
Ruby is a dynamic interpreted language. It gained widespread adoption for web development following the release of Ruby on Rails. Early on its dynamic metaprogramming facilities were abused, as was evident in Ruby on Rails.

The rbconfig package contains constants with information about the local Ruby installation, particularly in the RbConfig::CONFIG hash.

Term Contents
rubylibdir standard library
bindir CLI tools
archdir arcitecture-specific extensions/libraries
sitedir own/third-party extensions/libraries
vendordir third-party extensions/libraries
sitelibdir own extensions (Ruby)
sitearchdir own extensions (C)

Loading Files

Ruby’s load path is accessible through the global variable $:.

The load method looks in the file system for its argument, given a relative or absolute path, or in the Ruby load path. The load method loads the file even if it has already been previously loaded, with subsequent loads overwriting existing definitions.

The require method does not re-load the same file multiple times. Unlike load, the require method doesn’t treat the current directory as being part of the load path.

# This doesn't work.
require 'some_file.rb'

# This does.
require './some_file.rb'

# Or add current directory to load path.
$: << '.'
require 'some_file.rb'

There’s also a require_relative method which assumes a path relative to the file from which it is called.

A specific Ruby gem can be required by using the gem method which takes a version as the second argument.

Ruby Index

The ri command can be used to lookup documentation in the terminal using the method description convention, i.e. String#upcase, whereas a class method would use ::.

Naming Conventions

The interpreter considers a bareword identifier to potentially be a local variable, keyword, or method call:

  1. if it’s a keyword, treat it as such
  2. if an equal sign = follows, it’s local variable being assigned too
  3. assume a method call

By convention, methods are referred to by class name and method name separated by a hash #, while class methods are separated by a double colon ::.

Variable Naming

The Ruby variable naming convention is to use snake case as opposed to camel case.

Local variables start with lowercase characters or an underscore and cannot start with an uppercase character.

Instance variables follow local variable conventions but start with an at-sign @.

Class variables follow instance variable conventions but start with two at-signs @@.

Global variables start with a dollar sign $ and can consist of characters such as :, /, etc., unlike regular variables.

Constants begin with an uppercase letter.

Method Naming

Methods follow local variable conventions but they can optionally end with characters ?, !, and =.

Methods that end in equal signs = can be called without the parentheses:

  @name = value
end = "yes"

Note that this is purely cosmetic/syntax sugar. Evaluation semantics are still those of assignment, i.e. the expression evaluates to the right-hand side, not whatever the method evaluates to.

When a method returns multiple values, they are automatically wrapped up in an array.

def method(a, b, c)
  return a, b, c

assert(method(1, 2, 3) == [1, 2, 3])

Variable method arguments can be collected into an array specified by a parameter preceded by an asterisk *:

def variable_args(first, *rest)
  # `rest` is an array

Variable arguments are sponged up into that parameter as needed to make the method call valid for all other parameters.

It’s possible to give arguments default values:

def default_args(first, second=2)
  first + second

default_args(1) #=> 3
default_args(1, 3) #=> 4

Variable arguments can’t be placed to the left of default arguments, as it would be ambiguous whether or not a default argument should take on one of the arguments.


The only false objects are the nil object and false. Everything else, including zero and empty strings, are truthy.


Aside from generic objects of class Object there are even more basic objects of class BasicObject.

Every object has a unique identifier which can be obtained via Object#object_id.

The Object#respond_to? method can be used to determine if an object responds to a message.

The Object#send method can be used to send a message to an object. It’s aliased to __send__ to reduce the chance of naming collisions. The send method can also send messages that invoke private methods, whereas the Object#public_send method only invokes publicly accessible methods.


Most objects are referred to via references except for the following primitives:

  • integers
  • symbols
  • true
  • false
  • nil

Note that symbols may contain spaces if they’re surrounded with double quotes and preceded by a colon: :"with spaces".


Objects can be duplicated using the dup method. An object can be frozen with the freeze method, which prevents it from mutating. The clone method is like dup in that it duplicates the object, but it also keeps the object frozen if it already was frozen. Freezing is shallow, such that for example, object elements of an array can still be mutated even if the array itself can’t.


Object comparison through == by default only compares pointers. By convention, == may be redefined by equal? is left alone to allow comparing pointers.

It’s easy to enable object comparison by mixing in the Comparable module and defining the <=> (spaceship) method. All other comparison methods are defined in terms of it.


The #methods method can be used to get a list of an object’s methods, including its singleton methods.

The #singleton_methods method shows only the singleton methods of an object.

The #instance_methods method shows only the instance methods of a class, including inherited ones. Inherited methods can be excluded by passing a false argument.

Other object introspection methods include:

  • #private_methods
  • #public_methods
  • #protected_methods

Class introspection methods include:

  • .private_instance_methods
  • .protected_instance_methods
  • .public_instance_methods (synonym for #protected_methods)


Classes are named with constants, which begin with an uppercase letter.

Methods defined for a particular instance/object are singleton methods.

str = "this is a test"

def str.say_it
  puts self

str.say_it #=> "this is a test"

Singleton methods defined on a class object are called class methods. Class methods are accessible through the class object, but not through individual instances.

Classes can be reopened to make additions or changes:

class Test
  # some code

# later on
class Test
  def new_method
    puts "this is a new method"

Methods named initialize are constructors which are invoked via the new class method.

Attributes are not a language construct, but rather they are a high level concept referring to a configuration of methods and instance variables.

The attr_reader class method creates getter for an instance variable of the same name. The attr_writer class method creates a setter for an instance variable of the same name. The attr_accessor class method creates both a getter and a setter. There is also an attr class method that creates a reader and takes a second argument denoting whether to also create writer.

Shortcut (compound) assignment operators are expanded into the non-compound equivalent, so that += can be used on any object that has a + method defined, since x += y is expanded into x = x.+(y).

The private method takes a list of methods to make private, or if none are provided, acts as a switch so that all subsequent methods are treated as private unless public or protected is called.

A private method is one that can’t be called with an explicit receiver. Whether a private method can be called or not is determined by the object that is self at the time it is called. It means that an instance of that class can send the message to itself, which is enforced by Ruby by forbidding an explicit receiver on that method, such that the only time that the method can be called without a receiver is when a private method can be called.

However, setter methods cannot be called without omitting the receiver, so it would not be possible to call a private method, but Ruby makes an exception for private setter methods, allowing the receiver to be specified as long as it is self.

Top-level methods are stored as private instance methods of the Object class. Since they’re private methods, they must be called without an explicit receiver, and since they’re methods of Object, they can be called from anywhere because Object lies in the method lookup path of every class except for BasicObject.

def talk
  puts "hello"

# Equivalent
class Object

  def talk
    puts "hello"

A protected method can be called as long as self is an instance of the same class or an ancestor or descendant.

Subclasses inherit the method-access rules of their superclasses, but they can set up new rules which take precedence.


The syntax for inheritance uses a less-than sign <:

class Parent

class Child < Parent

Object Hierarchy

Object is a generic object class which contains many introspection methods. The BasicObject class is even more bare-bones, and the Object class derives from it.

The Kernel module is mixed into Object and defines most of Ruby’s fundamental methods.

Class objects are the only object with the power to spawn new instances. Every class, such as Object, is an instance of the Class class.

This can be illustrated explicitly by instantiating a class object via and using that class object to create instances of that class:

class MyClass

instance =

# equivalent to

my_class =
instance_of_my_class =

Instance methods can be defined for classes by providing a code block to the constructor.

my_class = do
  def hello
    puts "Hello!"

Note the curiosity that Class is itself an instance of Class, and Object is a class and Class is an object. Basically, every object has an internal record of what class it’s an instance of, and that of Class points to itself. Simply remember that classes are objects/instances of the Class class.

Class methods can be invoked by using the dot operator on the class name or by using it without an explicit receiver at the top-level of a class definition, where self is implicitly the class object.

Class objects have their own method, state, and identity, and don’t share any of these things with instances of itself.

Value of self

When no explicit receiver is named, self is implied. In a class definition body, self is the class object itself.

If a method and local variable are given the same name, and the bare identifier (sans self) is used, the variable takes precedence, but the method can be forced by explicitly specifying self or explicitly specifying an argument list. Note, however, that when the method name ends with an equal sign =, the self can’t be omitted, because Ruby always interprets ident = val as an assignment to a local variable.

In the top-level, self is main, a built-in top-level default object. main cannot be referred to directly within a program, since Ruby interprets it as a regular variable or method name. It can be accessed by assigning self to a variable at the top-level.

In a class or module definition, self is the class or module object.

In top-level method definitions, self is whatever object is self when the method is called. Top-level methods are available as private methods to all objects.

In instance method definitions in a class, self is the instance responding to the method.

In instance method definitions in a module, self is an individual object extended by the module or an instance of the class that mixes in the module.

In singleton method definitions, self is the object on which the singleton method is defined.

Instance variables belong to whatever object is the current object self at that point in the program.


Constants declared inside of a class can be referred to from within instance or class methods, as well as externally through a double colon ::, such as Math::PI.

In fact, constants have a kind of global visibility or reachability, in that as long as the path to the constant is known, it can be accessed.

Constants are identified relative to the point of execution. If the constant being referred to is ambiguous or shadowed by a local constant, the correct one can specified by using the absolute path to the constant, which begins with a double colon ::.

It’s possible to reassign to constants, except that doing so emits a warning when running with the -w command-line argument. This is permitted in part because program files can be reloaded, so then many file loading operations would fail if they included constant assignments and this weren’t permitted.

Class variables are shared between a class and instances of that class, without being visible to other objects. More specifically, class variables are class-hierarchy-scoped variables, meaning that class variables are shared between the class, its instances, and its subclasses and their instances.

An alternative to class variables is to create an instance variable belonging to the class object and wrapping it in accessor methods. This has the added benefit that subclass objects get their own version of the pseudo-class variable.

class Test
  def self.total_count
    @total_count ||= 0

  def self.total_count=(n)
    @total_count = n

  def some_method
    self.class.total_count += 1

# Accessible through: Test.total_count


Modules aren’t instantiated, but they can be mixed in to classes or objects to add to them their functionality, using the include or prepend method, which causes instances of that class to have access to instance methods defined in the module.

module MyModule
  def hello
    puts "Hello"

class MyClass
  include MyModule

c =

The difference between inheriting from a class and mixing in a module is that more than one module can be mixed in. Multiple behaviors can be defined in separate modules and mixed in at will. Following this, most class names are nouns, whereas modules tend to be adjectives.

The difference between include and prepend is that prepend causes the object to look in that module before it looks in the class.

The Class class is a subclass of the Module class, meaning that every class object is also a module object. This also means that modules are the more basic structure, and classes are a specialization.

Modules are sometimes used to introduce a new namespace. Classes defined within a module are accessed with the double-colon :: constant lookup token syntax, since classes are constants after all.

Method Lookup

Objects follow a lookup hierarchy to find methods, starting with the class, the inheritance hierarchy, and finally any singleton methods.

Modules are searched in reverse order of inclusion, i.e. the most recently mixed-in module is searched first. Re-including a module doesn’t do anything, and so doesn’t affect the inclusion order.

Classes can call instance methods of Class, and new is one such method. Since Class derives from the class Module, class objects have access to Module’s instance methods, which includes the attr_accessor family of methods.

If an object’s method-lookup path includes more than one method with the same name, the first one to be encountered is the one that is executed.

In summary, object method lookup searches the following:

  1. prepended modules, in reverse order of prepending
  2. its class
  3. included modules, in reverse order of inclusion
  4. modules prepended to the superclass
  5. its class’ superclass
  6. modules included in the superclass
  7. repeat 4-6 up to Object and BasicObject

The super keyword can be used inside the body of a method definition to jump to the next-highest definition in the lookup path. When called without arguments, it forwards the arguments that were passed to the method from which it is called. When called with an explicit empty argument list, it sends no arguments to the higher-up method even if some were passed to the current method. When called with explicit, specific arguments, it sends those arguments to the higher-up method.

When a method isn’t found, a method named method_missing defined in the Kernel module is invoked on the object, which can be overridden to define custom behavior. The first argument is the name of the missing method as a symbol, and the rest of the arguments are the arguments that were passed to the method.

Singleton methods reside in an object’s singleton class.

Control Structures

Code blocks can be written in curly braces {} or enclosed with the keywords do and end.

The next keyword skips the current iteration of a loop, similar to continue in other languages.


if and case expressions evaluate to their chosen branch, and if they don’t succeed anywhere then they return nil.

An if clause can be used on a single line in the form if … then … end

Conditional modifiers are placed after a statement.

puts "Big number" if x > 100

The allocation of new variables happens when the parser sees assignment to a new variable, even if it’s within a conditional block. This means that a variable may be brought into existence even if the conditional block that assigns a value to it is never executed.

if false
  x = 1

p x #=> nil
p y #=> Fatal error: y is unknown

A case statement’s when clause works by delegating to the argument’s case equality method === (“threequal” operator), so that case a when b is expanded to a.===(b).

A case statement’s when clause can have more than one match separated by commas , that act like a Boolean OR operator.

case answer
when "y", "yes"
  puts "Confirmed"

A case statement can omit an argument expression in order to behave similar to an if statement.

when a == b
when c == d


until is to while as unless is to if.

There are while and until modifiers, but they don’t behave as post-positioned (do-while) loops.

n = n + 1 until n == 10

# Won't execute, because `until` is treated as if at the beginning.
a += 1 until true


An iterator is a method that expects a code block, which it can then execute through the yield keyword. A code block isn’t an argument, it’s part of the method’s syntax. The code block can take parameters and the yield keyword can pass arguments to it. The code block can return a value back to the yielding function, which is set as the result of the yield statement.

Blocks have direct access to existing variables, but block parameters shadow existing ones. To ensure that a variable is local to the block, to prevent it from clobbering any existing variables, the block parameter list supports a semicolon-delimited syntax to specify any block-local variable names, known as reserved names.

x = "original"

3.times do |i; x|
  # Doesn't clobber the outer-scope x
  x = i

loop is an iterator that performs an unconditional loop of its code block.

def my_loop
  while true

my_loop { puts "iteration" }


An exception is an instance of Exception. Raising an exception causes the program to proceed to a rescue clause or terminates if there is none.

Rescuing an exception takes the form begin … rescue … end. The rescue clause can take an exception class to match on. A method or code block is implicitly surrounded by begin and end, so rescue may be used anywhere, although the rescue scope may be narrowed with an explicit begin-end block.

  result = 100 / n
rescue ZeroDivisionError
  puts "Divided by zero"
# Catch-all
  puts "Something went wrong"

Raising an exception is done with the raise keyword and the name of the exception to raise, and an optional second argument for a message string. If only a message string is provided, then Ruby assumes a RuntimeError.

def f(x)
  raise ArgumentError, "Need number under 10" unless x < 10

The rescue clause can capture the raised exception object to a variable using the => operator. Exception objects respond to backtrace, message, and contain other useful information. The rescue clause can optionally re-raise the exception that was rescued, which can be accomplished with raise without any arguments, in which case the rescued exception is implied.

begin f(20)
rescue ArgumentError => e
  puts e.backtrace

The ensure clause can be used to specify code that executes unconditionally after the block body and any rescue clauses. Note that the following example is contrived, since realistically this same functionality would be accomplished through code blocks.

fh =

  line = fh.gets
rescue SomeError
  # Close the handle no matter what

Custom exception classes can be created by inheriting from Exception or a descendant of it.


Unary operators + and - can be implemented for a class by defining methods +@ and -@ respectively.

Defining the ! method provides both unary ! and keyword not.

Conventionally, methods ending in ! are considered “dangerous” relative to the non-bang method, meaning for example that they permanently modify the receiver. This notation should only be used when there’s an equivalent non-bang method.

There are built-in conversion methods beginning with to_ such as:

  • to_s: to string
  • to_sym: to symbol
  • to_a: to array
  • to_i: to integer
  • to_f: to float

When an object is interpolated into a string, its to_s method is called.

The to_a method provides an array-like representation of an object.

A bare list is a series of identifiers or literal objects separated by commas. It’s only valid in certain contexts such as array brackets, such that an array is constructed from the bare list. The star operator * more or less unwraps the brackets from the bare list allowing it to be embedded in, for example, another pair of brackets.

array = [1, 2, 3]

assert([*array] == array)

def f(a, b)

args = [1, 2]

assert(f(*args) == f(1, 2))

Converting strings with no reasonable integer equivalent to integers with to_i always results in 0. If the string begins with digits, the following nondigits are ignored. The to_f method is similar. The Integer and Float methods are stricter versions of the conversion functions.

The to_str function should be defined and used when an object needs to become a string, usually because they are string-like, compared to to_s which simply provides a string representation of the object. For example, String#+ uses to_str for converting the object to a string for the purpose of string concatenation, if it’s defined.

Similarly, objects can act as arrays if they define to_ary, to facilitate operations where the object must behave like an array, such as in array concatenation.

true and false are actually unique instances of TrueClass and FalseClass respectively.

Regarding truthiness, the only objects that have a Boolean value of false are false and nil.

nil is an instance of NilClass.


Negative indices wrap around.

Substrings can be obtained by specifying a second index: str[i, j]. Either can be negative, but the second must be closer to the end of the string than the first.

Substrings can be obtained via substring search by passing a string as an index. This also accepts regular expressions.

str = "needle in a haystack"

str["needle"] #=> "needle"
str[/n..dle/] #=> "needle"

The String#slice method is an alias to String#[]. The receiver-modifying variant String#slice! removes the matched substring.

The String#[]= method can be used to overwrite the matched substring.

str = "needle in a haystack"

str["needle"] = "hay"

Note though that a fatal error is raised if there is no match.

The String#<< method can be used to mutably append a string to another string.

The String#include? method can be used to test for containment.

The String#start_with? and String#end_with? methods can be used for prefixes and suffixes.

The String#empty? method can be used to check if a string is empty.

The String#size and String#length methods are synonyms of each other.

The String#index method returns the index of the first occurrence of the parameter. The String#rindex variant starts from the right.

The String#ord method can return the character ordinal code. The Number#chr method reverses this operation.

It’s possible to quote strings as %char{text} where char is any character and the braces {} can be any delimiter. This removes the need to escape quotes. Unmatched in-line delimiters must be escaped.

puts %q{This is equivalent to a single-quoted string}
puts %Q{This is equivalent to a single-quoted string}

%q-Valid string-
%Q/Also valid/
%q Space\ as\ a\ delimiter # Also valid
%q[This is unmatched \[ and thus escaped]

Note that the IRB parser is (?) different from the one that Ruby uses, and has issues with these types of quotes.

Here documents (heredoc) are considered double-quoted strings by default. They are preceded by << and a name, and the string content must be flush-left.

Using a prefix of <<- removes the flush-left requirement.

Surrounding the name in single quotes treats the heredoc as a single-quoted string.

The <<NAME doesn’t have to occur at the end of the line, but the following line begins the body.

text = <<BODY
This is
my message

text = <<-NOT_FLUSH
This is
  my message

text = <<'LITERAL'
This is
my message with a literal \n

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, <<BODY.to_i]
BODY #=> 50
April 18, 2017
329ce08 — May 23, 2024