);

int count =;

if (count != -1) {
  // reset position of buffer for reading


Reading from a Memory Map

Another way to read a file is to map it to a buffer directly, so that the entire contents of the file are in the buffer. This is done by calling map on the channel. The map method takes a map mode argument which can be MapMode.READ_ONLY, mapmode.READ_WRITE, and mapmode.PRIVATE, where PRIVATE causes a copy of the file to be made so that changes don’t affect the backing file. The second and third parameters are the offset into the file to begin mapping and the length to map.

Path file = Paths.get("file.txt");
SeekableByteChannel channel = Files.newByteChannel(file);

// file size
int size = channel.size();

MappedByteBuffer fileMap =, 0, size);

// print first byte

Writing to a Channel

There are also many ways to write to a file using channels. The first way is the reverse of reading from a channel. Data is written to a buffer and then the buffer is passed to the channel’s write method.

One difference is that an OpenOption must be provided to the newByteChannel method, specifically StandardOpenOption.WRITE as well as StandardOpenOption.CREATE in order to create the file if it didn’t already exist.

As before, the buffer should be rewind after writing to it so that the position is at the beginning when writing it to the channel. Alternatively, the flip method could also be called in this case.

Also note that the writing data to the file in this way overwrites existing data, and doesn’t outright replace the entire file, since the StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING option is not being used.

Path file = Paths.get("file.txt");
SeekableByteChannel channel =

ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(128);

// write a 'C' to the buffer

// reset position of buffer for writing


Writing to a Memory Map

It’s also possible to memory map a file for writing purposes in the same way as was previously covered, except that the MapMode.READ_WRITE option needs to be used.

Path file = Paths.get("file.txt");
SeekableByteChannel channel =

String contents = "this is a test";
byte[] data = contents.getBytes();

MappedByteBuffer fileMap =, 0, data.length);


File Locking

File locking is possible using the FileLock class. First a FileChannel to the file must be obtained and then the method lock invoked on it to obtain a FileLock or block until one is available. The tryLock method is non-blocking and returns null if the lock isn’t available.

FileChannel channel =;
FileLock lock = channel.lock();

The lock remains active until either the FileLock or the FileChannel are closed. It’s simpler to use try-with-resources so that the lock is automatically released after the try block:

try (FileLock lock = channel.lock()) {
  // ...

Stream-based I/O

Files provides static methods newInputStream and newOutputStream for obtaining streams connected to a file specified by a Path. Since it’s a regular stream, it can be wrapped in other streams such as the BufferedInputStream.

// writing
OutputStream stream = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("file.txt"));


// reading
InputStream stream = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("file.txt"));
int b;

b =;
if (b != -1) System.out.print((char)b)


The InetAddress class represents a numerical IPv4/IPv6 address or domain name. It has no constructors, only factory methods, including getLocalHost, getByName, and getAllByName which resolves a host name, and getByAddress which takes an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

The URL class represents a Uniform Resource Locator and provides methods for accessing information about the URL, as well as an openConnection method that opens a connection to the URL and returns a URLConnection object to represent the connection.

The URLConnection can be used to obtain information about a resource pointed to by a URL, such as getContentLength and getHeaderFields. The getInputStream method returns an InputStream that can be used to obtain the resource pointed to by the URL.

The HttpURLConnection class extends URLConnection and is specifically for HTTP connections and can it can be obtained by casting the result of URL’s openConnection. This class provides additional methods such as getRequestMethod and setRequestMethod, as well as setRequestProperty for setting custom headers.

To send data to the server, call setDoOutput with true and write to the OutputStream obtained by getOutputStream.

The URLEncoder class can be used to URL encode data using the encode method.

The URI class represents a Uniform Resource Locator which is a more general form of a URL, which also describes how to access the resource.

The TCP ServerSocket class represents a listener socket, whereas Socket is a general socket that can be used by clients. The input and output streams of a Socket can be accessed with getInputStream and getOutputStream.

There also UDP sockets available via DatagramSocket which creates a local UDP socket. It has methods send and receive which send and receive a DatagramPacket. A DatagramPacket is constructed from an existing byte[] and optionally a target InetAddress and port.



Synchronizers are used for synchronizing interactions between threads.


Semaphores control a shared resource using a counter, so that access is allowed if the counter is greater than zero, but disallowed if it’s zero, in which case it blocks until it’s no longer zero. It’s useful to think of a semaphore as representing a fixed number of permits for accessing the resource.

A Semaphore can be constructed by specifying the resource count to give it. An optional boolean parameter may be specified to indicate that threads should be given access to the resource in the order that they requested it.

The acquire method is used for actually attempting to acquire the resource, with an optional count argument specifying how many resources to request. Conversely, the release method does the same in reverse, relinquishing the resource.


The CountDownLatch class can be used for waiting until a number of events have occurred. It’s constructed by specifying the number of events that should be waited on.

The await method is called to wait on the latch until all events have occurred, with an overload accepting a time out and returning false if the time out was triggered.

The countDown method actually decrements the count associated with the latch.


The CyclicBarrier class represents a traditional barrier which enforces that all participating threads must reach the barrier before they’re allowed to continue execution past it. It’s constructed by specifying the number of participating threads, with an overload accepting an arbitrary Runnable to execute after the last thread reaches the barrier but before they all resume execution.

Threads signal that they have reached the barrier by calling await on the barrier—which blocks until all other threads reach the barrier—with an overload accepting a time out. The await method returns an integer count of the number of other participating threads aside from the current one.


The Exchanger class is used for exchanged data between two threads. It waits until both communicating threads call exchange with the data to be sent as an argument, and then exchanges the data by returning it from the method call on the receiving thread. An overload of exchange accepts a time out.

Exchanger<String> exchanger;

// thread 1
String receivedFrom2 ="send to 2");

// thread 2
String receivedFrom1 ="send to 1");

receivedFrom2 == "send to 1"
receivedFrom1 == "send to 2"


The Phaser class can be used for synchronizing threads that represent various phases of a process. It’s similar to CyclicBarrier except that it supports multiple phases. It’s constructed by optionally providing the number of participating parties. Parties can register themselves for the next phase by calling the register method. A party signals that it has completed a phase by calling arrive or arriveAndAwaitAdvance.

The arrive method returns the current phase number or a negative number if the phaser was terminated, but does not block execution, whereas arriveAndAwaitAdvance does and returns the next phase number.

The arriveAndDeregister method signals arrival and deregisters itself without waiting for the phase to complete.

The current phase number can also be retrieved using getPhase.

The Phaser class can be extended and the onAdvance method overridden to hook into the point between phases. It takes the current phase number and the number of parties and returns whether the phaser should be terminated as a boolean. This is useful for capping the number of phases that should be allowed.

It’s also possible to construct trees of phasers using a constructor overload that takes a parent phaser.


An executor initiates and controls the execution of threads. The Executor interface defines an execute method that takes a Runnable which it then executes. The ExecutorService interface extends Executor and adds methods to control the execution of threads, such as shutdown, as well as methods that run threads which return results. The ScheduledExecutorService further extends ExecutorService to add scheduling capabilities.

The ThreadPoolExecutor class implements ExecutorService and provides a pool of threads for running Runnables.

The ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor class implements ScheduledExecutorService and provides a scheduled thread pool.

The ForkJoinPool class implements ExecutorService and is used by the Fork/Join Framework.

Thread pools are typically created via static methods on the Executors utility class. The newCachedThreadPool method returns a thread pool that adds threads if needed but reuses threads when possible. The newFixedThreadPool method creates a fixed-size thread pool, where newScheduledThreadPool does the same but supports scheduling.

Tasks can be submitted to an executor service with the submit method, which returns a Future representing the result. The invokeAll method takes a collection of Callable tasks and when they’re all finished, it returns a list of futures representing the results.

List<Callable<Long>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();

for (Path p : paths) tasks.add(() -> someNumber);

List<Future<Long>> results = executor.invokeAll(tasks);

// by this point, all results have completed
long total = 0;

for (Future<Long> result : results)
  total += result.get();

The ExecutorCompletionService that adapts an Executor so that futures become available in order of completion through the take method.

ExecutorCompletionService service = new ExecutorCompletionService(executor);

for (Callable<T> task : tasks)

let length = tasks.size();

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

The invokeAny method is similar but it returns as soon as any of the submitted tasks finishes, in which case it cancels all of the other tasks and returns the value represented by the future, which is useful for a search, for example.

for (Path p : files) tasks.add(returnPathIfFound);
Path found = executor.invokeAny(tasks);


The Callable interface represents a thread that returns a value to the invoking thread. It’s a generic interface parameterized on the return value type and defines a single method call which returns the value.

A Callable is executed by an ExecutorService’s submit method, which returns an object of type Future.


The Future interface represents a value returned by a Callable at some future time. It is also a generic interface parameterized on the return value type. The get method is used for actually accessing the value, blocking until it becomes available if it isn’t already, with one of the overloads accepting a time out.

class ProvideFive implements Callable<Integer> {
  public Integer call() {
    return 5;

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
Future<Integer> five = executor.submit(new ProvideFive());

int fiveInteger = five.get();

The CompletableFuture class represents a Future on which further actions can be composed. For example, the thenApply method returns another Future that performs an operation on the result of the invoking future when it completes—this is like map. The thenApplyAsync variant runs the operation on a separate thread.

CompletableFuture<String> contents = readPage(url);
CompletableFuture<List<URL>> links = contents.thenApply(Parser::getLinks);

The thenCompose method runs a function that operates on the value in the future and returns another future—this is like bind, >>=.

The handle method runs a function that is passed both the result and the exception, where either one is null if it isn’t present, and returns a value that will be used as the result.

The thenCombine, thenAcceptBoth, and runAfterBoth complete the futures in parallel and then combine the results or run a Runnable afterward.

The applyToEither, acceptEither, and runAfterEither are similar, but as soon as one of them finishes, the result is passed on and the other result is ignored.

The allOf and anyOf methods take a variable argument list of completable futures and yields a future that completes when all of them, or any of them, completes—without propagating any of the results.


Various methods in the concurrency API accept optional time outs which are generally provided in the form of a long parameter specifying how many and a TimeUnit enumeration value specifying the time unit. However, there is no guarantee that the system is capable of any of these granularity levels. The possible time units are:

  • DAYS

The TimeUnit enumeration also provides methods for converting between units, such as the convert method that takes a source quantity and TimeUnit and converts it to the invoking enumeration, for example:

1 == TimeUnit.HOURS.convert(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

There are also specific methods for converting the invoking enumeration into a specific TimeUnit, such as toDays.

The sleep method pauses execution for a given delay in the TimeUnit of the invoking enumeration.

The timedJoin method paused the given thread for the given delay in the TimeUnit of the invoking enumeration, whereas timedWait waits for the given thread up to a given time out in the TimeUnit of the invoking enumeration.

Concurrent Collections

There are a variety of concurrent collections. Most are equivalent to the regular collections framework classes aside from the fact that they provide concurrency support.

  Linked{Deque, Queue},
  SkipList{Map, Set},
CopyOnWriteArray{List, Set}
LinkedBlocking{Deque, Queue}


A ConcurrentHashMap is similar to HashMap except that its operations are thread-safe. The static method newKeySet yields a Set<K> that is a wrapper of a concurrent hash map. A similar wrapper of an existing concurrent hash map can be obtained with the keySet method. Such a keySet view could also accept a default value to use so that elements can be added.


The ConcurrentSkipListMap class is a concurrent map that allows traversal of the keys in sorted order, and provides methods similar to those in NavigableMap.


The CopyOnWriteArrayList and CopyOnWriteArraySet are threadsafe collections that create copies whenever they are mutated. This is useful when there are more iterators iterating over the collection than mutators mutating the collection.


The java.util.concurrent.locks package provides actual locks via the Lock interface which represents acquiring and releasing a resource via methods lock, tryLock, and unlock. The lock method waits until the lock is released by other threads, whereas the tryLock method tries to acquire the lock without waiting, returning a boolean indicating whether or not the lock was acquired, with an overload accepting a time out.

The ReentrantLock class implements a reentrant, or recursive, lock which can be acquired by the same thread more than once and which must be released the same number of times in order to fully release the lock.

There is also a ReadWriteLock class that keeps separate locks for read and write access, enabling multiple readers to exist whenever there aren’t any writers.

Condition Variables

The newCondition method on Lock returns a Condition object representing a condition variable which can be waited on using await and signaled using signal or signalAll.

Condition variables are useful for representing a lock that waits for a condition to change. Acquiring the lock and then using a busy loop to check if the condition is true wouldn’t work since the lock couldn’t be acquired by another thread to make the condition true. Alternatively, looping and acquiring the lock, checking if it’s true, and if not sleeping for some time before repeating would work but it would be difficult to determine the best amount of time to sleep.

A condition variable supports a wait and notify operation. Waiting entails the following operations:

  1. atomically:
    1. release associated lock
    2. move thread to condition variable’s wait queue
    3. sleep thread
  2. when notified: re-acquire lock
  3. return

In the aforementioned scenario, the lock is acquired to check if the condition is now true, and if not, a condition variable associated with the lock is waited on using await, which releases the lock and puts the thread to sleep until the condition variable is signaled. Another thread might then acquire the lock in order to change the condition to true, then it signals all waiting threads using signal or signalAll and releases the lock.

A call to a condition variable’s await is generally placed inside a loop that checks the actual condition, so that upon wake up the thread first checks to ensure that the condition didn’t change since the point at which it was notified/woken up and when it actually resumed execution, which is known as a spurious wakeup.

Intrinsic Locks

Every object has an intrinsic lock which can be used with the synchronized keyword.

A monitor is an object whose instance variables are all private and all methods are protected by a private lock. In Java, every object has its own intrinsic lock that is automatically acquired when a synchronized method is called on the object, so that only one thread may enter a synchronized method at a time for that object.

class Synchronized {
  synchronized void raceCall(int arg) {
    // ...

There is also a synchronized statement which can be used to synchronize sections of code, which can be useful when one doesn’t have control over the methods of a class. The statement takes a reference to the object to use as the monitor and contains code that should be synchronized for it.

synchronized(obj) {
  // ...

A Java thread can choose to wait and go to sleep until some condition is met by using the wait method, which makes the thread go to sleep until woken up by another thread. This is useful or implementing blocking behavior, such as in a blocking queue.

The wait method causes the calling thread to relinquish the monitor and sleep until another thread enters the monitor and calls notify or notifyAll. The notify method wakes up a thread that called wait on the same object, and the notifyAll method wakes up all threads that did so with one gaining access at random.

The wait, notify, and notifyAll methods can only be called if the thread holds the object’s lock.

Despite calling wait, a thread may be woken up for no apparent reason (spurious wake up), which is why it’s advised to put the wait call within a loop that checks the overall condition that is being waited upon.

while (condition) {
  try {
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // ...

Atomic Operations

The java.util.concurrent.atomic package provides atomic primitive data types such as AtomicInteger which have methods such as compareAndSet. A function can be applied atomically to the value and the result used to update the atomic with the updateAndGet method. The accumulateAndGet method is similar in that it takes an arbitrary value and a binary operator which it applies to the supplied value and the atomic.

largestAtomic.updateAndGet(x -> Math.max(x, observed));

// or
largestAtomic.accumulateAndGet(observed, Math::max);

Atomics work by computing a new value from the original and then replacing the atomic with the result only if the atomic is still equal to the original value, otherwise it repeats this process until it is.

  1. get copy C of atomic value A

  2. compute new value N based on copy C

  3. if it’s still the case that A == C: replace atomic value A with N

    otherwise: go back to #1

This means that if there is heavy contention, many retries may be necessary, which will incur a heavy performance hit.

JDK 8 also introduces four classes for lock-free cumulative operations: DoubleAccumulator, DoubleAdder, LongAccumulator, and LongAdder. For example, LongAdder can be more efficient in the situation where the sum is not needed until all of the work is complete.

For example, LongAdder is composed of multiple variables whose sum is the current value, so that multiple threads can update different summands, where new summands are automatically created for new threads. Increments are made with the increment method and the sum is retrieved with sum.

The LongAccumulator class is more general in that it works with any accumulation operation. It is created by providing the operation and a neutral element, such as Long::sum and 0. New values are accumulated with the accumulate method which takes the value to accumulate. The result is obtained with get. Conceptually, the accumulator has many variables initialized to the provided neutral element. When the accumulate method is called with a given value, it accumulates one of them with the provided value.

Thread Locals

The ThreadLocal class can be used to create thread-local data, and an InheritableThreadLocal can be used to allow them to be inherited. A ThreadLocal can be created using the withInitial method which accepts a Supplier that constructs a value of the type that the ThreadLocal contains. A thread local is accessed—and constructed first if it doesn’t already exist—with the get method.

public static final ThreadLocal<NumberFormat> =
  currencyFormat = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() ->

// use thread local instance of `NumberFormat`
String due = currencyFormat.get().format(total);

Fork/Join Framework

The Fork/Join framework simplifies the creation and use of threads while automatically utilizing multiple processors.

The ForkJoinTask<V> abstract class represents a task managed by a ForkJoinPool. Whereas Thread represents a thread of execution, ForkJoinTask is a lightweight abstraction of a task which is executed by threads managed by a thread pool in ForkJoinPool.

The two primary methods provided by ForkJoinTask are fork and join. The fork method submits the invoking task for asynchronous execution. The join method waits until the invoking task finishes and returns its value. The invoke method combines fork and join into a single call. The invokeAll method can take an arbitrary amount of ForkJoinTasks.

The RecursiveAction abstract class represents a task that doesn’t return a result. It can be extended and the compute method overridden to define the task’s computational portion.

The RecursiveTask<V> abstract class represents a task that returns a result. It also defines an abstract compute method that should be overridden to define the task’s computational portion.

The ForkJoinPool class manages the execution of ForkJoinTasks. JDK 8 provides two ways to acquire a pool: creating one using the ForkJoinPool constructor or use what the common pool, which is a static ForkJoinPool that is globally available. The default constructor automatically scales to the number of processors in the system, whereas another one allows explicitly setting the size.

A reference to the common pool can be obtained with the commonPool static method on ForkJoinPool. It has the default level of parallelism which scales to the amount of execution units on the system.

The invoke method is used to execute a task on the pool, returning the value that it returns. The execute method is used for asynchronously submitting a task for execution.

When the invoke or fork methods are called on a task from outside its computational portion, the common pool is automatically used to perform the operation.

ForkJoinPool uses a work-stealing queue to manage execution of its threads. Each thread maintains a queue of tasks, and if a thread’s queue is empty, it steals a task from another thread’s queue.

ForkJoinPool uses daemon threads, which automatically terminate when all user threads are terminated, so there is no need to explicitly shut down the pool, though it can be done explicitly with the shutdown method.

The cancel method on ForkJoinTask can be used to cancel a running task, and returns whether or not the task was successfully canceled. A task can check if it’s been canceled by checking the current thread’s isInterrupted.

If a thread is interrupted while waiting or sleeping, it will be reactivated immediately but the interrupted status won’t be set, instead the checked exception InterruptedException is thrown. It’s common to catch the exception and do nothing, to simply allow the Runnable to finish. However, it’s preferable to at least set the interrupted status with Thread.currentThread().interrupt() or propagate the exception.

If the thread was interrupted elsewhere and it attempts to sleep, the interrupted status will have been set and the InterruptedException will be thrown as soon as it attempts to sleep.

The reinitialize method on ForkJoinTask reinitializes the state of the task so that it can be re-run.

A Runnable or Callable can be converted into a ForkJoinTask by calling the adapt method on ForkJoinTask.

ForkJoinTask objects should generally not use synchronized methods, blocks, or other primitives, though Phaser is compatible. It’s also preferable to avoid blocking or I/O in general.


Streams are essentially conduits for data, sourced for example by arrays or collections. The BaseStream interface provides the basic functionality available in all streams. It is generic on the type T of elements in the stream as well as the type of the stream S that implements BaseStream.

interface BaseStream<T, S extends BaseStream<T, S>>

An onClose method returns a stream that runs the provided Runnable when the stream is closed. The parallel method returns a parallel stream based on the invoking stream, whereas the sequential method returns a sequential stream based on the invoking stream. The spliterator method returns a spliterator to the stream, while iterator returns a regular iterator.

The Stream interface derives from BaseStream. The count method returns the number of elements in the stream.

A stream can be sourced from a specific set of elements using the of static method which takes a variable argument list of elements with which to source the stream.

A stream can also be sourced from a function using the generate method, which takes a Supplier, which defines a function that takes no arguments and returns a value.

Stream<Double> randomDoubles = Stream.generate(Math::random);

An infinite stream can be produced and sourced from a starting value and function that is applied to the previous stream element using the iterate static method.

Stream<BigInteger> integers
  = Stream.iterate(BigInteger.ZERO, n -> n.add(BigInteger.ONE));

The peek method returns a stream that invokes a function for every element that passed through it, which is useful for debugging 10.

The limit method is like take in that it ends the stream after a certain amount of elements. The skip method skips a certain number of elements.

The concat static method can chain two streams together.

Stream<String> = Stream.concat(a, b);

The distinct method returns a stream that yields unique elements, i.e. no duplicates.

The sorted method returns a stream that yields elements in sorted hour.

Stream<String> longestFirst =

The filter method takes a Predicate and returns a stream that only produces the elements that satisfy the predicate. The forEach method takes a Consumer which it applies to each element in the stream. The map function takes a Function and transforms each element in the stream with it.

stream.filter((n) -> (n % 2) == 0)
      .forEach((n) -> System.out.printf("%d is an even number", n));

The flatMap method returns a stream that applies a Function on each element which produces a Stream, then flattens the produced streams into one Stream.

The findFirst method yields the first element in the stream, which is useful when paired with filter, although findAny is more amenable to parallelization since the parallel streams don’t have to regroup to figure out which one processed the first one.

The anyMatch method checks if there is an element in the stream that satisfies the predicate, and allMatch checks if all elements satisfy the predicate, with noneMatch being the opposite of it. Both allMatch and noneMatch run in parallel.

Streams are lazy until a terminal operation is performed, such as collect.

Streams can be obtained through a variety of ways, such as from a collection by using the stream method or a parallel stream with parallelStream. A stream can be obtained from an array by using the method.

The reduce method takes a BinaryOperator to reduce a stream into a single value.

int sum =, Integer::sum);

It’s possible to collect the stream elements into an array using the toArray method, which produces an Object[]. It’s possible to get an array of the correct type by passing it the array constructor:

String[] result = stream.toArray(String[]::new);

It’s also possible to collect stream elements into an arbitrary collection using the collect method, which accepts a Collector that collects elements into a collection which the collect method then returns. The Collector interface is parameterized by the type T of the element in the stream, the internal accumulated type A, and the result type R.

The Collectors class provides static methods for obtaining Collector objects for lists and sets via Collectors.toList and Collectors.toSet. It’s also possible to pass a collection constructor to Collectors.toCollection which is used to collect the elements.

It’s also possible to collect a stream into a map using Collectors.toMap, which takes a function for producing the key and another for producing the value from each element. The Function.identity static method could be used to yield the same element.

If there is more than one element with same key the collector will throw IllegalStateException, or a third argument can be supplied which resolves the conflict by choosing which value will be kept for that key.

Map<Integer, String> idToName =
  people.collect(Collectors.toMap(Person::getId, Person::getName));

Map<Integer, Person> idToPerson =
  people.collect(Collectors.toMap(Person::getId, Function.identity()));

// later entries shouldn't overwrite older ones
Map<Integer, Person> idToPerson =
  people.collect(Collectors.toMap(Person::getId, Function.identity(),
                                  (existingValue, newValue) -> existingValue));

It’s also possible to construct a TreeMap or other map by providing the constructor as a fourth argument.

It’s also possible to join all Strings in the stream using Collectors.joining.

There are also collectors for summarizing statistics with the summarizingInt methods, which take a method mapping the element to a number and simultaneously computes the sum, average, maximum, and minimum, resulting in a result of type IntSummaryStatistics. There are also variants for Long and Double.

Another overload of collect takes a Supplier for constructing the target collection type, a BiConsumer for adding an element to the collection, and a BiConsumer for combining two partial results.

LinkedList<Integer> list =
    () -> new LinkedList<>(),
    (list, element) -> list.add(element),
    (listA, listB) -> listA.addAll(listB))

Note that the above could be simplified by passing method or constructor references:

LinkedList<Integer> list =

It’s possible to group elements in a stream by using Collectors.groupingBy which takes a classifier function, which is a function that maps an element to its category key.

Map<String, List<Person>> sameNamePeople =

List<Person> namedJohn = sameNamePeople.get("John");

A second argument can be passed to groupingBy to specify a separate Collector to further process the lists. For example, the Collectors.toSet can be passed to build a Set out of each group, instead of a List.

There are some collectors that produce a number from the list. The Collectors.counting collector reduces to the count of elements. The Collectors.summingInt and variants reduce to the sum of the elements given a function to yield the number to add. The Collectors.maxBy and Collectors.minBy collectors take a comparator and produce the element that is the maximum or minimum given the comparator.

Map<String, Integer> cityToPopulation =
  cities.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(City::getName, summingInt(City::getPopulation)));

The Collectors.mapping method maps a function over each element and applies yet another collector to the results. This is useful for grouping by a key and storing another value in the group as a set.

Map<String, Set<String>> countryToLanguages =
      Collectors.mapping(Locale::getLanguage, Collectors.toSet())))

If the classifier function is a predicate, it partitions the elements into those satisfying the predicate and those that don’t, although this would be better done by partitioningBy.

Map<Boolean, Integer> partitioned =
  stream.collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(n -> n % 2 == 0));
List<Integer> evens = partitioned.get(true);

There are specialized stream types for primitive types, such as IntStream, which are more efficient than boxing primitives. Both IntStream and LongStream have static methods range and rangeClosed for specifying exclusive and inclusive ranges.

An existing object stream can be mapped to a primitive stream with mapToInt and its variants.

IntStream lengths = words.mapToInt(String::length);

Parallel Streams

A parallel stream can be obtained using the parallelStream method on supported types such as those that implement Collection, and one can also be created from a regular sequential stream by using the parallel method on a stream type.

Operations on parallel streams must be stateless, non-interfering (not modify the data source), and associative.

Parallel streams can leverage an overload of reduce that accepts a combiner BinaryOperator that specifies how partial results from parallel computations are to be combined.

In the example below, partial results would be the weights, in which case they are combined by simply adding them. However, if no separate combining function was provided, the accumulator function would be used, which would in effect add one weight to a weight of another weight.

int weightsSum =
         .reduce(0, (sum, b) -> sum + b.getWeight(), Integer::sum);

A parallel stream can be switched back to a sequential stream with the sequential method.

It’s possible to optimize a parallel stream by allowing it to be unordered by using the unordered method to yield an unordered stream, instead of forcing it to preserve the original order.

The forEach method may not preserve order on a parallel stream even if the stream is not unordered, for that there is forEachOrdered.

The Collectors.groupingByConcurrent method is similar to groupingBy except that it uses a concurrent map.

Regular Expressions

A Pattern is constructed using the compile static method. The Pattern can then be used to match against a sequence by obtaining a Matcher built from the Pattern via the matcher method on Pattern which takes a CharSequence of the string to match on.

A Matcher can be converted into a Predicate using the asPredicate method, allowing it to be used to filter a stream of Strings, for example.

Stream<String> filtered = strings.filter(pattern.asPredicate());

The matches method on Matcher returns a boolean indicating whether the input matches the pattern, whereas find checks if any subsequence of the input matches the pattern.

A string containing the last matching sequence can be obtained using group, which optionally accepts the index of the capture group to return. If the capture group is named then the name of the group can be passed to group. The index within the input of the beginning and end of the match can be obtained using start and end. This means that find can be used to find the next match, then calling these methods will yield the information about them.

The replaceAll method takes a String to replace all matches with in the input string, then returns the replaced string. The replacement string can refer to capture groups by index with $n or by name with ${name}.

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("java");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("cpp java go");

true == matcher.find();

There’s also a split method that takes an input stream and splits it into a return String[]. The splitAsStream returns a stream that lazily splits the string.

There’s also a convenience static method matches on Pattern that takes a string pattern and an input string to attempt to match on, and returns whether there was a match. There’s also a matches method on String which takes a string pattern.

The behavior of regular expressions can be set at pattern compile-time or for a particular capture group with the (?flag:pattern) syntax.


Documentation comments are possible using the /** */ delimiters, which are processed by the javadoc program to produce documentation.

Tag Meaning
@author code author
{@code} codeblock
@deprecated deprecation marker
@{docRoot} specify root path of current docs
@exception specify exception thrown by function
{@inheritDoc} inherit comment from superclass
{@link} link to another topic
{@linkplain} link to another topic in plain font
{@literal} span code
@param document parameter
@return document return value
@see refer to another topic via link
@serial document serializable field
@serialData document data written by writeObject or writeExternal
@serialField document ObjectStreamField component
@since specify release of introduction or change
@throws same as @exception
{@value} display value of static field
@version specify version of class

The @exception tag takes two parameters: the exception name and the reason for why it is thrown.

The @link tag takes two parameters: the link and the text to use for the link. The @linkPlain and @see tags are the same.

{@link text}

The @param tag is like @exception.

The @return tag only requires an explanation, which should include the return type.

Files generally begin with a header documentation comment, and documentation markers follow throughout.

 * This class is for things.
 * @author Jorge Israel Peña
 * @version 1.0

public class Thing {
  * This does a thing.
  * @param num The value passed to the method.
  * @exception IOException Just because.
  * @return num The same num.
  * @see AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean
  public double method(double num) throws IOException {
    return num;

Native Interface

The native keyword can be used to mark a method as native via the Java Native Interface (JNI), in which case a method shoudldn’t be provided. The library that contains the definition of the function should be linked using the System.loadLibrary method, particularly within a static block to ensure that this only occurs once.

class Test {
  public native void test();

  static {

The code should be compiled normally, then the javah program should be run on the result to produce a header file that must be included in the implementation of the native method.

$ javah -jni Test # produces Test.h

This generated header specifies the expected prototype of the native method which should be used for its implementation.

#include <jni.h>
#include "Test.h"
#include <stdio.h>

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Test_test(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
  printf("successfully called\n");

  1. For example, AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean from the Spring framework. ↩︎

  2. Reminds me of Objective-C’s NSNumber↩︎

  3. It’s important to recognize that a final variable can be mutated, particularly when it holds a reference to an object that contains mutating methods. The restriction instead is that it cannot be reassigned, i.e. change it to point to another object. In that respect, this seems similar to C++’s Object * const: a pointer that cannot be changed to point to something else, but that can be used to mutate the referred object. ↩︎

  4. Reminds me of Rust’s expect↩︎

  5. This is very much like the Rust Entry API↩︎

  6. This sounds a lot like Haskell’s scan family of functions. ↩︎

  7. Much like Rust’s Peekable iterator adapter. ↩︎

  8. Is this like mmap↩︎

  9. Probably the inspiration for Rust’s OpenOptions↩︎

  10. Reminds me of Ruby’s Object#tap ↩︎

July 6, 2014
329ce08 — May 23, 2024