Diffie-Hellman key exchange works by agreeing on two publicly shared values: a large prime number $q$
and a primitive root $g$
. Alice and Bob each generate a secret key—a large random number—$x_a$
and $x_b$
respectively, and each raise the primitive root to the power of the secret key, modulo the large prime number.
y_a &= g^{x_a} \bmod q \\
y_b &= g^{x_b} \bmod q
The results are sent to each other and the shared key is computed by raising the received value to the secret key modulo the primitive root.
k_{ab} &= y_b^{x_a} \bmod q \\
k_{ab} &= y_a^{x_b} \bmod q
Given a prime number $q$
, a primitive root $g$
is a number such that every number from 1 up to $q - 1$
can be computed by raising the primitive root to some number $k$
\forall x \in \{1, 2, ..., q - 1\}\ \mathbb{Z}_q \\
\exists k \text { such that } g^k = x
A common analogy is that of mixing paint.