
Python is a beautifully simple, no-nonsense language. In fact, it is so simple and straightforward, that oftentimes its users can become very productive with it right away, avoiding the deep dive into the language to see what truly makes it special. It’s very popular with data science, data visualization, machine learning, and many other tasks.

These are notes from the book Python in a Nutshell and Fluent Python.

A long line can be split into two lines by ending the first line with a backslash \. Python also automatically joins adjacent lines if an open parentheses (, bracket [, or brace { hasn’t been closed. Lines after the first physical line are continuation lines. Indentation rules only apply to the first physical line and not to continuation lines.

By convention, an identifier starting with a single leading underscore _ indicates that it’s meant to be private, while an identifier starting with two leading underscores indicates a strongly private identifier, but if it also ends in two underscores it usually indicates a language-defined special name.

Note that although a set literal is expressed as {a, b}, the literal {} denotes an empty dictionary, not an empty set. An empty set has no literal syntax, but can be expressed as set().

Data Types

The built-in type(obj) returns the type object that is the type of obj. The built-in isinstance(obj, type) is True if obj has type type.


Python 3.6 added support for single underscores between digits or after any base specifier.


The items of a string are strings; there is no character type in Python.

Escape sequences work in both single and double-quoted strings, unlike other languages where single-quoted strings are treated literally. String lines can be continued with a backslash \ continuation, but necessary newlines must be included explicitly. On the other hand, triple-quoted strings preserve line breaks.

By convention, single-quoted strings are preferred.

Raw string literals are possible by preceding the string literal with an r or R. Unicode literals can be specified by name with the \N{name} syntax, such as \N{Copyright Sign}.

Multiple, adjacent string literals of any kind are concatenated by the compiler into a single string object.

Since strings are immutable, attempting to rebind or delete an item or slice of a string raises an exception.

The count() method counts the number of non-overlapping occurrences of the substring, within an optional slice.

The startswith() and endswith() methods check if a string starts or ends with another, within an optional slice.

The find() method finds the first index in the string where the substring is found, within an optional slice. The rfind() method is the same except it works right-to-left.

The in operator can be used when the position isn’t needed.

The join() method concatenates a given iterable with the string in between each element.

The lower() and upper() methods lowercases or uppercases the string.

The lstrip() and rstrip() methods strips leading or trailing characters. The strip() method strips on both ends.

The partition() method splits the string at the first occurrence of another string, returning a triple containing substrings before, the separator, and after the separator.

The replace() method returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of an old substring replaced with a new substring, with an optional maximum replacement count.

The split() method creates a list of substrings in the string separated by a given separator, which is a space by default. The rsplit() method is the same except the maximum split count starts counting from right-to-left.

The splitlines() method splits a string on newlines.


Tuple parentheses are optional unless the context would make the commas ambiguous, such as in function calls, or to denote empty or nested tuples. A tuple of one item requires a comma after the single item. The built-in tuple() creates a tuple with an item for each item in the provided iterable.

Tuple objects are immutable, so attempting to rebind or delete an item or slice of a tuple raises an exception. Individual tuple items may be mutable.


Sequences are ordered containers that are accessible by indexing and slicing.

The built-in len() function returns the number of items in a container.

A sequence can be repeated by multiplying it with an integer. If the integer is zero or less, the container is emptied.

The in operator tests to check whether an object equals any item in the given sequence or iterable. The converse is not in. In dictionaries, in tests for key presence, while in strings it tests for substring presence.

Negative indexing starts from the end of the sequence of length $L$, i.e. -1 is the last element, at index $L - 1$.

A slicing of [i:j] is exclusive: it excludes the upper bound. When the upper bound is less than or equal to the lower bound, the slicing is an empty subsequence. When a bound is omitted, the extent is implied: 0 for the lower bound, sequence length $L$ for the upper bound. Omitting both bounds takes a slicing of the entire sequence, which is often used to make shallow copies.

A slicing can include a stride denoting the distance between successive indices, in the form [i:j:k]. For example, [::2] would include all even indices of the original sequence, while [::-1] would contain the sequence elements in reverse, in which case the lower and upper bound should be flipped, which makes sense if thought of as “from” and “to” indicators.


The built-in list() creates a list with an item for each item in the provided iterable.

Lists may be heterogeneous.

A list slice can be assigned an iterable. If the slice includes a stride, then the assignment must have as many items as there are in the slice, otherwise the assignment may be of any length, which can end up making the list longer or shorter.

Assigning an empty list [] to a slice removes that slice from the list, so that L[i:j] = [] is equivalent to del L[i:j], which is also equivalent to repeating zero times with L[i:j] *= 0.

Assigning to an empty slice [i:i] inserts the target items at that position, before the element previously at that index.

Assigning to a complete slice [:] replaces the contents of the list (it’s not a simple rebinding).

count(x) returns the number of items in the list that are equal to x.

index(x) returns the index of the first occurrence of an item in the list equal to x, or raises an exception if there is none.

append(x) appends x to the end of the list.

extend(s) appends the items of iterable s to the end of the list. Equivalent to list +=.

insert(i,x) inserts x before the element previously at i.

pop(i=-1) returns and removes the value at index i, which is the last element by default.

sort(key=None,reverse=False) sorts the list in-place in a stable manner.

The built-in sorted() produces a sorted list from any input iterable.


There are sets and frozensets. Instances of set are mutable, but not hashable, while instance of frozenset are immutable, but hashable, so they can be stored within a set.

Sets can be created with the builtin set or frozenset and a given iterable, or with set literal syntax {a, b}.

The in operator checks for set membership.


The built-in dict() creates a dictionary from the iterable of key/value pairs, and if a key appears multiple times, only the last occurrence takes effect. Additionally, named arguments can be passed to explicitly specify key/value pairs, and they override any previous duplicate key occurrences.

The dict.fromkeys() function can also be used to construct a dictionary from an iterable of keys and a value to associate with each.

Indexing with a non-existent key raises an exception, however, assignment to a non-existent key is valid.

Removing a non-existent key entry with del raises an exception.

get(k[, x]) returns the value associated with key k or the default value x.

items() returns an iterable dict_items instance.

keys() returns an iterable dict_keys instance.

values() returns an iterable dict_values instance.

pop(k,[, x]) is similar to the same method for lists. It removes and returns the value associated with key k, or x if there is none.

popitem() removes and returns an arbitrary key/value pair.

setdefault(k[, x]) returns the value associated with key k if any, and if there is none, establishes a key-value pair with x as the value. Like get() except it also sets the default value if one doesn’t exist.

update(d) merges the entries of dictionary d into the dictionary. It can also accept an iterable of key/value pairs, as well as named arguments.


Classes that supply a special method named __call__ are callable.


Any nonzero number or nonempty container is True, while zero of any numeric type, None, and empty containers are False.

The bool type is a subclass of int.


Variables or other references have no intrinsic type, but rather the object to which a reference is bound has a type; a given reference may bind to objects of various types.

A global variable is an attribute of a module object. A local variable is local to a function.

An object’s attribute is accessed through a period ., while an object’s item is accessed through brackets []. Callable attributes are also known as methods. Plain assignment to an object attribute is a request to create or rebind the attribute with that name, while plain assignment to an item in a container is a request to the container to create or rebind the item at that index or key.

Functions and callables are first-class objects; they can be bound to variables.

Assigning to object[start:stop:stride] is equivalent to obj[slice(start,stop,stride)].

An unpacking assignment is one where the right-hand side is an iterable with exactly as many items as there are references on the left-hand side. One of the multiple left-hand side targets can be a starred target preceded by an asterisk * which is bound to a list of all items that were not bound to the other targets.

a, b, c = [1, 2, 3]

a, b = b, a

first, *middle, last = ["John", "Smith", "Quincy", "Doe"]

Augmented assignment works by first checking if the left-hand side is an object with a special in-place version of the augmented operator, in which case it is called, otherwise it applies the corresponding unaugmented binary operator to the left and right objects, then rebinds the target reference to the operator’s result. So x+=y uses __iadd__ if it exists, otherwise it works as x=x+y.

Augmented assignment (e.g. +=) generally cannot create new references.

The del statement unbinds references, rather than actually delete objects, which instead is a natural consequence of garbage collection. It can take one or more target references separated by commas ,, and each target can be a variable, attribute, indexing, or slicing. Each target must be bound at the time del executes.

When the del target is an identifier, it is unconditionally unbound. Otherwise, it’s a request to an object to unbind one or more of its attributes or items, a request which the object may refuse.

Unbinding a slicing is conventionally equivalent to assigning an empty sequence to that slicing, but a given container can specify other behavior.

Global variables are attributes of the module object.


Comparisons can be chained, implying logical and.

a < b <= c < d

# Equivalent:
a < b and b <= c and c < d

The ternary operator takes the form of … if … else ….

Use // for truncating division, with mnemonic “extra / to chop/truncate the decimal”. To avoid truncation, use / and ensure that at least one operand is not an integer, such as by multiplying an operand by 1.0.

Control Structures

Containers should not be modified while being iterated over, unless rebinding an item at an existing index or key.

A for loop’s target can have multiple identifiers as in an unpacking assignment, but the iterator’s items must be iterables with exactly as many items as there are identifiers, or one of the identifiers may be preceded by an asterisk * to absorb all items that were not assigned to other targets.

Note a for loo’s control variable remains bound to the last value that the loop statement set.

for x in [1, 2, 3]:

assert x == 3

while and for loops may have an optional trailing else clause which executes when the loop terminates naturally and not prematurely, which can be thought of as an else on the loop condition, i.e. when the loop condition is no longer True, but doesn’t apply to other kinds of terminations such as exceptions or breaking since they don’t pertain to the loop condition.

The pass statement can be used to perform no action, as an explicit placeholder, for the body of a compound statement. Classes and functions should use a docstring instead.


An iterator is some object i on which the built-in next() can be called to return the next item or raise a StopIteration exception. The next() built in also takes an optional default value to return when the iterator has no more items.

Classes can define the __next__ method to allow instances to be iterators.

Iterators are built by implicitly (in the case of a for loop) or explicitly calling the built-in iter(), which itself calls a special method __iter__ to actually obtain an iterator.

for x in c:

# Equivalent:
_temp_iterator = iter(c)

while True:
  try: x = next(_temp_iterator)
  except StopIteration: break

The built-in range(x) returns an object yielding consecutive integers from [0, x). The range(x,y) form yields consecutive integers from [x, y). The range(x,y,s) form accepts a stride s.


List Comprehensions

A list comprehension is equivalent to a for loop that builds a list by repeated calls to the append method and has the form:

[ expr for target in iterable lc-clauses ]

where lc-clauses is one of:

for target in iterable

if expression

For example:

incremented = [x + 1 for x in sequence]

flattened = [x for sublist in listoflists for x in sublist]

evens = [x for x in sequence if x % 2 == 0]

Note that lists shouldn’t be built if they’re only going to be used for iteration, in which case generator expressions should be used instead.

Note that only in v2, and only for list comprehensions, the target variables remain bound to their last value outside of the list comprehension.

Set Comprehensions

Set comprehensions have the same syntax and semantics as list comprehensions, except that they use curly braces {} instead, and the order of the items is irrelevant.

s = {n//2 for n in range(10)}
#   {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

Dictionary Comprehensions

Dictionary comprehensions have the same syntax as set comprehensions except that a key/value pair is specified with two expressions separated by a colon :.

d = {n : n//2 for n in range(5)}
#   {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 2}

Generator Expressions

Generator expressions (aka genexps) are similar to list comprehensions except that they they’re surrounded in parentheses and construct generator objects, which can be omitted if passed directly as a function argument.

sum(x*x for x in range(10))


A function always returns a result value or None if none was provided.

Python computes a default value for a parameter exactly once, not each time the function is called, which means that the same object gets bound to the parameter whenever one isn’t supplied by the caller. For example, if an empty list were used as a default parameter value and then appended to, the list would grow across calls.

def f(x, y=[]):
  return y, id(y)

print(f(23)) #=> ([23], 123)
print(f(42)) #=> ([23, 42], 123)

To prevent this from happening, an idiom is to set the default parameter value to None, then test for it within the function to determine whether to set the actual default value:

def f(x, y=None):
  if y is None: y = []
  return y, id(y)

print(f(23)) #=> ([23], 123)
print(f(42)) #=> ([42], 456)

One circumstance in which it may be desirable may be for caching, but that may be better done through memoization.

Functions may take parameters of the form *args or **kwargs (or **kwds) at the end of the parameter list. The *args form causes arguments to be collected into a possibly empty tuple. The **kwds form causes arguments to be collected into a dictionary.

Iterables can be expanded so that each item binds as an argument to a function parameter using the same *seq and **dct syntax, but seq must have the right number of items to correspond to arguments, and dct must have the right identifier strings as its keys. In Python 3, a function call may have zero or more of each form.

Python 3 supports optionally specifying parameters that must correspond to named arguments of the form ident=expr, which are known as keyword-only parameters. Such parameters, if present, must appear after *args (if any) and before **kwargs (if any). If there is no *args form, then keyword-only parameters must follow a null parameter consisting solely of an asterisk *. The parameter may be a simple identifier, in which case its presence at the call-site is mandatory, or in the form ident=default in which case it takes the default value when it is omitted at the call-site.

Note that keyword-only parameters cannot be matched with a positional argument, but must instead match a named argument.

# No *args parameter, so mark keyword-only parameters
# with a null parameter '*'
def f(a, *, b, c=56):
  # b and c are keyword-only

Named arguments can be passed for readability purposes because positional parameters can be matched by named arguments in the absence of matching positional arguments.

def divide(divisor, dividend):
  return dividend // divisor

print(divide(dividend=94, divisor=12))

Arguments can be passed as positional arguments even when the parameters are named.

The def statement sets certain attributes of a function object, including the __name__ which refers to the function’s name as a string, and __defaults__ which refers to the tuple of default values for optional parameters.

The __doc__ attribute corresponds to a function’s documentation string (docstring) which is usually bound to the first statement of a function body if it’s a string literal. Since docstrings typically span many lines, they’re often specified with triple-quoted strings.

By convention, the first line of a docstring should be a concise, single-line summary of the entity’s purpose. If it’s multiline, then the summary line and more in-depth documentation are separated by an empty line.

Function objects may have arbitrary attributes bound.

def counter():
  counter.count += 1
  return counter.count

counter.count = 0

Python 3 allows every parameter in a def clause to be annotated with an arbitrary expression of the form ident:expr, such that the expression’s value becomes its annotation. The return value of a function can likewise be annotated with the form ->expr following the parameter list’s closing parenthesis ), which annotates the name 'return'.

>>> def f(a: 'foo', b)->'bar': pass
>>> f.__annotations__
{'a': 'foo', 'return': 'bar'}

If a function needs to bind or rebind a global variable instead of a local variable, then the first statement of the function must be a global statement listing the comma , delimited identifiers corresponding to global variables. This is only necessary if the function rebinds a global variable, not if it simply uses a global variable.

Without the global statement below, _count would be an uninitialized local variable.

_count = 0

def counter():
  global _count
  _count += 1
  return _count

A nested function may access, but not rebind, local variables of an outer function, also known as free variables of the nested function. Alternatively a free variable can be bound to a nested function’s parameter’s default value. A nested function that does access values from an outer scope is known as a closure.

Python 3 has the nonlocal keyword which acts similar to global, allowing a nested function to refer to a name in the namespace of some outer function and causing an error if the name is not found.

def make_counter():
  count = 0
  def counter():
    nonlocal count
    count += 1
    return count
  return counter

Python 2 could simulate this by storing the variable in a mutable object, such as a single-element list.

Recursion has a limit and Python raises RecursionLimitExceeded if it is reached.


Lambda expressions take the form:

lambda params: expr


A generator is a function (aka generator function) that contains one or more yield expressions. Calling a generator doesn’t execute the function, but instead returns a special iterator object known as a generator object which wraps the function body, its parameters and local variables, and the current point of execution.

Calling next() on a generator object causes the function body to execute from the current point up until the next yield, at which point the point of execution is saved. Calling next() again causes it to continue execution where it left off.

When the function body ends or executes a return statement, the iterator raises a StopIteration exception.

In Python 3, return statements can take an argument which is passed as an argument to the resulting StopIteration.

yield expressions take the form:

yield expr

# Equivalent to `yield None`

When send(value) is called on a generator object, the value of the overall yield expression becomes that passed value, so that simply calling next() implies a value of None.

Generator functions are easy ways to build iterators, which are then often used to loop on with a for loop.

def updown(n):
  for x in range(1, n): yield x
  for x in range(n, 0, -1): yield x

for i in updown(3): print i

In Python 3, yield from can be used to yield values from an iterable expression. This also facilitates the use of generators as coroutines.

def updown(n):
  yield from range(1, n)
  yield from range(n, 0, -1)

for i in updown(3): print i


Instantiating a class involves calling the class object as if it were a function. Dunder methods (double underscore names) are methods that are surrounded by two underscores __, and are special methods that Python implicitly calls for various operations.

When an instance can’t looks up and can’t find an attribute within itself, it implicitly delegates to its class.

Classes are objects (values) handled like other objects.

A class’ name is bound (or rebound) to the class object after the class statement finishes executing. The class body executes immediately and the class object does not exist until it finishes. The statement doesn’t create any instance of the new class, but defines the set of attributes shared by all instances when they’re created.

class ClassName(base-classes):

Optional base classes may be specified whose values must be class objects.

In Python 3, the base class list can include a named argument metaclass=… to set the class’ metaclass. In Python 2, omitting base classes creates an old-style class, unless the __metaclass__ attribute is defined, otherwise a new-style class can be created by specifying an explicit base class of at least object, which is already implicit in Python 3 (i.e. all classes are new-style classes), but may be explicitly specified for backward-compatibility.

The built-in function issubclass(C1, C2) returns True if C1 extends C2.

An attribute of a class can itself be another class, so class statements may be nested.

Attributes of a class object are typically specified by binding a value to an identifier within the class body, but they may also be bound outside of the class body. All instances share all of the class attributes.

class C(object):
  x = 1

C.y = 2

assert C.x == 1
assert C.y == 2

In statements directly within the class body, class attributes must use a simple, unqualified name, but in statements within methods of a class body, class attributes must use a fully qualified name.

class C(object):
  x = 25
  y = x + 1

  def method(self):

The class statement implicitly sets some class attributes.

Name Purpose
__name__ class name as a string
__bases__ tuple of class objects of bases
__dict__ dict object used to hold attributes (its namespace)

Methods require an explicit first parameter referring to the instance object, conventionally named self.

class C(object):
  def hello(self):

Identifiers within a class body prefixed with two underscores such as __ident are implicitly prefixed with __classname by the Python compiler, into __classname__ident. This simulates “private” names for attributes, methods, and global variables.

Identifiers prefixed with a single underscore _ are meant to be private to the scope that bound them, whether or not it’s a class, and these identifiers aren’t manipulated by the Python compiler.

A descriptor is an object whose class supplies a special method name __get__. When descriptors are used as class attributes on a class, they control the semantics of accessing and setting attributes on instances of that class. When accessing an instance attribute, Python gets its value by calling __get__ on the descriptor.

class Const(object):
  def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
  def __set__(self, *_): pass
  def __get__(self, *_): return self.value

class C(object):
  c = Const(23)

x = X()

assert x.c == 23
x.c = 1
assert x.c == 23

An overriding descriptor (aka data descriptor) is a descriptor that also defines __set__. A descriptor that only defines __get__ (as above) is known as a nonoverriding descriptor (aka nondata descriptor). When assigning to an instance attribute, Python sets its value by calling __set__ on the descriptor.

Note that descriptors are class attributes which affect the behavior of instance attributes.


The built-in function isinstance(i, C) returns True if i is an instance of class C.

Calling the class object implicitly calls the __init__ method on the new instance to perform per-instance initialization. Its main purpose is to bind and create the attributes of a newly created instance.

An instance object can be given an arbitrary binding outside of the class body.

class C(object): pass

c = C()
c.x = 1

assert c.x == 1

The special method __setattr__ intercepts every attempt to bind an attribute.

When attempting to bind to an attribute whose name corresponds to an overriding descriptor, the descriptor’s __set__ method is invoked.

# Where C.x is an overriding descriptor:
c = C()
c.x = 1

# Equivalent to:
# Note this uses type(x) to account for subclass.
type(c).x.__set__(c, 1)

Creating an instance implicitly creates two instance attributes.

Name Purpose
__class__ class object it’s an instance of
__dict__ instance’s attribute namespace map

There is no difference between instance attributes created by assigning to attributes directly from those created through the __dict__ map.

x.a = 1
x.__dict__['b'] = 1

assert x.a == x.b

When a class object is called, Python first calls the __new__ class and uses the return value as the newly created instance, on which it then calls __init__ only when the instance returned by __new__ is indeed an instance or instance of a subclass of the class object on which __new__ was called.

# Calling a class object:
instance = C(*args, **kwds)

# Equivalent to:
instance = C.__new__(C, *args, **kwds)

# Note this uses type(x) to account for subclass.
if isinstance(instance, C):
  type(instance).__init__(instance, *args, **kwds)

The base definition of object.__new__ simply creates a new, uninitialized instance of the class it receives as its first argument.

A definition of __new__ may choose to return an existing instance instead of returning a new one. For example, this Singleton class causes any derived classes to have only one instance by overriding the __new__ method to only ever create a new instance if one hasn’t been created yet.

class Singleton(object):
  _singletons = {}

  def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
    if cls not in cls._singletons:
      cls._singletons[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__new__(cls)

    return cls._singletons[cls]

Generally, __new__ should only be used for initialization when an object is immutable, since its instances cannot be changed in __init__. Otherwise, initialization should only occur in __init__.

Methods are also attributes. Special dunder-name attributes cannot be unbound.

Class Attribute Lookup

When getting an attribute from a class with the syntax, the lookup process is:

  1. If name is a key in the __dict__, get its associated value.

    Then if the value is a descriptor which defines __get__, the returned value of is the result of calling:

    type(v).__get__(v, None, C)

    Otherwise the value is the one obtained from the __dict__.

  2. Otherwise delegate lookup to C’s base classes and restart the lookup process there.

Note that implicit uses of special methods always rely on the class-level binding of that special method, if any.

def fake_get_item(idx): return idx

class MyClass(object): pass

n = MyClass()
n.__getitem__ = fake_get_item

# This raises TypeError because MyClass is not indexable,
# despite the per-instance binding of __getitem__, since
# implicit uses of special methods always rely on the
# class-level binding if any, and there is none.
idx = n[0]

Instance Attribute Lookup

When getting an attribute from an instance with the syntax on an instance of class C, the lookup process is:

  1. If name is found in the class C or one of its ancestor classes as per class attribute lookup is the name of an overriding descriptor v that defines __get__ and __set__, the value is the result of:

    type(v).__get__(v, c, C)
  2. Otherwise if name is a key in the instance attribute __dict__, then return the associated value.

  3. Otherwise delegates the lookup to c’s class as per class attribute lookup.

If the lookup doesn’t find an attribute, Python raises an AttributeError exception. However, if the class defines or inherits __getattr__, Python instead calls C.__getattr__(c, 'name') instead of raising the exception, which itself may return a value or raise an exception.

Attribute Bind Lookup

The aforementioned lookup processes only refer to getting the value of an attribute. Setting an attribute only affects the __dict__ entry for the attribute in a class or instance. It involves no lookup process.

Bound and Unbound Methods

A function object’s __get__ method returns either an unbound method object in Python 2 or the function object itself in Python 3, or a bound method object that wraps the function. An unbound method object is one that is not associated with any particular instance; it’s only available in Python 2.

A bound method is obtained when a method attribute reference is on an instance, and an unbound method (function objects in Python 3) is obtained when the method attribute reference is on a class.

Unbound methods can be used to access overridden methods, although super() should be preferred. Unbound methods can also be used for higher-order functions.

When instance attribute lookup finds a function attribute that’s an attribute in the instance’s class, the lookup calls the function’s __get__ method which creates and returns a bound method that wraps the function. Note that this doesn’t occur when the attribute lookup finds a function object in the __dict__, since Python doesn’t treat the function as a descriptor, so doesn’t call its __get__ method. This also applies to built-in functions since they’re not descriptors.

func.__get__(c, C)

A bound method has three read-only attributes in addition to those of the function object it wraps.

Name Purpose
im_class class object supplying the method
im_func wrapped function
im_self instance used to obtain the method

Calls to a bound method do not explicitly supply the first parameter self, as that is obtained from the im_self attribute.

In the following example, the lookup process is:

  1. check if name is an overriding descriptor (defines __set__)

  2. check if name is in c.__dict__

  3. notice that f is a descriptor, so calls f.__get__(c, C) thereby creating a bound method object with:

    • im_func set to f
    • im_class set to C
    • im_self set to c
  4. calls bound method object with arg as the only argument

  5. bound method object calls im_func with arguments im_self and arg

  6. equivalent to calling:

    x.__class__.__dict__['name'](x, arg)
def f(a, b): pass

class C(object):
  name = f

c = C(), 2)

Bound method objects can be used wherever a callable object can, and is a flexible alternative to a closure.

def make_adder_as_closure(augend):
  def add(addend, _augend=augend): return addend + _augend
  return add

def make_adder_as_bound_method(augend):
  class Adder:
    def __init__(self, augend): self.augend = augend
    def add(self, addend): return addend + self.augend

  return Adder(augend).add

def make_adder_as_callable_instance(augend):
  class Adder:
    def __init__(self, augend): self.augend = augend
    def __call__(self, addend): return addend + self.augend

  return Adder(augend)


When an attribute is not a key in a class’ __dict__, attribute lookup implicitly proceeds on each class object in the __bases__ tuple in method resolution order (MRO).

In method resolution order, each ancestor class is visited in left-to-right, depth-first order. In the presence of multiple inheritance, MRO causes only the right-most occurrence of a given class to remain.

A built-in read-only attribute called __mro__ is a tuple of the types used for method resolution, in MRO.

A subclass method definition can delegate to a superclass’ definition using a function object (unbound method in Python 2).

class Base(object):
  def greet(self, name): print('Welcome', name)

class Sub(object):
  def greet(self, name):
    print('Well Met and', end=' ')
    Base.greet(self, name)

x = Sub()

Method delegation is also common with __init__ in order for base classes to perform their initialization. A base class’ __init__ should never be called if that’s the only thing in the subclass’ definition, since that would already occur by inheriting the base class definition.

def Base:
  def __init__(self):
    self.attr = 1

class Derived(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.attr = 2

Using explicit superclass method delegation can end up calling the same method multiple times in the case of multiple inheritance.

class A(object):
  def met(self): print('A.met')

class B(A):
  def met(self):
    # super(B, self).met()

class C(A):
  def met(self):
    # super(C, self).met()

class D(B, C):
  # NOTE
  # This calls A.met() twice through B and C's met()
  def met(self):
    # super(D, self).met()

Multiple calls to the same method due to multiple inheritance can be avoided by using the super() built-in. In Python 2, super(class, obj) returns a special superobject of obj such that attribute lookup on it begins after the class class in obj’s MRO. In Python 3, super() with no arguments works the same way.

class A(object):
  def met(self): print('A.met')

class B(A):
  def met(self):
    super(B, self).met()

class C(A):
  def met(self):
    super(C, self).met()

class D(B, C):
  def met(self):
    super(D, self).met()

Explicitly calling superclass methods through function objects can still be useful when calling methods with different and incompatible signatures but same name.

Inheritance doesn’t provide a way to delete or hide a base class’ attributes noninvasively. Workarounds include overriding a method and raising an exception, hiding attributes and defining __getattr__ for selective delegation, or overriding __getattribute__.

Static Methods

A static method can be called on a class or any instance of the class without special behavior with regard to the first parameter self.

A static method can be created by calling the built-in type staticmethod() and binding its result to a class attribute, or by using it as a decorator @staticmethod.

class C(object):
  def astatic():
    return 'static method'

  astatic = staticmethod(astatic)

  # Or:
  def other():
    return 'static method'

c = C()
assert C.astatic() == c.astatic()

Class Methods

A class method can be called on a class or instance, and Python binds its first parameter to the class on which the method is being called, or the class of the instance on which the method is being called, and is conventionally named cls.

Class methods can easily be overridden in subclasses when necessary.

A class method can be created by calling the built-in type classmethod() and binding its result to a class attribute, or by using it as a decorator @classmethod.

class B(object):
  def aclassmethod(cls):
    return 'class method for ' + cls.__name__

  aclassmethod = classmethod(aclassmethod)

class C(B): pass

b = B()
c = C()

assert B.aclassmethod() == b.aclassmethod()
assert C.aclassmethod() == c.aclassmethod()


A property is an instance attribute that is accessed and set with normal syntax which invoke methods which add behavior to the corresponding operation. Properties make it safe to expose public data attributes as part of the class’ public interface. Use properties instead of creating explicit getters such as get_this.

Properties are created with the property() built-in type, binding its result to a class attribute, or using it as a decorator @property().

attrib = property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None)

The parameters to property() are optional. If a parameter is missing, the corresponding operation is forbidden and raises an exception when attempted.

Name Purpose
fget x.attrib
fset x.attrib = value
fdel del x.attrib
doc docstring

Properties can implement behavior similar to __getattr__, __setattr__, and __delattr__ but are faster and simpler.

class Rectangle(object):
  def __init__(self, width, height):
    self.width, self.height = width, height

  def get_area(self):
    return self.width * self.height

  area = property(get_area, doc='area of rectangle')

rect = Rectangle(2, 3)

# This invokes the get_area() method.
assert rect.area == 6

When using property() as a decorator, the getter should have the name of the desired property. To create setters and deleters, the method should still have the same name as the property but the decorator used should be named after the property with a .setter or .deleter suffix.

class Rectangle(object):
  def __init__(self, width, height):
    self.width, self.height = width, height

  def area(self):
    '''area of the rectangle'''
    return self.width * self.height

  def area(self, value):
    scale = math.sqrt(value / self.area)
    self.width *= scale
    self.height *= scale

Note that with respect to inheritance, the actual methods invoked by a property access are those defined in which the property itself is defined.

In the following example, even though the property is invoked through an instance of subclass B which overrides the method ultimately invoked by accessed the property, the property itself is defined in subclass B, so that is the method that is invoked.

This is because the property constructor receives the function object of f, which happens when B’s class statement executes, so B.f is saved. So even though C later redefines f, accessing property g simply invokes the function object B.f that it had already saved at the property creation time.

class B(object):
  def f(self): return 1
  g = property(f)

class C(B):
  def f(self): return 2

c = C()
assert c.g == 1

This can be explicitly worked around by adding an indirection through a method which invokes the actual underlying property function, thereby undergoing attribute lookup which may account for an overridden function.

class B(object):
  def f(self): return 1
  def _f_getter(self): return self.f()
  g = property(_f_getter)

class C(b):
  def f(self): return 2

c = C()
assert c.g == 2


An instance’s __dict__ can be removed in place of specific, predefined attributes specified in the __slots__ sequence (tuple or list). That is, a class will have no __dict__ if it defines a __slots__ attribute, and any attempt to bind an attribute not in __slots__ will raise an exception. This saves memory and may be considered a micro-optimization.

class OptimizedRectangle(Rectangle):
  __slots__ = 'width', 'height'

Object Special Methods


Python calls __del__ on an instance just before garbage collection to let it finalize itself. It has no direct connection to the del keyword. If absent, Python performs no finalization. Python doesn’t implicitly call __del__ on superclasses.

It is not a good choice for timely, guaranteed finalization. Instead a try/finally pair should be used, or the with statement.

Classes defining __del__ cannot have cyclic references.


Python calls __delattr__ on every request to unbind an attribute. If absent, Python simply delegates to deleting the corresponding entry in the __dict__.


The comparison methods correspond to comparison and equality operators:

Method Operator
__eq__ ==
__ge__ >=
__gt__ >
__le__ <=
__lt__ <
__ne__ !=

Python has default implementations of each in terms of the others, so only a few need to be implemented.

The best practice is to define only one inequality method such as __lt__ and __eq__, then decorate the class with functools.total_ordering to avoid boilerplate and possible logical contradictions.


When an attribute can’t be found normally, Python calls __getattr__ to obtain the attribute’s value. It should raise AttributeError if there is no suitable value for that attribute.


Python calls __getattribute__ on every request to access an attribute. It must get and return the attribute value or return AttributeError.

The usual lookup semantics of checking __dict__, __slots__, the class attributes, or __getattr__ are all defined within __getattribute__. So if a class overrides __getattribute__, it must implement all of the attribute access semantics that it wants to offer, but this can often be achieved by delegating to the superclass implementation.

The difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__ is that __getattr__ is only called during instance attribute lookup as a fallback when the attribute can’t be found via __getattribute__ 1, whereas __getattribute__ is called before performing the lookup, on every access.

Note that overriding __getattribute__ can slow attribute accesses since it’s invoked on every attribute access.

In the following example which extends list and prevents accessing (and therefore calling) the append method attribute.

class listNoAppend(list):
  def __getattribute__(self, name):
    if name == 'append': raise AttributeError(name)
    return list.__getattribute__(self, name)


The __hash__ method is invoked in contexts that require an object’s hash value such as when keying a dictionary. It must return an int such that if two objects are considered equal via __eq__, their hash must be equal as well.

If __hash__ is absent as well as __eq__, then it delegates to id().

If __hash__ is absent but __eq__ is present, calling hash() raises an exception.

Usually __hash__ is defined only for immutable objects that also define __eq__.

__bool__ and __nonzero__

When evaluating an object in a Boolean context, Python 2 calls __nonzero__, otherwise Python calls __len__ instead if present, or assumes the object to be True if __len__ is not present.

In Python 3, this special method is __bool__.


This method returns a complete, exact string representation of an object. Ideally, it would evaluate such that:

eval(repr(x)) == x


This is called on every request to bind an attribute.

Care must be taken to avoid recursion by modifying the __dict__ directly, or it can delegate to the superclass’ implementation.


This method returns an informal, potentially-approximate, concise, human-readable string representation of an object.

If absent, Python calls __repr__ instead.

Collection Special Methods

A sequence with $L$ items should accept any integer key $K$ such that $-L \le K \lt L$. A negative index $-K$ which is $-L \le K \lt 0$ should be equivalent to $K + L$.

Keying with an invalid type should raise TypeError and keying with an out-of-range index should raise IndexError. The for statement relies on this for sequences that don’t define __iter__.

Slicing into a container with [i:j] or [i:j:k] invokes the object’s item-access special method with the key set to a slice object which has attributes start, stop, and step, where each attribute is None if it is omitted in the slice syntax.

The indices() method of slice objects takes an argument corresponding to the collection’s length and returns a tuple of non-negative indices suitable as start, stop, and step for a loop indexing each item in the slice by passing it to range().

def __getitem__(self, index):
  # Create new instance representing the slice
  if isinstance(index, slice):
    return self.__clase__(self[x] for x in range(*self.indices(len(self))))

  # TypeError if not an integral number
  if not isinstance(index, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError

  # Offset negative index
  if index < 0: index += len(self)

  # IndexError if not within bounds
  if not (0 <= index < len(self)): raise IndexError

  # Index is now an integral number within bounds


This is implicitly invoked for k in x.

If absent, Python does a linear scan of the sequence for membership.


This is implicitly invoked for del x[k].


This is implicitly invoked for x[k].


This is implicitly invoked for for i in x to obtain an iterator on x, as well as by explicitly invoking iter().

If absent, Python creates an iterator object that wraps the object and yields each contained item by indexing x[i] until IndexError is raised.


This is used to obtain the length of a container.

This is implicitly called when __nonzero__ or __bool__ are absent in a Boolean context.


This is invoked for every request to bind an item or slice.

Abstract Base Classes

Abstract base classes cannot be directly instantiated.

One common practice is to avoid extending concrete classes. If two classes share behavior, an abstract base class should instead be created which contains the common behavior.

The abc module contains class ABC which sets ABCMeta to the metaclass when it is subclassed, making the subclass an abstract base class.

An abstract base class C is given the register() class method which takes an existing class X as argument, making it a virtual subclass of the abstract base class C so that issubclass(X, C) returns True but abstract base class C doesn’t appear in X.__mro__ and so virtual subclass X does not inherit any of C’s methods or other attributes.

It’s also possible to subclass an abstract base class normally so that it appears within the subclass’ __mro__ and so inherits all of its methods and attributes.

The abc module also supplies decorator @abstractmethod. Abstract methods and properties can have implementations. A non-virtual subclass X of an abstract base class C can only be instantiated if it overrides every abstract method and property of C.

The modules contains many ABCs for collections, such as:

ABC Purpose
Callable class with __call__
Container class with __contains__
Hashable class with __hash__
Iterable class with __iter__
Sized class with __len__

There are other ABcs which extend the previous ones, such as Iterator which extends Iterable but adds __next__, and further ones which extend those, such as ItemsView.

The numerical tower in numbers supplies ABCs for various kinds of numbers, such as Complex, Real, and Rational.

Numeric Special Methods

There are i-prefixed special methods which operate “in place” with compound assignment operators, and r-prefixed special methods which operate “in reverse” (RHS on LHS, when the LHS doesn’t have the corresponding definition).

The numeric special methods are:

Name Operation
__abs__ abs(x)
__invert__ ~x
__neg__ -x
__pos__ +x
__add__ x + y
__radd__ y + x
__iadd__ x += y
__mod__ x % y
__rmod__ y % x
__imod__ x %= y
__mul__ x * y
__rmul__ y * x
__imul__ x *= y
__sub__ x - y
__rsub__ y - x
__isub__ x -= y
__div__ x / y
__rdiv__ y / x
__idiv__ x /= y
__truediv__ x / y
__itruediv__ x /= y
__floordiv__ x // y
__ifloordiv__ x //= y
__and__ x & y
__rand__ y & x
__iand__ x &= y
__lshift__ x << y
__rlshift__ y << x
__ilshift__ x <<= y
__rshift__ x >> y
__rrshift__ y >> x
__irshift__ x >>= y
__or__ `x
__ror__ `y
__ior__ `x
__xor__ x ^ y
__rxor__ y ^ x
__ixor__ x ^= y
__complex__ complex(x)
__float__ float(x)
__int__ int(x)
__long__ long(x)
__divmod__ divmod(x, y)
__rdivmod__ divmod(y, x)
__hex__ hex(x)
__oct__ oct(x)
__index__ exact mapping to integer
__pow__ x ** y and pow(x, y)
__rpow__ y ** x and pow(y, x)
__ipow__ x **= y


A decorator precedes a def or class statement, which it then evaluates and binds the result to an internal temporary name.

def showdoc(f):
  if f.__doc__: print('{}: {}'.format(f.__name__, f.__doc__))
  else: print('{}: No docstring'.format(f.__name__))
  return f

def has(): '''a docstring'''
def hasnt(): pass

The functools.wrap decorator can be used to more efficiently wrap a function, adopting its name and docstring.


Any object including a class object, has a type. Further, types and classes are first-class objects.

The type of a class object is that class’ metaclass. An object’s behavior is mostly determined by the type of the object, and a class’ behavior is mostly determined by the class’ metaclass.

Python 2 Metaclass Determination

In Python 2, to execute a class statement, it collects the base classes into a tuple, then executes the class body and stores the names in a temporary dictionary, then determines the metaclass to use for the new class object being created.

If __metaclass__ is a key in the dictionary, the metaclass is set to its corresponding value, so the metaclass can be set by binding a class attribute with that name.

If the __metaclass__ binding is missing and the base class tuple is not empty, the metaclass is the leaf-most metaclass among all of the metaclass of the base classes. Python raises an exception if no metaclass of a base class issubclass of all others. With new-style classes that inherit from object gets the same metaclass as object, and type(object) is type, so the metaclass would be type. This means that being a new-style class means having type as the metaclass.

If the class has no base classes but the module has a global variable __metaclass__ then that is used as the metaclass. This can be used to set a default metaclass throughout a module by setting it equal to type.

Otherwise if not explicitly specified, inherited, or defined as a module global variable, it defaults to types.ClassType making it an old-style legacy class.

Python 3 Metaclass Determination

In Python 3 the class statement can take optional named arguments after the base classes. One named argument is metaclass which can be used to specify the metaclass directly.

If a non-type metaclass is present, then other named arguments are also allowed, in which case they’re passed on to the __prepare__ method of the metaclass, which determines how and whether to use them, and must return a mapping which is used as the dictionary in which it executes the class body.

If __prepare__ is absent then an empty dictionary is used.

class MC:
  def __prepare__(classname, *classbases, **kwargs): return {}

class C(onebase, anotherbase, metaclass=MC, foo='bar'): pass

If the metaclass named argument is missing then it determines the metaclass by inheritance or it defaults to type.

Metaclass Class Creation

Python calls the metaclass with three arguments: class name, tuple of base classes, dictionary in which the class body finished executing. The call returns the class object which Python binds to the class name.

After creating a class object, its relationship to its metaclass is the same as that between an object and its type (class object). As noted in class attribute lookup, special methods are always looked up only on the class, not on the instance. This is why instantiating a class actually calls __call__ on the metaclass, regardless of whether or not the class itself, an individual instance of the metaclass, defines __call__.

Essentially, creating a class object is done by instantiating the metaclass.

classobject = metaclass.__new__(metaclass, classname, baseclasses, classdict)

metaclass.__init__(classobject, classname, baseclasses, classdict)

Defining Metaclasses

A custom metaclass can be created by inheriting from type and overriding its methods. This can be more optimal than overriding __new__, __init__, or __getattribute__ in a class since the work can be done upfront at class creation time. It can also be used to define custom behavior that various classes pick up.

A common practice for creating a metaclass is to assign it to an empty class which other classes inherit from.


Python uses exceptions to indicate special situations that are not errors nor abnormal, such as the StopIeration exception raised when an iterator has no more items.

The try statement can be used to capture exceptions. The except clause can optionally specify a class or tuple of classes which the exception must match any of, and can optionally specify a name to which the exception instance is bound. A final, optional else clause can be specified which only executes when the try clause finishes normally without propagating an exception.

Use of a “bare except” with no expression should be avoided as it is too broad and catches any exception.

except [exception_class_or_tuple_of_classes [as binding]]:
[else: statements]

# Example:
try: 1/0
except ZeroDivisionError: print('divided by zero')

A finally clause can be used which executes regardless of the outcome of the try clause. It is generally preferred to create a context manager and use the with statement to manage assured finalization, rather than using finally in an ad hoc manner.

Avoid using break or return statements within finally clauses because they stop exception propagation.

If the expression is provided, it must be an instance of a class inheriting from BaseException. Note that most exception classes extend Exception, but KeyboardInterrupt, GeneratorExit, and SystemExit directly extend BaseException, so except Exception as e will not catch those.

In Python 3, each exception instance holds its own traceback object. An exception can be created with a specific traceback with the with_traceback() method. Python 3 remembers which exception it’s handling as the context of any one raised during handling.

A function can be assigned to sys.excepthook which is called when terminating the program due to an unhandled exception.

Raising Exceptions

The raise statement can be used to raise an exception explicitly.

raise [expr]

Only exception handlers, or a function that a handler calls either directly or indirectly, can raise an exception without an expression, which has the effect of re-raising the exception when the handler would have otherwise concealed it from higher levels of the call stack.

In Python 3, it’s possible to raise one exception caused by another one that it wraps by using a special form of the raise statement:

# Raise new_exception wrapping cause_exception
raise new_exception from cause_exception

Context Managers

The with statement takes a context manager and an optional name to bind it to.

with expr [as binding]:

# Equivalent to:
_normal_exit = True
_manager = expr

binding = _manager.__enter__()

  _normal_exit = False

  # NOTE
  # Only propagate the exception if __exit__ returns False
  if not _manager.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()): raise
  if _normal_exit:
    _manager.__exit__(None, None, None)

Context manager classes are those that define __enter__ and __exit__ 2.

The __exit__ method must accept three arguments: None if the body completes without propagating exceptions, and otherwise the type, instance, and traceback of the exception. It can stop exception propagation by returning True.

class tag(object):
  def __init__(self, tagname): self.tagname = tagname
  def __enter__(self):
    print('<{}>'.format(self.tagname), end='')

  def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_instance, exception_backtrace):

with tag('sometag'):
  print('tag body')

The @contextmanager decorator from contextlib turns a generator function into a factory of context manager objects.

def tag(tagname):
  print('<{}>'.format(tagname), end='')
  try: yield
  finally: print('</{}>'.format(tagname))

Exceptions in Generators

A yield statement is allowed inside of try and finally statements.

Generator objects have methods throw() and close().

When the throw() method is called, it’s as if the yield statement at which the generator is suspended were replaced with a raise statement (keeping the same arguments) and then the generator resumed.

When the close() method is called, it’s like calling throw(GeneratorExit()). The generator’s close() method should re-raise the GeneratorExit exception after cleaning up.


The assert statement can be used to assert that program invariants hold, or otherwise an AssertionError is instantiated with the given expression as argument and then raised. When Python is run with the optimize flag -O the assert statements are considered no-ops which generate no code.

assert condition[, expr]

The __debug__ built-in variable is True unless Python is run with the optimize flag -O. If Python encounters an if __debug__ condition when the -O flag is passed, it generates no code.


Each Python source file is a module. Modules can be grouped together into a package.

A module may have a docstring if its first statement is a string literal.

Modules explicitly specify dependencies upon other modules by using import or from statements.

Modules are objects like any other, so one can be passed as an argument to a function, returned from a function, and bound to a variable, item in a container, or attribute of an object. Modules can also be keys or values in a dictionary like sys.modules is, or members of a set.

Global variables are not global to all modules, they are attributes of a single module object.

The module body’s top-level should only be used for binding the module’s attributes with def, class, or binding attributes.

Since modules are objects, module attributes can be bound from outside the body through a reference.

Extension modules are those created in other languages for use in Python.

By convention, the names of variables which should be considered private to the module should be preceded with a single underscore _.


The import statement can be used to import a separate module and bind it to an attribute in the current module. The module can be one nested within multiple modules.

import modulename [as binding][, ]
import one.two.three [as binding][, ]

The from statement can import specific attributes from a module into the current namespace. Parentheses can optionally be added around all of the attribute specifiers in order to split them over multiple lines.

If an asterisk * is given in the attribute position, all attributes of the imported module are bound as global variables in the importing module. If the imported module has an attribute __all__, then it is used to control exactly which attributes are exposed and bound like this, otherwise all attributes that don’t begin with an underscore _ are bound.

from modulename import attribute [as binding][, ]
from modulename import *
from modulename import (one, two as dos,
                        three as tres, four)

The import statement sets certain module attributes before the body executes, such as:

Name Purpose
__dict__ module namespace. available externally, not internally
__name__ module name
__file__ filename from which module was loaded

Module Loading

A module’s body executes immediately when it is first imported, and the module object is already created once it begins executing, and an entry in sys.modules is already bound to it. Then the module’s namespace (considered global within it) is populated as the module body executes.

Module-loading operations are implemented in the built-in function __import__. This function can be explicitly called by importing importlib and calling its import_module() method.

If __import__ finds an existing entry for the given module name in sys.modules, it returns its value regardless of its type. This can be leveraged to set an entry to a class instance which defines __getattr__ and __setattr__ behavior.

class TT(object):
  def __getattr__(self, name): return 1

import sys
sys.modules[__name__] = TT()

# Other file:
import thatmodule.someattr

assert thatmodule.someattr == 1

To import a module, __import__ first checks if it’s built-in by checking the sys.builtin_module_names tuple, and if it is, it also looks for it in platform-specific locations. Then it checks the sys.modules dictionary with the module name to see if there’s an existing module object for that name, and if not, it creates a new entry with an empty module object with the __name__ of the module, then loads and initializes the module, allowing the slow import process to be cached for subsequent imports.

Python allows circular imports, but they should be avoided. When a module b cyclically imports the module a that imported it, the import statement finds an existing entry for a in sys.modules and simply binds to the existing module object, but since execution of a’s module body is blocked pending execution of b’s module body, the module object for a will only be partially populated, which can lead to errors or bugs when b tries to access its attributes.

File System Loading

If the module is not built-in, the file system is searched for its corresponding file, as controlled by the sys.paths list, which is initialized at program startup and specifies the order of paths to search for the module. An empty string in sys.path refers to the current directory.

A text file with the .pth extension in PYTHONHOME has its contents added to sys.path. Such files may contain import statements.

Python considers files with the following extensions in this order:

  1. .pyd and .dll or .so

    Extension modules.

  2. .py

    Python source modules.

  3. .pyc or .pyo

    Bytecode-compiled modules

  4. __pycache__/<tag>.pyc

    In Python 3, bytecode-compiled modules.

  5. module_name/

    Module representing the directory name.

Once a module source file is found, Python 3 compiles it to __pycache__/module_name.<tag>.pyc unless it already exists, is newer than the source file, and is compiled with the same version of Python.

Once the bytecode is obtained by compilation or reading __pycache__, it executes the module body to initialize the module object.

Main Program

The top-level script is known as the main program and it executes like any other module except that Python keeps its bytecode in memory without saving it to disk, and its module name is always '__main__'. Therefore, code can test to see if it’s running as the main program by comparing __name__ to '__main__'.

The file used as the main program should not be loaded again, otherwise its body executes once more in a separate module object with a different __name__.

By convention, if a module is only ever meant to be imported, it should automatically run unit tests when run as the main program.

Reloading Modules

A module can be reloaded by passing the module object (not name) to the importlib.reload() function. This affects code that references the module attributes through a reference to the module, but it has no effect on existing references bound to previous values of module attributes.

The reload() function is not recursive, so modules imported by the reloaded module are themselves not reloaded.

Python Built-Ins

Python built-in objects are attributes of preloaded module builtins. When a module is loaded, it automatically gets an attribute __builtins__ which refers either to the builtins module or its dictionary. When a variable is accessed and not found in the local or global namespace of the current module, Python looks for the identifier in the current module’s __builtins__ before raising NameError.


A package is simply a module containing other modules, which may themselves be subpackages. Its module body is in package/ and must exist even if it’s empty, unless it is a namespace package, to indicate that it is a package. The package’s module body is loaded when first importing the package or any of its modules.

A package’s __file__ attribute is set to the path of its file. The __package__ attribute is set to the name of the package.

The file optionally set a global variable __all__ as a list of modules to expose if the package’s modules are imported with a wildcard from package import *. If it’s not set, the package’s modules aren’t imported, only names bound in the package’s module body that don’t begin with an underscore _.

A convention is to store common functionality in a common module within a package.

Absolute and Relative Imports

A module in a package can import a sibling module with a relative import. Each preceding dot corresponds ascending an extra level in the directory hierarchy.

from . import sibling

# Import attr on module or object named X in the current package
from .X import attr

Namespace Packages

In Python 3, importing a module for which a directory of the same name exists directly within a sys.paths member, causes the package to be considered a namespace package, which is similar to a package except __file__ is not set and __path__ is a list of all directories that make up the package.

Virtual Environments

Going forward, the suggested package manager and virtual environment manager to use is Pipenv.

Since virtualenvs can be stored anywhere, it’s easy to test multiple versions of the same project with multiple versions of Python. Furthermore, it may be a good idea to store virtualenvs outside of the source tree to avoid having to ignore them.


The all() function takes any iterable, often generator expressions, and returns True if all elements are true.

The any() function is similar except it returns True if any element is true.

The chr() function encodes an integer to a Unicode character.

The int() class creates an integer object from a number or string.

The bool() class creates a boolean from standard truth testing.

The float() class creates a float object from a number or string.

The list() class creates a list from an iterable.

The set() class creates a set from an iterable.

The str() class creates a string version of the object via its __str__ or __repr__ methods, in that order.

The slice() class creates a slice object.

Input and Output

Standard input can be read either by iterating over lines:

import sys

for line in sys.stdin:
    # line includes the newline, strip with .rstrip()

Or collecting them into an array:

import sys

for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
    # line includes the newline, strip with .rstrip()

Or use the fileinput module:

import fileinput

for line in fileinput.input():

Regular Expressions

A pattern is compiled with the compile() function in the re module.

A string can be matched by a pattern with the pattern’s match() method which returns None or a match object, which has start() and end() methods to denote the match endpoints, and group() containing the matched substring.

The findall() and finditer() pattern methods can be used to find all of the matches up-front or iterate on all of the matches.

  1. Similar to Ruby’s method_missing but for attributes in general. ↩︎

  2. This is similar to C++ Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII), which is facilitated through constructors and destructors. ↩︎

March 14, 2018
329ce08 — May 23, 2024