
Kubernetes automates the distribution and scheduling of application containers across a cluster in an efficient way. Docker itself is adding support for Kubernetes as well.


A cluster consists of a master that coordinates the cluster and Nodes that run applications. A cluster that handles production traffic should have at least three Nodes.

The master coordinates all activities in a cluster, such as scheduling applications, maintaining their desired state, scaling them, and rolling out new updates.

A Node serves as a worker machine in the cluster. Each Node has a Kubelet, which is an agent for managing the Node and communicating with the master.


When deploying applications, the master is told to start the application containers, so the master schedules the containers to run on the cluster’s Nodes. The Nodes communicate with the master using the Kubernetes API exposed by the master.


A Deployment is responsible for creating and updating instances in an application.

A Deployment Configuration instructs Kubernetes on how to create and update instances of an application. The master schedules application instances onto individual Nodes on the cluster. Once application instances are created, a Deployment Controller continuously monitors them. If a Node hosting an instance goes down or is deleted, the Deployment Controller replaces it, providing a self-healing mechanism to address machine failure or maintenance.


Deployments can be created and managed with the kubectl command.

Deployment Definitions

A Deployment object defines a Pod creation template and desired replica count. The Pods it manages are selected using a label selector, and it creates or deletes Pods as needed to meet the desired replica count.

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  # Run 2 Pods matching the template.
  replicas: 2
  # Create Pods using Pod definition in this template.
      # Unlike in Pod definitions, no name is necessary
      # because a unique name is generated from the deployment
      # name.
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.7.9
        - containerPort: 80

This deployment can be created with:

$ kubectl create -f ./deployment.yaml

Changes can be applied by using the apply sub-command:

$ kubectl apply -f ./deployment-update.yaml


A Pod is a group of one or more application containers. It includes shared storage (volumes), IP addresses, and information about how to run them.

Kubernetes creates Pods to host an application instance from Deployment Configurations. A Pod is an abstraction that represents a group of one or more application containers and some shared resources for those containers which may include:

  • Volumes: shared storage
  • Networking: unique cluster of IP addresses
  • Information about how to run each container, such as image version or ports to use

A Pod models an application-specific “logical host” that can contain different application containers which are relatively tightly coupled, such as a Node.js app and a container that feeds the data to be published by the app.

A Pod is the atomic unit in Kubernetes. Deployments create Pods with containers inside them, not containers directly. Pods are tied to the Node onto which they were scheduled and remain there until termination, depending on the restart policy, or deletion.

Containers in a Pod share an IP address and port space, they’re always co-located and co-scheduled, and they run in a shared context on the same Node.

Containers should only be scheduled together in a single Pod if they’re tightly coupled and need to share resources, such as a disk.


A PodPreset is an object that can be used to inject information like secrets, volume mounts, and environment variables into Pods at creation time.

Pod Definitions

A Pod definition declares the desired state which Kubernetes aims to match.

A Pod definition for an nginx web server may look like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx:1.7.9
    - containerPort: 80

This Pod can then be created:

$ kubectl create -f ./pod-nginx.yaml

Volumes can be defined with the volumes: section, and mounted with the volumeMounts: section. Volume types include EmptyDir which creates a new directory that is tied to the Pod’s lifetime but is otherwise persisted across failures and restarts, or HostPath which mounts an existing directory on the node’s file system. See this example for a Redis Pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: redis
  - name: redis
    image: redis
    - name: redis-persistent-storage
      mountPath: /data/redis
  - name: redis-persistent-storage
    emptyDir: {}


A Node is a worker machine in Kubernetes. Multiple Pods can run on a single Node.

A Node can have multiple Pods. The Kubernetes master automatically handles scheduling Pods across the Nodes in the cluster based on the available resources on each Node. Each Node runs at least:

  • Kubelet: a process responsible for communicating between the master and the Nodes in the cluster. It manages the Pods and the containers running on the machine.
  • Container runtime: Such as Docker, responsible for pulling the container image from a registry, then unpacking and running it.



A Service is an abstraction layer which defines a logical set of Pods and enables external traffic exposure, load balancing, and Service discovery for those Pods. They provide a way to refer to a set of Pods, selected by labels, with a single static IP address.

Pods have a lifecycle. When a Node dies, the Pods running on it are lost. A Replication Controller may dynamically drive the cluster back to the desired state by creating new Pods to keep the application running.

Each Pod in a cluster has a unique IP address, even those on the same Node, so there needs to be a way of automatically reconciling changes among Pods.

A Service is an abstraction that defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them. Services enable loose coupling between dependent Pods. A Service can be defined using YAML or JSON, like all Kubernetes objects. The Pods targeted by a Service are usually determined by a LabelSelector.


The different unique IP addresses of each Pod are not exposed outside of the cluster without a Service. There are different types of Services which can be specified via type in the ServiceSpec:

  • ClusterIP (default): Exposes the Service on an internal IP in the cluster, making it reachable only from within the cluster.
  • NodePort: Exposes the Service on the same port of each selected Node in the cluster using NAT, making it accessible from outside the cluster using ip:port. This is a supserset of ClusterIP.
  • LoadBalancer: Creates an external load balanced in the current cloud (if supported) and assigns a fixed external IP address to the Service. Superset of NodePort.
  • ExternalName: Exposes the Service using an arbitrary name as specified by externalName by returning a CNAME record with the name. No proxy is used.

A Service may not define selector in the spec, which means the corresponding Endpoints object isn’t created, allowing manually mapping a Service to specific endpoints.

Services handle discovery and routing among dependent Pods. Services match the set of dependent Pods using labels and selectors, a grouping primitive that allows logical operation on objects in Kubernetes. Labels are key-value pairs attached to objects that can be used to:

  • designate objects for development, test, and production
  • embed version tags
  • classify an object using tags

Labels can be attached at object creation or later, and can be modified at any time.


Note that Services can be created when a Deployment is created by using the --expose argument with kubectl.

A Service can handle scaling while remaining accessible in the same manner. Services have an integrated load-balancer that distributes network traffic to all Pods of an exposed Deployment. Services continuously monitor the running Pods’ endpoints to ensure that the traffic is only sent to available Pods.



Rolling Updates allow Deployments’ updates to occur with zero downtime by incrementally updating Pod instances, then scheduling those new Pods on Nodes with available resources. By default, only one Pod can be unavailable and only one new Pod can be created, that is, Pods are updated one by one.

In Kubernetes, updates are versioned and any Deployment update can be reverted to a previous version.

The Service will load-balance traffic only to available Pods during the update. Rolling updates allow:

  • Promote an application from one environment to another, via container image updates.
  • Rollback to previous versions.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery of applications with zero downtime.





Service Definitions

This service balances across the Pods in a hypothetical nginx Deployment.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx-service
  - port: 8000
    # The container on each Pod to connect to.
    targetPort: 80
    protocol: TCP
  # Label selector to identify the set of pods to load-balance
  # traffic to.
    app: nginx

This service can be created with:

$ kubectl create -f ./service.yaml


Labels are key-value pairs that can be attached to each object in Kubernetes. They can be listed with the labels: section in the metadata: section of a Pod definition:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - containerPort: 80

Pods can then be queried based on their labels:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=nginx

Health Checking

The Kubelet agent is in charge of health checking.

The simplest form is a process-level health check, where the Kubelet continuously asks the Docker daemon if the container process is still running, and restarts it if not. This health check is on by default for every container that runs in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes also supports application-level health checks, which can detect issues such as Deadlocks 1. There are three kinds of application health checks:

  1. HTTP Health Checks: The Kubelet calls a web hook where a response code between 200 and 399 is considered success, and failure otherwise.
  2. Container Exec: The Kubelet executes a command whose exit status determines the application’s health: 0 is success, failure otherwise.
  3. TCP Socket: The Kubelet attempts to open a socket to the container. If the connection is established, it’s considered healthy, failure otherwise.

If the Kubelet discovers a failure, the container is restarted.

Health checks are configured in the livenessProbe section of the container configuration. It’s also possible to specify an initialDelaySeconds setting to declare a grace period to allow for proper container initialization.

This is an example HTTP Health Check:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-with-http-healthcheck
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
      # HTTP health check.
        path: /_status/healthz
        port: 80
      # Initialization grace period.
      initialDelaySeconds: 30
      # Timeout before considering failure.
      timeoutSeconds: 1
    - containerPort: 80

Here is an example of a TCP Socket health check:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-with-tcp-socket-healthcheck
  - name: redis
    image: redis
      # TCP Socket health check.
        port: 6379
      # Initialization grace period.
      initialDelaySeconds: 30
      # Timeout before considering failure.
      timeoutSeconds: 1
    - containerPort: 6379


A ConfigMap decouples configuration artifacts from the image content in order to keep containerized applications portable. The data can be consumed in Pods or they may provide the configurations for system components such as controllers.

A ConfigMap can be created with the create configmap command from directories, files, or literal values:

$ kubectl create configmap :map-name :data-source

ConfigMaps can be created from literal key-value pairs with the --from-literal argument.

A ConfigMap can be created from a directory by passing a directory to the --from-file argument, in which case all of the files are combined. Otherwise a single file may be passed. The --from-file argument may be passed multiple times.

It’s also possible to specify a different key to appear under the resulting data: section instead of the file name itself, by using the form --from-file=:key=:path.

$ ls config/dir/

$ kubectl create configmap game-config --from-file=config/dir/

$ kubectl describe configmaps game-config
Name:           game-config
Namespace:      default
Labels:         <none>
Annotations:    <none>

game.properties:        158 bytes
ui.properties:          83 bytes

The contents of the files are nested under the ConfigMap’s data: section:

apiVersion: v1
  game.properties: |
  ui.properties: |
kind: ConfigMap
  creationTimestamp: 2016-02-18T18:52:05Z
  name: game-config
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "516"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/game-config-2
  uid: b4952dc3-d670-11e5-8cd0-68f728db1985

ConfigMaps may be referenced from Pod definitions with the valueFrom.configMapKeyRef: section. For example, given a ConfigMap named special-config with a key special.how set to very, this Pod would use that key’s value to set the SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY environment variable:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: dapi-test-pod
    - name: test-container
      image: gcr.io/google_containers/busybox
      command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "env" ]
        # Define the environment variable
        - name: SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY
              name: special-config
              key: special.how
  restartPolicy: Never

It’s also possible to use the envFrom: section to define all of a ConfigMap’s data as Pod environment variables. It’s also possible to expand such environment variables with the $(VAR_NAME) substitution syntax.

It’s also possible to populate a Volume with data stored in a ConfigMap by referencing the ConfigMap with the volumes.configMap: section.

The following Pod definition results in files /etc/config/special.level and /etc/config/special.type.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: dapi-test-pod
    - name: test-container
      image: gcr.io/google_containers/busybox
      command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls /etc/config/" ]
      - name: config-volume
        mountPath: /etc/config
    - name: config-volume
        name: special-config
  restartPolicy: Never

This can be further controlled by specifying the volumes.configMap.items: section to only project specific items at specific paths, that is, only the specified keys are projected.

The following Pod definition results in the file /etc/config/special.type.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: dapi-test-pod
    - name: test-container
      image: gcr.io/google_containers/busybox
      command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls /etc/config/" ]
      - name: config-volume
        mountPath: /etc/config
    - name: config-volume
        name: special-config
        - key: special.level
          path: keys
  restartPolicy: Never

The Kubelet periodically checks whether the mounted ConfigMap is fresh and updates it if it is not. This may take as much time as the Kubelet sync period + the TTL of the ConfigMaps cache in the Kubelet.


Objects of type secret can be used to hold sensitive information. It’s safer and more flexible than putting them directly in a Pod definition. Secrets can be used in a Pod as files in a mounted volume or used by the Kubelet when pulling images for the Pod.

A secret is only sent to a Node if a Pod on that Node requires it. It’s not written to disk, but rather to tmpfs, and it’s deleted once the Pod that depends on it is deleted.

Kubernetes itself automatically creates secrets containing credentials for accessing the API, and automatically modifies Pods to use those secrets.

Secrets can be created with the create secret sub-command. Secrets can be sourced from file contents with the --from-file argument.

$ echo -n "admin" > ./username.txt
$ echo -n "1f2d1e2e67df" > ./password.txt
$ kubectl create secret generic db-user-pass \
    --from-file=./username.txt \
secret "db-user-pass" created

It’s also possible to define secrets in definition files, although the secret values are treated as arbitrary data and must be Base64 encoded.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  username: YWRtaW4=
  password: MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm

The Secret object can then be created with:

$ kubectl create -f ./secret.yaml
secret "mysecret" created

Secrets can be mounted as data volumes or exposed as environment variables in a container by a Pod. Multiple Pods can reference the same secret.

Mounting secrets as data volumes creates a file for each secret, Base64-decoded. Mounting secrets is accomplished by setting the volumes.secret.secretName: field to the name of the secret object, then adding a volumeMounts: for it for each Pod that needs the secret, with the volumeMounts.readOnly: field set to true. Each key in the secret’s data map will become a file name under the volume’s mountPath:.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  - name: mypod
    image: redis
    - name: foo
      mountPath: "/etc/foo"
      readOnly: true
  - name: foo
      secretName: mysecret

Specific secret keys can be projected to specific paths by using the volumes.secret.items: field (as with ConfigMap). If that field is used, only the specified keys are projected. The following example projects the username secret as a file at path /etc/foo/my-group/my-username, without projecting the password secret. If none of the listed keys exist, the volume isn’t created.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  - name: mypod
    image: redis
    - name: foo
      mountPath: "/etc/foo"
      readOnly: true
  - name: foo
      secretName: mysecret
      - key: username
        path: my-group/my-username

By default, the file permissions for secrets are 0644. It’s possible to define a different default and/or a per-key permission. Note that JSON doesn’t support octal notation, so it should be written in decimal. This also means it’s possible that the permission may be displayed in decimal notation.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  - name: mypod
    image: redis
    - name: foo
      mountPath: "/etc/foo"
  - name: foo
      secretName: mysecret
      # 0400 in octal, written in decimal.
      defaultMode: 256
  # Or:
  - name: permission-override
      secretName: mysecret
      - key: username
        path: my-group/my-username
        # Override file permission for this secret.
        # 0777 in octal, written in decimal.
        mode: 511

As with ConfigMaps, projected keys are automatically, eventually updated in up to the Kubelet’s sync period + the TTL of the secrets cache in the Kubelet.

Secrets can be used in environment variables in a Pod by using the env.valueFrom.secretKeyRef: field to reference the secret key. The environment variables will appear within the container as-named and Base64-decoded. References to non-existent keys prevent the Pod from starting.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: secret-env-pod
  - name: mycontainer
    image: redis
      - name: SECRET_USERNAME
            name: mysecret
            key: username
      - name: SECRET_PASSWORD
            name: mysecret
            key: password
  restartPolicy: Never

The following example would expose SSH public and private keys at /etc/secret-volume/ssh-publickey and /etc/secret-volume/ssh-privkey.

$ kubectl create secret generic ssh-key-secret \
    --from-file=ssh-privatekey=/path/to/.ssh/id_rsa \
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: secret-test-pod
    name: secret-test
  - name: secret-volume
      secretName: ssh-key-secret
  - name: ssh-test-container
    image: mySshImage
    - name: secret-volume
      readOnly: true
      mountPath: "/etc/secret-volume"


A Kubernetes object should be managed using only one technique, as mixing and matching techniques for the same object results in undefined behavior.

Imperative commands operate on live objects through the kubectl command.

$ kubectl run nginx --image nginx

Imperative object configuration specifies the operation (e.g. create) and at least one file name containing the full object definition.

$ kubectl create -f ./nginx.yaml

Declarative object configuration operates on object configuration files stored locally, without explicitly defining the operations to be taken on the files. Instead, the operation (create, update, delete) is automatically detected per-object by kubectl. The PATCH API operation makes it possible to write only the observed differences to retain changes by other writers even if the changes aren’t merged back to the object configuration file.

# The -R argument makes it recursive.
$ kubectl apply -R -f configs/

Imperative Commands

There are commands for creating the most common object types.

  • run creates a new Deployment object to run Containers in one or more Pods.
  • expose creates a new Service object to load-balance traffic across Pods.
  • autoscale creates a new Autoscaler object to automatically horizontally scale a controller (such as a Deployment).

There are more general creation commands driven by the object type.

$ kubectl create :type [:subtype] :instancename

The --edit argument allows editing the object before it’s actually created.

# Create and save the configuration.
$ kubectl create service clusterip my-svc \
    --clusterip="None" -o yaml --dry-run > /tmp/srv.yaml

# Edit the configuration before creating it.
$ kubectl create --edit -f /tmp/srv.yaml

There are commands for updating objects with common ways.

  • scale horizontally scales a controller to add or remove Pods by updating the replica count of the controller
  • annotate adds or removes an annotation from an object
  • label adds or removes a label from an object

The more general set command can set an aspect of an object.

The edit command directly edits a raw configuration of a live object by opening its configuration in an editor.

Objects can be deleted with the delete command:

$ kubectl delete :type/:name
$ kubectl delete deployment/nginx

Objects can be expected with certain commands:

  • get prints basic information about any matching objects
  • describe prints aggregated detailed information about any matching objects
  • logs prints the stdout and stderr of a container in a Pod

Imperative Object Configuration

The create -f command can be used to create an object from a local or remote configuration file.

$ kubectl create -f :filename|:url

The --edit argument can be used to edit a configuration before it’s created.

Live objects can be updated according to a configuration file with the replace -f command.

Note however that replace drops all parts of the spec not specified in the configuration file. For this reason, it shouldn’t be used with objects whose specs are partially managed by the cluster such as Services of type LoadBalancer, where the externalIPs field is managed separate from the configuration file. Such independently managed fields must be copied to the configuration file to prevent being dropped by replace. This can also occur when an object is updated by changing some field. Multiple writers to the same object can be accommodated with the kubectl apply command.

$ kubectl replace -f :filename|:url

An object described by a configuration file can be deleted with the delete -f command.

$ kubectl delete -f :filename|:url

An object described by a configuration file can be viewed with the get -f command.

$ kubectl get -f :filename|:url -o yaml

Objects created with imperative commands can be migrated to imperative object configuration by:

  1. Exporting the live object to a local object configuration file:

    $ kubectl get :kind/:name -o yaml --export > :kind_:name.yaml
  2. Removing the status field from the configuration file.

  3. Using the replace -f command for any future updates.

Declarative Object Configuration

An object configuration file is the file that defines the configuration for a Kubernetes object. They are usually stored in source control.

A live object configuration consists of the live configuration values of an object as observed by the Kubernetes cluster, and are usually stored in cluster storage such as etcd.

A declarative configuration writer is a person or sowftware component that makes updates to a live object.

The kubectl apply command creates all objects defined by configuration files in a specified directory, except for those that already exist.

This command also sets an annotation on each object that contains the contents of the object configuration that was used to create the object at kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration.

# Made recursive with -R.
$ kubectl apply -R -f directory/

The apply command can also be used to update all objects defined in a directory, whether they exist or not. This modifies the live configuration by:

  • clearing all fields removed from the configuration file; those present in last-applied-configuration and missing from the configuration file
  • setting all fields appearing in the configuration file; those present in the configuration file whose values don’t match the live configuration

The merge process is determined based on the field type:

  • primitives such as string, integer, or boolean: replace
  • maps (aka objects): merge elements or subfields
  • list: depends on the field’s patchStrategy internal tag, or basic replacement if it’s missing

Updates to map or list fields usually doesn’t replace the entire field, but instead individual sub-elements are updated.

List merging can be accomplished by replacing the entire list, merging individual complex elements, or merging a list of primitive elements.

Replacing a list is done as any other primitive field would be replaced.

Merging a list of complex elements such as maps is done by looking at an internal special tag on each field named patchMergeKey, then using the key in that field as the key for that map element when performing the merge.

Merging lists of primitive elements is no longer supported since Kubernetes 1.5.

Note that any fields updated directly in the live configuration through e.g. kubectl scale can be retained after an apply update as a natural consequence of the above, unless it’s a field that was removed or changed in the configuration file. However, this does not apply when mixing with create and replace commands, since they do not retain the last-applied-configuration annotation.

Since certain fields are defaulted by the API server, it’s recommended to explicitly specify them in the configuration file. This is because some fields may be defaulted based on the values of other fields.

It’s recommended to explicitly define Selectors and PodTemplate labels on workers, such as Deployment, StatefulSet, Job, DaemonSet, ReplicaSet, and ReplicationController, as well as the Deployment rollout strategy.

The following example fails because the API server defaults the strategy type to RollingUpdate, which causes it to also default the rollingUpdate: map which the RollingUpdate strategy requires. However, when the strategy type is changed to Recreate it is incorrect to keep the rollingUpdate: map, but it will remain since it’s not explicitly removed.

# last-applied-configuration
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.7.9
        - containerPort: 80

# configuration file
    type: Recreate # updated value
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.7.9
        - containerPort: 80

# live configuration
    type: RollingUpdate # defaulted value
    rollingUpdate: # defaulted value derived from type
      maxSurge : 1
      maxUnavailable: 1
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.7.9
        - containerPort: 80

# result after merge - ERROR!
    type: Recreate # updated value: incompatible with rollingUpdate
    rollingUpdate: # defaulted value: incompatible with "type: Recreate"
      maxSurge : 1
      maxUnavailable: 1
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.7.9
        - containerPort: 80

It’s possible to clear server-defaulted fields or fields set by other writers by adding the field to the configuration file to match the live object, applying it, thereby updating the annotation to include the field, then deleting the field from the configuration and re-applying it, removing the field from the live object and annotation.

The recommended way to delete objects is to use the imperative delete -f command.

$ kubectl delete -f :filename

There is an experimental apply --prune command that queries the API server for all objects matching a set of labels and attempts to match the returned live object configurations against the configuration files and deletes any objects that match the query but don’t have a configuration file in the directory.

$ kubectl apply -f directory/ --prune -l :labels

The apply command updates the live configuration by sending a patch request to the API, which defines updates scoped to specific fields of the live configuration, computed using the configuration file, live configuration, and the last-applied-configuration annotation.

It’s possible to migrate from imperative object configuration to declarative object configuration by:

  1. Setting the last-applied-configuration annotation by reloading the configuration:

    $ kubectl replace --save-config -f :kind_:name.yaml
  2. Use kubectl apply from then on.


Minikube is a light-weight Kubernetes implementation that creates a local virtual machine and deploys a simple cluster containing a single Node 2.

The start command will start a virtual machine with a Kubernetes cluster.

Instead of building a Docker image on the host and pushing it to a registry, the image can be built using the Docker installation on Minikube’s VM, so that the images are automatically present. To accomplish this it’s necessary to load the Minikube’s Docker daemon environment:

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)

# Can be undone:
$ eval $(minikube docker-env -u)


The kubectl’s context determines which cluster it interacts with. Available contexts are shown in ~/.kube/config. The context can be set with the config use-context :context command.

The general structure of kubectl commands is:

$ kubectl :action :resource

The --help argument can be appended to most commands to get information about possible parameters.

The version shows the client and server version information.

The cluster-info command shows the master, dashboard, and other running applications.

The get command lists resources. For example, the get nodes command shows all Nodes that can be used to host applications.

The describe command shows detailed information about a resource.

The logs command prints the logs from a container in a Pod.

The exec command executes a command on a container in a Pod.

The run command creates a new Deployment. It requires a Deployment name and application image location, which should include the full repository URL for images hosted outside of the official Docker registry.

$ kubectl run kubernetes-bootcamp \
    --image=docker.io/jocatalin/kubernetes-bootcamp:v1 \

This has the effect of searching for a suitable Node where an instance of the application can run, scheduling it to run on that Node, then configuring the cluster to reschedule the instance on a new Node when needed.

Deployments can be listed with the get deployments command.

Pods running inside of Kubernetes run in a private isolated network. By default they’re visible from other Pods and Services within the same cluster, but not outside of that network.

The proxy command can be used to create a proxy through which it’s possible to communicate with the cluster-wide private network.

kubectl interacts with the application through an API endpoint. The API server also automatically creates an API endpoint for each Pod based on its name.

The Pod name can be obtained with the following command:

$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')

$ curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/pods/$POD_NAME/

  1. Which would otherwise appear as healthy to process-level health checks, since the process is still running. ↩︎

  2. This makes Kubernetes usable even in a local development environment, similar to what Docker Compose would achieve. ↩︎

November 23, 2017
329ce08 — May 23, 2024