
A lot of people really dislike C++ because it’s a very complex language that often catches one by surprise. Despite this, C++ is undisputed when it comes to striking a balance between abstraction and speed. Those that need to use it for these reasons generally take one of two approaches, while the rest completely dismiss it as an option to begin with.

The first consists of restricting its usage to a specific subset of the language specification; for example, exceptions are generally avoided.

The other approach, perhaps an extreme, is for people to become “language lawyers,” poring over the language specification for every minute detail.

I guess I became a language lawyer myself after asking a question on StackOverflow that was given the language lawyer tag.

In general, though, I try to take a pragmatic approach. I do appreciate C++’s advantage in striking a balance between speed and abstraction, I do limit my use of it to a certain subset of the language, and I do try to learn as much about the language short of actually reading the specification to lower the probability that the language may catch me off guard.

To that end, these are non-exhaustive notes about C++—particularly the trickier bits—including C++11 and C++14 changes.

For C++11 in particular, some compilers are faster than others at adopting the new feature set. Visual Studio is particularly behind the rest, while Clang and GCC seem to be very quick on adopting the new features.

Type Aliasing

Type aliases are similar to typedefs but they can also be used with template names.

using flags = std::ios_base::fmtflags;
using func = void(*)(int,int);

template <typename T>
using ptr = T*;

// int* = ptr<int>

template <typename T>
using B = Blah<T>;

// B<int> == Blah<int>

template <typename T>
struct Container {
  using value_type = T;

typename Container::value_type n;

A dependent name is one that depends on a type parameter. For example, in the following code, ty is a dependent name because its lookup depends on the type of template argument T, such that it can’t be looked up until the template argument is known. For example, T::C may end up being a type for one T while it may be a static integer member for another T.

template <typename T>
struct S {
  T::C ty;  // ambiguous whether it's a type or value

A dependent name is assumed to not name a type unless the name is qualified with the typename specifier. A typename specifier isn’t necessary in certain simple cases, such as T *ptr. The typename specifier is only allowed for qualified names, unqualified names are assumed to be types.

template <typename T>
struct S {
  typename T::C ty;

typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it = v.begin();

A name that is not a member of the current instantiation and is dependent on a template argument is not considered a type unless it’s marked with the typename specifier or it was defined as a type name, such as via a typedef or a using alias.

The same applies to templates. Consider the following 1:

boost::function<int()> f;

Consider the following implementation of boost::function:

namespace boost {
  int function = 0;

In this case, the original code would end up being parsed as boost::function which is zero, compared to int() which is zero, compared to f.

In order to explicitly specify that a name is a template, the template specifier can be used:

T::template foo<X>();

s.template foo<X>();

this->template foo<X>();

typename T::template iterator<int>::value_type v;


The non-right side of the scope resolution operator during unqualified or qualified lookup only considers namespaces, class types, enumerations, or templates whose specializations are types.

struct A {
  static int n;

int main() {
  int A;
  A::n = 42; // OK: unqualified lookup ignores the variable
  A b;       // error: unqualified lookup of A finds the variable A

Argument-dependent lookup (ADL) makes it possible to use operators defined in a different namespace. For example, ADL finds the correct definition of the stream insertion operator because its argument is in the std namespace.

std::operator<<(std::ostream&, const char *);

operator<<(std::cout, "Test\n");

ADL is not considered if the lookup set produced by unqualified lookup contains any of:

  • class member declaration
  • block-scope function declaration
  • any non-function & non-function template declaration

ADL checks each function call argument and template function template argument to determine the associated set of namespaces and classes it will add to the lookup.

ADL adds an associated set of namespaces and classes for every argument in a function call of type:

  1. fundamental type: empty
  2. class type, including unions: add:
    1. the class
    2. its direct/indirect base classes
    3. enclosing class (if any)
    4. enclosing namespaces
  3. template specialization: add:
    1. the types of all template arguments for type template parameters
    2. classes and namespaces in which template template arguments are members
  4. enumeration: class and namespace it’s defined in
  5. pointer to T or array of T: ADL set of T
  6. function: ADL set of parameters and return type
  7. pointer-to-member function F of class X: ADL set of parameter types, return type, and class X
  8. type pointer-to-data member T of class X: ADL set of member type T and class X
  9. name or address-of expression for overloaded function or function template: ADL set of every function in overload set
    1. if named by template name and arguments: ADL set of type template arguments and template template arguments

A condensed summary of ADL specifies that the associated-namespaces are:

  • class member: the class itself, its base classes, and enclosing namespaces
  • namespace member: enclosing namespaces
  • built-in type: none

Due to ADL, non-member functions and operators defined in the same namespace as a class are considered part of the public interface of that class.

ADL only applies during unqualified lookup of function names in function-call expressions.

ADL can find a friend function that is defined entirely within a class or class template even if it was never declared at namespace level.

template <typename T>
struct number {

 friend number gcd(number x, number y) {
   return 0;

void g() {
 number<double> a(3), b(4);
 a = gcd(a,b);

A function call to a function template with explicitly-specified template arguments requires a declaration of the template found by ordinary lookup, such as via a using-declaration:

namespace N1 {
  struct S {};

  template<int X>
  void f(S);

namespace N2 {
  template<class T>
  void f(T t);

void g(N1::S s) {
  f<3>(s);     // syntax error: unqualified lookup finds no `f`
  N2::f<3>(s); // error: wrong `f`, no ADL because qualified

  using N2::f;
  f<3>(s); // ok: unqualified lookup finds N2::f,
           // ADL kicks in and finds N1::f

When a name appears to the right of the scope resolution operator ::, it is looked up via qualified lookup. Otherwise it is looked up using unqualified lookup. Note that this means that the std in std::cout will be looked up with unqualified lookup, while cout via qualified lookup.

For example, given the following:

namespace A {
  struct X;
  struct Y;

  void f(int);
  void g(X);

namespace B {
  void f(int i) {
    f(i); // 1

  void g(A::X x) {
    g(x); // 2

  void h(A::Y y) {
    h(y); // 3

The following results are observed:

  1. endless recursion because ADL is not used since int is a fundamental type, and unqualified lookup finds B::f.
  2. ambiguity error because unqualified lookup finds B::q and ADL finds A::g.
  3. endless recursion because ADL finds no A::h and unqualified lookup finds B::h.

Given the following expression:

std::cout << std::endl;

Each of the names are looked up as follows:

  • std: unqualified lookup finds the namespace in <iostream>
  • cout: qualified lookup finds the variable declaration in std
  • endl: qualified lookup finds the function template declaration in std
  • operator<<: ADL finds multiple function template declarations in std

Overload Resolution

Overload resolution ranks candidate functions as:

  1. exact match: no conversions
  2. promotions: integral promotion or float to double
  3. standard conversions: intdouble, Derived* to Base*, T* to void*, int to unsigned
  4. user-defined conversions: double to complex<double>
  5. ellipsis: ... in a function declaration, e.g. printf

If more than one match is found at the highest level where a match is found, the call is rejected as ambiguous.

If a function and a template specialization are equally good matches for overload resolution, the function is preferred.

Overload resolution only considers the functions of a single scope. Use a using-declaration to bring declarations into scope.

void f(int);

void g() {
  void f(double);
  f(1); // calls f(double)

Overloading a function on both integral and pointer types should be avoided because calling the function with 0 will call the integral overload, not the pointer-type overload, unless the caller always uses nullptr instead of 0.

Overloading functions for which an overload taking a forwarding reference exists is discouraged because the forwarding reference overload will be very greedy, inducing perfect matches in situations where conversions would have matched more appropriate overloads.

Passing overloaded functions can lead to ambiguity errors. This can be resolved by explicitly selecting the desired overload by casting the function to the desired prototype.


constexpr functions yield compile-time constants when called with compile-time constants, otherwise they return runtime values if called with runtime values.

Constructors and member functions can be constexpr.

constexpr forms part of the type’s interface. That is, adding for example I/O for debugging purposes would no longer permit constexpr, which could break a lot of existing code.


Input Deduction
identifier type
(identifier) lvalue reference of type
function() return type
rvalue rvalue reference type
lvalue lvalue reference type

The decltype operator can deduce and “return” the type of the argument to be used to declare something else such as a variable of a function. The rules for what gets returned depends on the expression:

  • identifier (name of object or function) or class member access, yieds type of identifier or class member access
  • parenthesized identifier becomes an lvalue expresion, yields lvalue reference to type of expression
  • function call, yields return type of the function
  • rvalue, yields rvalue reference to type of expression
  • lvalue, yields lvalue reference to type of expression

The suffix-return syntax is useful when the return type is deduced from information—such as the function arguments—and has to appear after the function argument list so that the arguments are “in scope”:

template <class T, class U>
auto add(T x, U y) -> decltype(x + y) {
  return x + y;

Suffix-return syntax can also be useful in class methods in classes with nested types. Given the following class:

struct LL {
  struct Link {};
  Link *erase(Link *p);

Given the following declaration:

LL::Link *LL::erase(Link *p) {}

Using suffix-return syntax, after the compiler reads LL::erase it enters the class scope of LL, making it unnecessary to fully qualify the Link type that’s nested within LL:

auto LL::erase(Link *p) -> Link * {}


The auto keyword allows for type-deduction and should be preferred in the following circumstances:

  • when an expression would otherwise be repeated on both sides
  • lambdas, though can also use std::function
  • iterators and other long type names

auto type deduction rules are the same as that of Template Argument Deduction, except when initialized with a braced-init-list in which case the type is deduced to be std::iitializer_list.

auto variable type deduction rules follow those of Template Argument Deduction (TAD), that is, auto&& is deduced as an lvalue reference or rvalue reference.

Note that the use of auto in a function’s trailing return type does not perform automatic type deduction.

When auto is used as the function return type, TAD is used on the return statement’s operand. Note that if an lvalue reference is returned, TAD will ignore/remove the reference. To return an lvalue reference, decltype deduction rules must be used instead:

template<typename C, typename I>
auto authAndAccess(C& c, I i) {
  return c[i]; // returns Element not Element&

template<typename C, typename I>
decltype(auto) authAndAccess(C& c, I i) {
  return c[i];

When decltype(auto) is used for variable type deduction, the auto keyword is replaced with the expression of the initializer, then regular decltype deduction rules take place.

When decltype(auto) is used as a function’s return type, the auto keyword is replaced with the return statement’s operand, then regular decltype deduction rules take place.

Lambda parameters can be declared auto.

When auto is used on a new expression, the type is deduced from the initializer.

auto c = new auto('x');

Sometimes it’s necessary to use the explicitly-typed initializer idiom to guide auto type deduction. For example, vector<bool>::operator[] returns a proxy class vector<bool>::reference as an implementation detail which implicitly converts to bool. However, if using auto type deduction the type will be declared as vector<bool>::reference instead of the desired bool.

auto isSet = bool_vector[3]; // doesn't deduce to bool
auto isSet = static_cast<bool>(bool_vector[3]);


Calling delete on a nullptr does not call any destructors or deallocators.

Creating a dynamic array with new has the restriction that only the first dimension can be dynamic; all the other dimensions must be an integral constant expression.

int n = 42;
double a[n][5]; // Error

auto p1 = new double[n][5]; // OK
auto p2 = new double[5][n]; // Error

Placement-new can be used to construct objects in storage that has already been allocated. Objects can be destroyed without deallocating their storage by explicitly calling their destructors.

char* ptr = new char[sizeof(T)];
T* tptr = new(ptr) T; // construct in ptr storage

tptr->~T();   // destruct
delete[] ptr; // deallocate

Type Conversions

The result of a cast expression is:

  • an lvalue if new_type is an lvalue reference type or rvalue reference to function type
  • xvalue if new_type is rvalue reference to object type
  • prvalue otherwise

Pointer Decay

Array-to-pointer decay for multidimensional arrays only converts the array to a pointer to the first element, row, or plane. The pointer type has to be the type of the first element, row, or plane.

int a[2];
int *p1 = a;         // first element

int b[2][3];
// int *err = b;     // can't convert int (*)[3][4] to int*
int (*p2)[3] = b;    // first 3-element row

int c[2][3][4];
int (*p3)[3][4] = c; // first 3x4 element plane

A function name automatically converts to a pointer to that function.

void f(int);
void (*p1)(int) = &f;
void (*p2)(int) = f;

For a pointer-to-member, only the type of the member matters, not which specific member is being poitned to. Pointer-to-members can also point to member functions. Members are dereferenced with the syntax .* or ->*:

struct C {
 int m;
 void f(int n) {};

int C::* data_member = &C::m;
void (C::* member_function)(int) = &C::f;

C c   = {7};  c.*data_member;
C *cp = &c;   cp->*data_member;


A pointer-to-member of a base class can be implicitly converted to a pointer to the same member of a derived class.

A pointer-to-member of derived class can be used on the base class by converting it to a pointer-to-member of base class via static_cast. It’s undefined behavior if the base class doesn’t contain the member.

struct Base {};
struct Derived : Base { int m; };

int Derived::* dp = &Derived::m;
int Base::* bp = static_cast<int Base::*>(dp);

The type of a pointer-to-member can itself be a pointer-to-member.

struct A {
  int m;
  int A::* const p;

int A::* const A::* p = &A::p;
const A a = {1, &A::m};


int A::* const* p2 = &a.p;
a.* *p2;

Pointer-to-member functions can be used as callbacks or function objects using std::mem_fn or std::bind:

std::vector<std::string> v = {"a", "ab", "abc"};
std::vector<std::size_t> l;

std::transform(v.begin(), v.end(), std::back_inserter(l),

C-Style Casts

C-Style casts are discouraged. C++-style explicit casts such as static_cast are preferred instead. A C-Style cast expression in C++ is interpreted as the first of the following which satisfy the requirements of the respective cast:

  1. const_cast
  2. static_cast with extensions, i.e. a pointer or reference to a derived class is allowed to be cast to a pointer or reference to the base class
  3. static_cast with extensions followed by const_cast
  4. reinterpret_cast
  5. reinterpret_cast followed by const_cast

As is evident above, the exact behavior of a C-Style cast can vary widely, which is why it’s preferred to use explicit C++ casts.

Functional Casts

A functional cast expression is a single-word type name followed by a single expression in parentheses. It’s exactly equivalent to the corresponding C-style cast expression, i.e.

int(45) == (int)45


The sequence that static_cast follows is:

  1. if new_type can be direct-initialized from the expression, then return a new_type temporary
  2. if new_type is pointer or reference to D and expression is pointer or reference to its base B, then perform a unsafe downcast
  3. if new_type is rvalue reference, then return an xvalue referring to expression
  4. if new_type is void, then discard the value of the expression after evaluation
  5. given the existence of a standard conversion sequence from new_type to expression type, it can perform the inverse of the conversion
  6. it can perform explicit conversion of lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, or function-to-pointer
  7. a scoped enumeration can be converted to integer or floating-point
  8. an integer, floating-point, or enumeration type can be converted to any enumeration. It is undefined behavior if the value is out of the range of target enumeration type
  9. a pointer-to-member of class D can be unsafe upcast to pointer-to-member of base class B. Note that there is no check to ensure that the member actually exists in base class.
  10. prvalue of type pointer to void can be converted to pointer to any type

static_cast can be used to disambiguate function overloads by performing a function-to-pointer conversion with a specific type:

// choose std::toupper(int)

static_cast can be used to perform an unsafe downcast:

D d;
B& b_ref = d;

D& downcast = static_cast<D&>(b_ref);


const_cast can be used to cast away const-ness or volatility (volatile). The sequence consists of:

  1. two possibly multi-level pointers to the same type may be converted between each other regardless of cv-qualifiers at each level
  2. lvalue may be converted to lvalue reference or rvalue reference of the same type of any cv-qualification
  3. rvalue may be converted to rvalue reference of the same type of any cv-qualification
  4. null pointer value may be converted to null pointer value of new_type

It is undefined behavior to use const_cast to remove const-ness or volatility from a pointer or reference and using it to either write to an object declared cosnt or access an object declared volatile.


The behavior of dynamic_cast in the event of failure depends on whether new_type is a pointer type or a reference type. If it’s a pointer type, dynamic_cast returns a nullptr. If it’s a reference type, dynamic_cast throws an std::bad_cast exception.

The sequence of dynamic_cast consists of:

  1. can add const-ness
  2. dynamic_cast<T>(nullptr)nullptr of T
  3. dynamic_cast<Base*>(Derived*)Base*
  4. dynamic_cast<void*>(Polymorphic*)DynamicType*
  5. dynamic_cast<Derived*>(Base*)Derived*, i.e. downcast, if the dynamic type of Base IS-A Derived
  6. dynamic_cast<OtherBase*>(Base*)OtherBase*, i.e. sidecast, if dynamic type of Base IS-A OtherBase
  7. if not 5 or 6:
    1. dynamic_cast<T*>(expr)nullptr
    2. dynamic_cast<T&>(expr)throw std::bad_cast
  8. if within a constructor or destructor, and the expression refers to an object currently under construction or destruction, that object is the dynamic type. It is undefined behavior if new_type is not a pointer or reference to the constructor or destructor’s own class or one of its bases

The static type of an expression is the one that results from compile-time analysis, it doesn’t change during run-time.

The dynamic type of an expression is the type of the most derived polymorphic object.

An incomplete type is one of:

  • void
  • a class type that has been declared (e.g. forward declaration) but not defined
  • an array of unknown size
  • an array of elements of incomplete type
  • an enumeration type from point of declaration until the underlying type is determined


A reinterpret_cast is purely a compiler directive to treat a sequence of bits of the expression as if it had the type new_type.

Given the cast:


The strict aliasing rule says that the cast always succeeds, but the resulting pointer can only be used if one of the following holds, otherwise it is undefined behavior:

  • AliasedType is the (possibly cv-qualified) DynamicType
  • AliasedType and DynamicType are both pointers to same type T
  • AliasedType is a base class of DynamicType
  • AliasedType is char or unsigned char
  • AliasedType is the signed or unsigned variant of DynamicType
  • AliasedType is an aggregate or union type which holds one of the types as element or member


When a signed value is assigned to an unsigned variable, the underlying bit representation is not altered. Instead, the signed value is simply treated literally as if it were an unsigned value.

If the signed value is negative, then it is likely represented at the bit-level in Two’s Complement. For example, given:

uint8_t var = -1;

The value -1 is encoded by first representing it as a positive number:

$$ 0000\ 0001 $$

The digits are then flipped, so that 1s become 0s and vice versa:

$$ 1111\ 1110 $$

Finally, the value is incremented by 1 to arrive at the Two’s Complement representation of -1:

$$ 1111\ 1111 $$

When this value is assigned to an unsigned integer, the value is simply interpreted as if it were unsigned to begin with. Therefore, this value is interpreted as being 255.

Integer Promotion

In general, operands are converted to the same type of the widest operand type in the expression. Loss of precision is avoided, so this also means that when integral and floating-point values are mixed, they’re all converted to floating-point values.

Integer promotion concerns converting small integral types to larger integral types.

bool, char, signed char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short are promoted to int if all possible values fit within an int. Otherwise, they are promoted to unsigned int.

Larger types are promoted to the smallest type of int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long, or unsigned long long which fits the value.

Mixing Unsigned Types

If the types still don’t match but the signs match, then the type of the smaller value is promoted to the type of the larger value.

If the signs don’t match and the type of the unsigned operand is the same as or larger than that of the signed operand, then the signed operand is converted to unsigned as described in Signed-to-Unsigned, which most likely yields unexpected behavior.

If the signs don’t match and the type of the unsigned operand is smaller than that of the signed operand, the result is machine-dependent. If all values in the unsigned type fit in the larger signed type, it’s converted to the larger signed type. Otherwise, the signed operand is converted to the unsigned type as described in Signed-to-Unsigned, which most likely yields unexpected behavior.

Negative Modulus

The modulus operation % simply calculates the remainder of the left expression divided by the right expression. There is confusion when it comes to modulus operations with negative operands, which as far as I know isn’t clearly defined mathematically. For example, the operation -1 % 256.

The equation generally used to calculate the modulus is:

$$ \text{mod}(a, n) = a - \lfloor a / n \rfloor * n $$

The operation -1 % 256 yields the result 255 with this implementation. This is the result yielded in languages such as Python and Ruby.

C and C++ uses the same equation as the above, but the division operation has an additional restriction when used with negative operands:

$$ \text{div}(-a, n) = \text{div}(a, -n) = -(a/n) $$

With these definitions, the division of -1 / 256 in the above equation becomes -(1 / 256). The result of 1 / 256 is zero due to truncation. The negation of this result is still zero, so the result of the modulus operation is simply -1, which is very different from the result of 256 yielded above without these restrictions.

Given the above restriction on the division operation with negative operands, the definition of the modulus operation with negative operands can be simplified to:

$$ \begin{align} \text{mod}(\phantom {-} a, -n) &= \phantom {-} \text{mod}(a, n) \\ \text{mod}(-a, \phantom {-} n) &= -\text{mod}(a, n) \end{align} $$


A function-try-block is a way of wrapping an exception handler around a function body.

int func(int n) try {
  throw n;
} catch (...) {
  assert(n == 4);
  return n;

A catch-all handler can be specified with three dots ... as the catch parameter.

If a catch handler doesn’t match the exception thrown in the corresponding try-block, then the exception is rethrown to the containing try-block, or std::terminate is called if there is none.

A catch handler can rethrow the caught exception explicitly to propagate it up the call stack by using the empty throw; statement.

A noexcept specification specifies that a function throws exceptions if the expression argument evaluates to true. If missing, it is assumed to be noexcept(false), meaning that the function may throw exceptions, whereas noexcept on its own is equivalent to noexcept(true).

A noexcept specification is part of the function type, so it can be used for function parameters that are function pointers to function that don’t throw, or to create type aliases for pointers to functions that don’t throw.

void f() noexcept {  }

// func is noexcept is T()
// constructor is also noexcept
template<class T>
void foo() noexcept(noexcept(T())) {  }

If a function declaration is given a noexcept specification, all other overloads must have the same noexcept specification.

The noexcept operator performs a compile-time check and returns true if the expression argument is declared to not throw exceptions. It is usually used in a noexcept specifier to encode the possibility for example that a function may throw if a function it uses may throw for a given parameter.

Destructors are implicitly noexcept unless the class contains a member whose destructor is explicitly noexcept(false).

A function-try-block can also be used around a constructor as a way to catch exceptions during initialization within a member initializer list. It begins before the function body and includes the member initializer list. Every catch must terminate by throwing an exception, otherwise an implicit rethrow occurs at the end of a catch clause scope.

class A {
  A() try : x(0), y(0) {
    // succeeded
  } catch (std::exception &e) {
    // failed

A function-try-block can also be used around a destructor. The catch clauses may perform explicit returns, otherwise an implicit rethrow is occurs at the end of a catch clause scope.

Some classes make guarantees about what occurs in the event that exceptions are thrown. For example, std::vector guarantees that if an exception occurs during push_back, the original vector would be left unchanged. In the event that the push_back would have had to reallocate space, if the vector decided to use the move constructor to move the objects to the new space and an exception were thrown at some point, the original vector would be left in an inconsistent state, with some of its elements having been moved to the new allocation of memory.

For this reason, such classes use copy constructors unless they are guaranteed that a type’s move constructor doesn’t throw exceptions. This guarantee is specified using the noexcept declaration on a function definition as shown above.


A lambda expression is conceptually transformed into an unnamed prvalue temporary object of a unique, unnamed, non-union, non-aggregate type that overloads its function-call operator, with one data member for each captured variable.

Lambda captures by copy can’t be modified if the mutable keyword is missing after the parameter list. The mutable keyword allows the lambda body to modify the parameters captured by the copy. Conversely, a lambda with the mutable keyword essentially removes the const-qualifier for the converse effect.

Conceptually, a lambda without a mutable keyword has the effect of adding a const-qualifier to the function-call operator’s declaration, thereby preventing the lambda body from mutating the captured variables.

If the lambda’s return type is omitted, it is assumed to be auto.

Conceptually, a lambda with a parameter type of auto has the effect of making the function-call operator a template function with the corresponding parameter as a template parameter.

If the lambda’s parameter list is omitted, it is assumed to be empty:

[capture list] { body }
Captures Effect
[a, &b] a by-value, b by-referece
[this] this by-value
[&] default all by-reference
[=] default all by-value
[] capture nothing

If a lambda capture list contains a capture-default specifier, other captures can’t use the same capture type. That is, if by-value is specified as the capture default, any other listed captures must be by-reference.

Default capture specifiers are discouraged because they can lead to implicit and unexpected captures, which can lead to dangling references.

Note that by-value captures in lambdas can still cause dangling references if pointers are captured. Likewise, by-value default captures can implicitly capture the this pointer when a data member of method is accessed within the lambda. That can be avoided by using a generalized capture to create a local copy.

[age = this->age](int years) {
  return age + years;

static variables are essentially captured by-reference, even given a by-value default capture mode. Use a generalized capture initializer to explicitly perform a copy.

A lambda capture with an initializer has the effect of declaring and explicitly capturing a variable with type auto. This is useful for capturing move-only types:

[move_only_obj = std::move(move_only_obj)](const int param) {

It’s also possible to capture by reference:

[&my_ref = some_lvalue]() {

A lambda capture initializer can also be used to inject values into the lambda:

[pw = make_unique<Widget>("test")]() {
  // use pw


Scoped enumerations can be created to avoid symbol clashing and enumerations’ underlying type can be specified explicitly:

enum class EventType : uint8_t { STATUS, LOG, ERROR };

EventType type = EventType::STATUS;

Scoped enumerations can be forward-declared because the underlying type is always known because it is either explicitly specified or the default is int. Unscoped enumerations can only be forward-declared if the underlying type is explicitly specified in the forward-declaration.

Unscoped enumerations introduce their enumerators into the enclosing scope. If an unscoped enumeration is defined in a class, the enumerators are accessible with the member access operators.

struct X {
  enum Direction { Left, Right };

X x;
X *p = &x;

// enumerator `Left` is accessible via

If the underlying type is not explicitly specified, then the type will either be int or the largest integral type that can represent all values.

Enumerators of unscoped enumerations are implicitly convertible to integral types, while those of scoped enumerations must perform an explicit static_cast.

// unscoped enumeration, implicit conversion
enum Color { RED, GREEN = 20, BLUE };

Color r = BLUE;

int n = r;  // n == 21

// scoped enumeration, explicit conversion
enum class Color { RED, GREEN = 20, BLUE };

Color r = Color::BLUE;

int n = static_cast<int>(r);  // n = 21

Each enumerator, i.e. a possible enumeration value, can be associated with a value of a constexpr. If an enumerator doesn’t have an initializer, it takes on the value of the previous enumerator plus 1, or zero if it’s the first.

Initializers can refer to previous enumerators.

enum Foo {
  C = 10,
  E = 1,
  G = F + C

// A = 0
// B = 1
// C = 10
// D = 11
// E = 1
// F = 2
// G = 12


The lifetime of a temporary is extended to match the lifetime of a reference bound to it, except when:

  • A temporary is bound to a return value of a function. In this case, the temporary is destroyed immediately at the end of the return expression, yielding a dangling reference.

  • A temporary is bound to a reference parameter in a function call. In this case, the temporary exists until the end of the full expression containing the function call. If the function returns a reference to the temporary, it becomes a dangling reference.

  • A temporary is bound to a reference in a new-expression initializer. In this case, the temporary exists until the end of the full expression containing the new-expression. If the initialized object outlives the full expression, its reference member becomes a dangling reference.

Value Categories

An lvalue (“left value”) expression is one that has identity and cannot be moved from. It designates a function or object. Note that the name of a variable or function in scope, even if the variable type is rvalue reference, is itself an lvalue.

An xvalue (“expiring value”) expression is one that has identity and can be moved from, i.e. it’s “expiring”. It’s usually near the end of its lifetime, e.g. a function-returned rvalue reference.

A glvalue (“generalized lvalue”) expression is one that has identity but may or may not be moved from, i.e. it’s either an lvalue or an xvalue.

A prvalue (“pure rvalue”) expression is one that has no identity and cannot be moved from, i.e. it’s an rvalue and is not an xvalue, e.g. a function-returned value that is not a reference.

An rvalue (“right value”) expression is one that can be moved from, but may or may not have identity, i.e. it’s either a prvalue or an xvalue.

Category Has Identity Can Move From
glvalue ?
rvalue ?

When a glvalue appears where a prvalue is expected, the glvalue is converted to a prvalue.

An lvalue transformation is one of:

  • lvalue-to-rvalue conversion
  • array-to-pointer conversion
  • function-to-pointer conversion

An lvalue-to-rvalue conversion is one in which a prvalue temporary object is copy-constructed from a glvalue.

Static Variables

Local static variables are initialized the first time control passes through their declaration. Subsequent passes skip the declaration.

If the initialization of local static variable throws an exception, the variable isn’t considered to be initialized, and so initialization is attempted again on the next pass.

Static local variable destructors run at program exit as long as they were ever successfully initialized.

Static members can be declared in the class definition and defined outside of it.

struct S {
  static int X;  // declaration

int S::X = 3;  // definition


All special member functions can be templates except for copy-constructors and destructors.

Parameter Packs

Parameter packs can be used to allow a function to accept an arbitrary number of parameters with potentially differing types.

template <class ...Us>
void f(Us... pargs) {

template <class ...Ts>
void g(Ts... args) {
 f(&args...); // into &a1, &a2, etc

In order to process each parameter, possibly a different way based on its type, the recursive variadic template function pattern may be used. For example, in the following code, the second function is called as long as there is more than one remaining parameter. As soon as there is only one remaining parameter, the first function is called which only prints that parameter, terminating the recursion.

void print(T t) {
  std::cout << t;

template <typename T, typename ...Targs>
void print(T t, Targs... args) {
 std::cout << t;

It’s similar to the following contrived Haskell code:

print [x] = putStrLn $ show x

print (x:xs) = do putStrLn $ show x
                  print xs

The size of a parameter pack can be obtained with the sizeof... operator.

template <typename... Ts>
constexpr auto make_array(Ts&&... ts)
 -> std::array<std::common_type_t<Ts...>, sizeof...(ts)> {
    return { std::forward<Ts>(ts)... };

std::array<int, 3> a = make_array(1, 2, 3);

Template Specialization

A partial template specialization is one where some but not all of the template parameters are specialized in a template specialization.

Members of partial specializations aren’t related to members of the primary template.

template<class T, int I>
struct A {
  void f();

template<class T, int I>
void A<T, I>::f() { }

template<class T>
struct A<T, 2> {
  void f();

A<char, 0> a0;
a0.f();  // ok: f() definition in primary template A<T, I>

A<char, 2> a2;
a2.f();  // error: no f() definition in partial spec A<T, 2>

When an enclosing class template is fully specialized, all of the partial specializations of member templates are ignored for the given specialization of the enclosing class.

A full class template specialization can change the base class.

template<typename T>
struct is_void : std::false_type {};

// full specialization for T = void
struct is_void<void> : std::true_type {};

A member of a class template specialization doesn’t require an explicit template argument list.

template <typename T>
struct A {
  struct B {  };

  template <class U>
  struct C {  };

template <>
struct A<int> {
  void f(int);

// no template <>
void A<int>::f(int) {  }

A member or member template of a class template can be explicitly specialized even if it is defined in the class template definition.

template <typename T>
struct A {
    void h(T) {  }

template <>
void A<int>::h(int) {  }

A nested class member template cannot be specialized if its enclosing class is not specialized.

template <class T1>
class A {
  template <class T2>
  class B {
    template <class T3>
    void mf1(T3);

    void mf2(); // non-template member

// error:
//   member template B<double> is specialized
//   so its enclosing class A must be specialized
template <class Y>
template <>
void A<Y>::B<double>::mf2() {  }

Variable Templates

A variable template can be used to define a variable with different values based on the type.

template <class T>
constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926535897932385);

// specialization
template <>
constexpr int pi<int> = 3;

template <class T>
T circular_area(T r) {
  return pi<T> * r * r;

When used in a class scope, variable templates declare a static data member template.

Function Templates

When the template argument list (even if empty) is omitted, overload resolution examines both template and non-template overloads.

Template Template Parameters

Template template parameters make it possible to accept a template as a template argument 2. It can be read as “template parameter that itself is a template.”

template <template <typename>
          class Container,
          typename Element>
class Thing {
  Container<Element> things;

Thing<std::vector, int> thing;

Integral Template Parameters

These are used for example with std::array to specify the dimension.

template <int N>
struct S {
  int a[N];

Explicit Template Instantiation

It’s possible to explicitly instantiate a class and all of its members for the provided template arguments.

// instantiated Vector<int> definition
template class Vector<int>;

template <typename T>
void f(T s) {
  std::cout << s << '\n';

template void f<double>(double);
template void f<>(char);
template void f(int);

It’s possible to signal that a given template instantiation is explicitly instantiated in another compilation unit, so that the current one should not instantiate it either implicitly or explicitly.

extern template Vector<int>;

extern template void f<double>(double);

An explicit template specialization must be declared in the same namespace as the primary template, after its definition, before the first use that would cause an implicit instantiaton.

An explicit template specialization of a function template is inline only if it’s declared with the inline specifier, regardless of whether the primary template is inline or not.

An explicit template specialization of a function template cannot be a friend declaration.

An explicit template specialization of a function template cannot contain default function arguments.

Implicit Template Instantiation

Implicit class template instantiation occurs when a completely defined type of a class template is needed. For example, when an object of that type is instantiated, but not when a pointer to that type is constructed. The same applies to members of class type, i.e. they’re only instantiated if they’re used.

Implicit function template instantiation occurs when code requires the function definition to exist and it hasn’t been explicitly instantiated.

Member Templates

A member function template cannot be virtual.

A member function template in a derived class cannot override a virtual member function from the base class, i.e. it may exist alongside one that does override.

class Base {
  virtual void f(int);

struct Derived : Base {
  // does not override B::f
  template <class T> void f(T);

  // override can call the template
  void f(int i) override {

A member function template of special member function does not prevent implicit generation of the corresponding member function.

Given a conflict between a template member function and a non-template member function, the non-template member function is chosen unless an explicit template argument list is supplied.

template <typename T>
struct A {
  void f(int);

  template <typename T2>
  void f(T2);

A<char> ac;
ac.f('c'); // template function f<char>(int)
ac.f(1);   // non-template function f(int)
ac.f<>(1); // template function f<int>(int)

A user-defined conversion function can be a template:

struct A {
  template <typename T>
  operator T*(); // conversion to pointer to any type

// out-of-class definition
template <typename T>
A::operator T*() {
  return nullptr;

// explicit specialization for char*
template <>
A::operator char*() {
  return nullptr;

Nested templates, such as a function template inside of a class template, all need to be specified in the same order when defining a function that depends on multiple types.

template <typename T>
struct String {
  template <typename S>
  int compare(const S&);

template <typename T>
template <typename S>
int String<T>::compare(const S& s) {

Template Argument Deduction

Parameter Argument Deduction
T&& A& A&
T&& A&& A&&
template<typename T>
void f(T&& param);
int x = 27;
f(x); // T = int&, param = int&

template<typename T>
void f(T&& param);
int&& x = 27;
f(x); // T = int, param = int&&

template<typename T>
void f(T&& param);
int y = 27;
const int& x = y;
f(x); // T = const int&, param = const int&

template <typename T>
void f(T param);
int x = 27;
f(x); // T = int, param = int

template <typename T>
void f(T param);
const int x = 27;
f(x); // T = int, param = int

template <typename T>
void f(T param);
int y = 27;
const int& x = y;
f(x); // T = int, param = int

template <typename T>
void f(T& param);
int x = 27;
f(x); // T = int, param = int&

template <typename T>
void f(T& param);
const int x = 27;
f(x); // T = const int, const int&

template <typename T>
void f(T& param);
int y = 27;
const int& x = y;
f(x); // T = const int, const int&

template <typename T>
void f(T param);
int[] array;
f(array); // array-to-pointer decay

template <typename T>
void f(T& param);
int[] array;
f(array); // reference to array

TAD for forwarding references follow normal TAD rules unless the argument is an lvalue, in which case the deduced type parameter and the parameter type are both lvalue references to the same type. A pointer-to-const remains pointer-to-const because the const-ness that would be ignored is that of the pointer, not what the pointer points to.

template<typename T>
void f(T param);

const char * const ptr = "test";
f(ptr); // T = const char *, param = cost char *

template<typename T>
void f(T param);

const char name[] = "abc";
f(name); // T = const char *, param = const char *

template<typename T>
void f(T& param);

const char name[] = "abc";
f(name); // T = const char[4], param = const char (&)[4]

For non-pointer, non-reference template parameters, TAD ignores the reference, const, or volatile components. The reason that TAD ignores the const-qualifier of a by-value template parameter is that, just because the argument can’t be modified doesn’t mean that a copy of the same type can’t be.

TAD can be used to determine the size of an array.

template<typename N, std::size_t N>
constexpr std::size_t array_size(T (&)[N]) noexcept {
  return N;

TAD for no-forwarding reference parameters treat lvalue refereces as non-references, that is, given int&, it deduces int.

Move Semantics

C++11 introduced move semantics which simply refers to recognizing the notion of moving objects instead of only being able to copy them. With this introduction came rvalue-references which designate an object as being “moveable,” usually because it’s about to be destroyed anyways.

A simple explanation for the act of “moving” is that of a string class with an underlying char array. If there is an instance A that needs to be replicated into instance B, it can be done by copying A into B using a copy constructor which would make a copy of the underlying array. However, if A was going to be destroyed shortly after, then the copy would have been unnecessary. Instead of copying the array from A, it could simply steal its pointer.


rvalue-references are simply references that can only be bound to rvalues. rvalues are either temporary objects or literals, both of which are ephemeral over the course of evaluating an expression. It then follows naturally that an object bound to an rvalue-reference has no “owner”, and more importantly that the object is about to be destroyed, so code is free to steal its contents. rvalue-references are simply a way of “tagging” such objects, to be able to write functions that apply specifically to objects that are about to be destroyed, i.e. a move constructor.

Aside from binding rvalue-references to rvalues, it is possible to derive an rvalue-reference from an lvalue through the use of static_cast. Such a cast has been implemented as the function std::move in order to be more semantic:

Object &&ref = std::move(instance);

However, deriving an rvalue-reference from an lvalue is seen as a promise that the lvalue will no longer be used other than to assign or destroy it, as the actual value of the lvalue is not well defined or guaranteed.

Forwarding references can be used to forward parameters exactly the same way they were passed.

template<class... Args>
Object emplace(Args&&... args) {
  return Object(forward<Args>(args)...);

This can also be done with lambdas by using decltype.

[](auto&&... params) {
  return Object(forward<decltype(params)>(params)...);

Reference Collapsing

rvalue-references to template parameters have special rules. For example, given the definition:

template <typename T> void func(T&&);

If an lvalue int is passed to the function, a language rule states that the template parameter T will be deduced as being an lvalue-refernece, int&. This poses a problem, since the function parameter’s type ends up being an lvalue-reference to an rvalue-reference, int& &&. A reference to a reference, of any type, can’t usually be created but an exception is made for template parameters.

Template parameters that are deduced as being references to references undergo a process that is referred to as reference collapsing, the rules of which are as follows:

Input Output
X& & X&
X& && X&
X&& & X&
X&& && X&&

Basically, if both references (the template parameter and the deduced type) are rvalue references, collapse to an rvalue reference. Otherwise, collapse to an lvalue reference.

Reference collapsing occurs in the following contexts:

  1. template instantiation
  2. auto variables
  3. typedefs, using aliases
  4. decltype

The consequence of this is that function parameters that are an rvalue-reference to a template parameter type can match any type.

This is the mechanism behind the std::move function, which is defined by the standard as:

template <typename T>
typename remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&& t) {
  return static_cast<typename remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t);

This has the effect that rvalues are passed through as-is. Instead, when an lvalue is passed to std::move, the templated function is instantiated as follows:

  1. T type deduces to string&
  2. remove_reference is instantiated with string&
  3. remove_reference<string&>::type is string
  4. return type of move is therefore string&&
  5. function parameter instantiates as string& && which collapses to string&

The above instantiation procedure yields the following function signature:

string&& move(string &str);

The actual static_cast is what yields and returns an rvalue-reference.

Perfect forwarding can fail with arguments that are:

  • braced-init-lists
  • null pointers 0 and NULL
  • declaration-only integral const static data members
  • template and overloaded function names
  • bitfields


An rvalue-reference can be converted to a const reference. This means that if a class defines copy constructor but not a move constructor and as a result the compiler defines the move constructor as deleted, rvalue-references will type match with const references and as a result, rvalue-reference arguments will use the copy constructor seamlessly.

If an rvalue reference is bound to a temporary, it has the effect of extending the lifetime of the temporary while remaining modifiable, unlike const-lvalue references to temporaries.

Reference Qualifiers

It’s usually the case that member functions can be called on objects regardless of whether they’re lvalues or rvalues. However, this can lead to unexpected usage of objects such as the following:

s1 + s2 = "wow!";

C++11 allows for the explicit restriction on the usage of a member function based on the lvalue/rvalue property of the calling object using a reference qualifier, which is similar to a const qualifier in that it appears at the end of the parameter list but after the const qualifier, and must appear in both the declaration and definition of the function.

Two possible reference qualifiers exist:

  1. & can only be called from an lvalue
  2. && can only be called from an rvalue

Note: If a function has a reference qualifier, than all of the same functions require a reference qualifier.

struct A {
  A& operator=(const A&) &;

A& A::operator=(const A &rhs) & {
  return *this;


It’s a good thing to remember that the only distinction between a class type and a struct type is that struct has by default public visibility and class has default private visibility. That’s all!

Members can be defined mutable so that they can be modified even in a const class or const member function. This should usually only be done when the member doesn’t affect the externally-visible state of the class.

const member functions should be thread safe because they convey the idea of reading, not writing, so const member functions that perform mutations (e.g. to mutable members) should employ some means of synchronization.

Functions defined entirely within a class, struct, or union, are implicitly inline.

Rule of Five

The copy constructor, move constructor, copy-assignment operator, move-assignment operator, and destructor should be thought of as a unit: if one needs to be defined, then the rest should be defined as well.

  • if a class needs a destructor, it likely also needs a copy-assignment operator and copy constructor
  • if a class needs a copy constructor, it likely so needs a copy-assignment operator, and vice versa

Rule of Zero

This recent rule is unlike the other two in that it instead says that classes that contain custom destructors, copy/move constructors, or copy/move assignment operators should deal exclusively with ownership, i.e. encapsulating a so called ownership policy which handles the allocation and deallocation of a particular resource (via RAII). All other classes should not have custom destructors, copy/move constructors, or copy/move assignment operators.

This rule is enforceable out-of-the-box in C++11 through the use of smart pointers such as shared_ptr and unique_ptr along with custom deleters when necessary.

Class Initialization

Classes are initialized as follows:

  1. virtual base classes in depth-first, left-to-right order
  2. direct base classes in left-to-right order
  3. default member initializers top-to-bottom
  4. constructor initializer lists in top-to-bottom member definition order
  5. constructor body initialization

Member Initialization

The order of initializing member variables is:

  1. default member initialization
  2. constructor initializer lists in top-to-bottom member definition order
  3. constructor body initialization

Constructor initializer lists initialize member variables. If a member variable is missing from the initializer list it is default initialized. Members that are const or references must be initialized in the constructor initializer lists. Members in a constructor initializer list are initialized in the order in which they are defined in the class definition.

It is considered best practice to use default member initializers for member variables, opting for constructor initializer lists for edge cases, and for constructor initialization in the worst case.

If a member has a default member initializer and also appears in a constructor’s member initializer list, the default member initializer is ignored. The default member initializer can be thought of as the initializer to use if the member would otherwise be default-initialized.

Value initialization occurs when:

  • in an array initialization, fewer declarations appear than the size of the array
  • defining a local static object without an initializer
  • explicitly requesting value initialization by writing expressions of the form T() where T is the name of the type

Member functions defined inside the class definition are inlined.


A narrowing conversion is:

  • from floating-point to integral type
  • from long double to double or float, unless source is a constexpr and there is no overflow
  • from double to float, unless source is a constexpr and there is no overflow
  • from integral type to floating-point type, unless source is a constexpr whose value can be represented exactly in the target type
  • from integral or unscoped enumeration to an integral type that cannot represent all values of the original, unless source is a constexpr whose value can be represented exactly in the target type

A braced-init-list is not an expression, and by extension it has no type. For this reason, it can’t be used as an argument to decltype(). Since it has no type, template argument deduction cannot deduce a type that matches a braced-init-list.

The following is ill-formed because the braced-init-list has no type and thus a type cannot be deduced, so a function template cannot be instantiated.

template <class T>
void f(T);

f({1, 2, 3});

The auto keyword makes an exception in that it deduces any braced-init-list as an std::initializer_list.

The list-initialization sequence consists of:

  1. If T is a class type and there’s a single element that IS-A T, then initialize from that element.
  2. If T is a character array and there’s a single element that is a string literal, then initialize from the string literal
  3. If T is an aggregate type, then perform aggregate-initialization.
  4. If T is a class type with a default constructor and the braced-init-list is empty, then perform value-initialization
  5. If T is an std::initializer_list, then initialize from the temporary rvalue std::initializer_list.
  6. If T is a class type then overload resolution chooses between its constructors:
    1. those that only take an std::initializer_list (despite default parameters)
    2. those with parameters matching the braced-init-list elements as arguments, barring narrowing conversions.
  7. If there’s a single element of type E and T is not a reference type, or is a reference type and IS-A E, then initialize from the element barring narrowing conversions
  8. If T is an lvalue const reference or rvalue reference, then bind to the rvalue reference of the list-initialize temporary
  9. If the braced-init-list is empty, then perform value-initialization.


An aggregate is an object is either an array or a class type that has:

  • no private or protected members
  • no user-provided constructors, though it’s allowed to explicitly mark them default or delete
  • no base classes
  • no virtual member functions
  • no default member initializers

Aggregate-initialization occurs whenever an aggregate type is initialized.

The aggregate-initialization sequence consists of:

  1. Copy-initialize each array element or member

  2. If the braced-init-list’s size is greater than the number of members or empty, then the remaining members are initialized by their default member initializers, or if there are none, using value-initialization.

    A consequence of this is that it’s possible to initialize only the first column of a 2D array, for example, such that the following two arrays are equivalent:

    int a[2][2] = {{1}, {2}};
    int b[2][2] = {{1, 0}, {2, 0}};
  3. Braces around nested subaggregate initializer lists may be omitted, i.e. the following two initializations are equivalent:

    int a[2][2] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    int b[2][2] = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}};


Constant-initialization occurs after zero-initialization of static and thread-local objects, but before all other initializations.


Copy-initialization only considers non-explicit constructors and non-explicit user-defined conversion functions.

Copy-initialization occurs when:

  • Assigning to a new object with the equals sign (not assignment operator):

    T object = other;
  • Passing a parameter by-value:

  • Returning a by-value:

    return other;
  • Throwing or catching by-value:

    throw object;
    catch (T object) {  }
  • Placing an object in a brace-initializer:

    T array[N] = {other};

Given a target type T and initializing expression E, the copy-initialization sequence consists of:

  1. If T is a class type and E IS-A T, overload resolution chooses the best converting constructor

  2. If either:

    • T is a class type and E is of a different type
    • T is not a class type but E is a class type

    Then overload resolution chooses the best user-defined conversion, the result of which is used for direct-initialization

  3. If T nor E are class types, standard conversions are used


Copy-list-initialization, like copy-initialization, only considers non-explicit constructors.

Copy-list-initialization occurs when:

  • initialization of a named variable with a braced-init-list after an equals sign =:

    T object = {arg, };
  • in a function call expression with a braced-init-list as an argument which is used to list-initialize the function parameter:

    function({arg, });
  • in a return statement with a braced-init-list which is used to list-initialize the returned object:

    return {arg, };
  • in a subscript expression with a user-defined operator[] which list-initializes the parameter of the overloaded operator:

    object[{arg, }];
  • in an assignment expression which list-initializes the parameter of the overloaded operator=:

    object = {arg, };
  • in a functional cast expression which uses a braced-init-list to copy-list-initialize a constructor’s parameter:

    U({arg, });
  • in a data member initializer of a non-static data member that uses an equals sign =:

    class A {
      T member = {arg, };


Direct-initialization considers all constructors.

Direct-initialization occurs when:

  • Non-empty parenthesized initialization

    T obj(arg1, arg2, );
  • List-initialization

    T obj { arg1, arg2,  };
  • Functional cast

  • Static cast

  • Base or member constructor initializer list

    T::T() : member(arg1, arg2, ) {  };
  • By-copy closure captures

    [arg]() {  }

The direct-initialization sequence consists of:

  • If T is a class type, overloaded resolution determines the best constructor
  • Otherwise if T is a non-class type, use standard conversions


Direct-List-Initialization occurs when:

  • Initializing a named variable with a braced-init-list:

    T object{arg, };
  • Initializing an unnamed temporary with a braced-init-list:

    T{arg, };
  • Initialization of dynamic object with a braced-init-list:

    new T{arg, };
  • Default member initializer for non-static data member that doesn’t use an equals sign =:

    class A {
      T member{arg, };
  • Member initialization when using a braced-init-list in a member initializer list:

    class A {
      A() : T{arg, } {


Default-initialization occurs when no parentheses or empty parentheses are used with a constructor, or when a base class or member is omitted from a constructor initializer list and there is no default member initializer.

Given a target type T, the default-initialization sequence consists of:

  • If T is a class type, overload resolution determines the best (default) constructor.
  • If T is an array type, every element is default-initialized.
  • Otherwise objects with automatic storage and their subobjects are initialized to indeterminate values


Value-initialization occurs when:

  • Nameless temporary object created with empty parentheses of braces

    T *t = new T();
    T *t = new T{};
  • Named temporary object with empty braces

    T object{};
  • Member initializer with empty parentheses or braces

    T::T() : member() {  }
    T::T() : member{} {  }

The value-initialization sequence consists of:

  • If T is a class type with either:

    • no default constructor
    • a user-provided default constructor
    • deleted default constructor

    Then the object is default-initialized.

  • If T is a class type with a default constructor that’s neither user-provided nor deleted (i.e. it may be defaulted or implicitly-defined), then the object is zero-initialized and then if it has a non-trivial default constructor it is also default-initialized.

  • If T is an array type, each element is value-initialized

  • Otherwise the object is zero-initialized.


Zero-initialization occurs when:

  • For every named variable with static or thread-local storage duration, before any other initialization:

    static T object;
  • As part of the value-initialization sequence for non-class types of members of value-initialized class types that have no constructors:

  • Character array is initialized with string literal that is too short, so remainder of the array is zero-initialized:

    char array[5] = "";

The zero-initialization sequence consists of:

Type Effect
scalar integral constant zero explicitly converted to T
non-union class type base classes & members zero initialized; constructors ignored
union type first named member is zero-initialized
array each element is zero-initialized
reference nothing

Access Specifiers

Access specifiers are used for class members in class definitions and on base classes when inheriting.

Class member access specifiers specify the external visibility of members, including deriving classes. That is, if a member is given private visibility, not even a deriving class will be able to access that member, unless it’s a friend. The default member access is public for structs and private for classes.

Specifier Accessible from
public anywhere
protected members and friends of the class and direct inheritors
private members and friends of the class

Inheritance access specifiers specify the external visibility of inherited members, which means this affects classes that derive from the derived class. The default inheritance access specifier is public for structs and private for classes.

Specifier Effect
public inherited members retain their member access
protected inherited public members become protected
private inherited public and protected members become private

In effect, member access specifiers specify what and how members are externally visible, whereas inheritance access specifiers are a way to specify what and how inherited members which are accessible to the derived class are externally visible.

For example, consider base A, inheritor B: A, and C: B:

class A { int x; };
class B : A {};
class C : B {};

If A marks member x as private, then B nor C will be able to access it. However, if A were to specify a public accessor method for x then B would be able to access it that way. It makes sense that A should be able to guard access to its internal state so that inheritors don’t come to rely on it or even corrupt it.

class A { private: int x; };

// can't access x
class B : A {};
class C : B {};

If A marks member x as public but B inherits A as private, i.e. B: private A, then C won’t be able to access x. In effect, B has “closed off” access to x. This can be useful if B has added some behavior around A’s internal state that it doesn’t want inheritors to mess up.

class A { public: int x; };
class B : private A {};

// can't access x
class C : B {};

Note that a protected member is only externally accessible from derived classes. If a derived class defines a method which accepts a parameter of the base class, the protected member won’t be accessible through that parameter even though it’s in a method of the derived class:

class A { protected: int x; };

class B : public A {
 void func(B&);  // can access A::x via B
 void func(A&);  // can't access A::x

A name that is private according to unqualified name lookup may still be accessible through qualified name lookup.

Accessibility for names of virtual functions is checked at the call point using the static type of the expression. Access of the final overrider is ignored.

Base Classes

A base class should explicitly mark default all operations that it requires:

  1. virtual destructor
  2. move operations (won’t be implicitly defined since destructor defined)
  3. copy operations (won’t be implicitly defined since move operations defined)

Virtual Base Classes

A virtual base class is one that is included only once for every time it is inherited as a virtual base class in the hierarchy.

class T : public virtual B {};

Default Constructors

The best practice is to always define a default constructor if any other constructors are defined.

Default constructors are synthesized only if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. no other constructors are defined
  2. all of the members of built-in or compound type have default member initializers
  3. all members of class type have default constructors

If other constructors are defined but otherwise all other criteria is met for synthesizing a default constructor, the default constructor can be constructed using the = default directive:

class A {
  A() = default;
  A(int a, int b);

Class members can be initialized inside the class definition. These initializers are known as default member initializers. Default member initializers must be defined either using the = assignment operator or list initialization syntax {}.

Constructors can delegate their constructing to other constructors inside the constructor initializer list. In this case, the delegated constructor must be the only initializer in the member initializer list.

struct S {
  int m;

  S(int x) : m(x) {  }

  S(string s)
    : S(std::stoi(s)) {

Virtual functions can be explicitly overridden in derived classes using the override trailing keyword.

Class methods or entire classes can be defined final which prevents their overriding or deriving, respectively.

A default-constructor is trivial if:

  • it performs no action
  • it isn’t user-provided
  • there are no virtual bases or virtual member functions
  • there are no members with default member initializers
  • every direct base and member of class type has a trivial default-constructor

A default-constructor is implicitly-declared if:

  • there are no user-defined constructors of any kind; OR
  • user forces the declaration via default

An implicitly-declared default-constructor is deleted if:

  • there’s a reference member without a default member initializer
  • there’s a const member without a default-member initializer or user-defined default constructor
  • there’s a member without a default member initializer and a deleted or inaccessible default-constructor
  • there’s a direct base with a deleted or inaccessible default-constructor or destructor

An implicitly-declared, default-constructor is implicitly-defined if it’s not deleted. The effect of the implicitly-defined default-constructor is the same as a constructor with an empty initializer list and body, i.e. it calls the default-constructors of bases and members (unless the member has a default member initializer).


Destructors do whatever work must be done to free resources used by an object, e.g. file handles. While in constructors the members are initialized before the constructor body runs, a destructor body’s body executes first and then the members are destroyed afterward, in the reverse order of declaration in the class definition.

A destructor can be called directly on an object, but it is undefined behavior to do so more than once. For this reason, directly calling a destructor on a local object would yield undefined behavior when the destructor is automatically and implicitly called again at the end of the scope.

A destructor is trivial if:

  • it isn’t user provided
  • it isn’t virtual (nor is the base class destructor virtual)
  • every direct base and class-type member has a trivial destructor

A destructor is implicitly-declared if there is no user-defined destructor provided.

An implicitly-declared destructor is deleted if:

  • there’s a direct base or member with a deleted or inaccessible destructor
  • there’s an implicitly-declared virtual destructor and a deleted or inaccessible operator delete()

An implicitly-declared destructor is implicitly-defined if it’s not deleted or trivial. An implicitly-defined destructor simply has an empty body.

If one deletes this, then this and every pointer to the object becomes invalid, and no member function may be called.

Copy Constructors

A copy constructor is one consisting of a single parameter that is a reference to the same type of the constructor:

struct A {
  A(const A&);

Copy constructors are synthesized if none are defined. Synthesized copy constructors perform member-wise copies of the argument. Members of class type are copied using their respective copy constructors and members of built-in type—including arrays—are copied directly.

A::A(const A& toCopy) :
  secondMember(toCopy.secondMember) {}

Copy initialization occurs when:

  • assigning with the = assignment operator to a new object
  • passing the object as an argument to parameter of non-reference type. note that this is why the parameter to the copy constructor has to be a reference type, or infinite recursion would occur
  • returning by value
  • placing in a brace initializer

The compiler can perform copy elision to avoid unnecessary copies, short of using actual move semantics. Multiple copy elisions can be chained. Copy elision may occur when:

  • Named Return Value Optimization (NRVO): a class type is returned by-value and is the same type as function return type and isn’t a function parameter object. It is constructed directly into the function return value.
  • A non-reference, nameless temporary that would be moved/copied into an object of same type, is instead constructed directly into the storage of the object, known as Return Value Optimization (RVO) when in a return context.

It is unportable to rely on the side-effects of copy/move constructors and destructors because some compilers don’t perform copy elision in every situation where it is allowed, such as in debug mode.

Even if copy elision isn’t performed, the return statement will attempt to use the move constructor to initialize the by-value return object, only copying if that fails.

A copy-constructor is implicitly-declared if there are no user-defined copy-constructors or the user forced it via default. The type of the copy constructor is either:

  • T::T(const T&) if all direct bases and members have copy-constructors with const-reference or const-volatile
  • T::T(T&) otherwise

An implicitly-declared copy-constructor is deleted if there exists:

  • a direct base or member with a deleted or inaccessible copy-constructor
  • a direct base with a deleted or inaccessible destructor
  • a user-defined move-constructor or move-assignment operator
  • an rvalue-reference member

An implicitly-declared copy-constructor is implicitly-defined if it’s not deleted or trivial. The effect of an implicitly-defined copy-constructor is equivalent to a full member-wise copy of the bases and members using direct-initialization.

A copy-constructor is trivial if it performs a bytewise copy of the object and:

  • it is not user-provided
  • there are no virtual bases or virtual member functions
  • every base and member has a trivial copy-constructor
  • there are no volatile members

Copy-Assignment Operators

Assignment operators control how objects of its class are assigned. They generally should return a reference to the left-hand object.

A& A::operator=(const A& rhs) {
  if (this != &rhs) {
    firstMember = rhs.firstMember;
    secondMember = rhs.secondMember;

  return *this;

Copy-assignment operators are synthesized if none are define. Synthesized copy-assignment operators perform member-wise assignment before returning a reference to the left-hand object.

Copy-assignment occurs when an existing object is assigned a new value from another existing object.

A copy-assignment operator is trivial if it creates an object copy as if by std::memmove, and:

  • isn’t user-provided
  • there are no virtual bases or virtual member functions
  • every direct base and class-type member has a trivial copy-assignment operator

A copy-assignment operator is implicitly-declared if there are no user-defined copy-assignment operators or the user forced it via default. The type of an implicitly-declared copy-assignment operator is:

  • T& T::operator=(const T&) if each base and member has a copy-assignment operator with a parameter type of one of the following: B, const B&, const volatile B&
  • T& T::operator=(T&) otherwise

An implicitly-declared copy-assignment operator is deleted if:

  • user-declared move constructor or move-assignment operator
  • there’s a non-class type const member
  • there’s a reference member
  • there’s a member or direct base with a deleted or inaccessible copy-assignment operator

An implicitly-declared copy-assignment operator is implicitly-defined if it’s not deleted or trivial. The effect of an implicitly-defined copy-assignment operator is simply to perform a member-wise copy-assignment of the bases and members.

Move Constructors

Because rvalue-references serve as a sort of “tag” on an object that’s about to be destroyed, functions can overload implementations specifically for such objects. In effect, a move constructor is used when overload resolution selects the move constructor—which is considered a converting constructor—because the argument is an rvalue expression.

An example of this would be a move constructor:

A::A(A &&moveFrom) noexcept :
  secondMember(moveFrom.secondMember) {
  moveFrom.firstMember = moveFrom.secondMember = nullptr;

It’s important to leave the moved-from object in a destructible state.

A move-constructor is implicitly-declared if there are no user-defined move-constructors and there are no user-declared:

  • copy-constructors
  • copy-assignment operators
  • move-assignment operators
  • destructors

An implicitly-declared move-constructor is deleted if there’s:

  • a direct base or member with a deleted or inaccessible move-constructor
  • a direct base with a deleted or inaccessible destructor

A move-constructor is trivial if it performs a simple copy, same as a trivial copy constructor, and it is:

  • not user-provided
  • there are no virtual bases or virtual member functions
  • every direct base and member has a trivial move-constructor
  • there are no volatile members

An implicitly-declared move-constructor is implicitly-defined if it’s not deleted or trivial. The effect of an implicitly-defined move-constructor is to perform a full member-wise move of object bases and members.

Move-Assignment Operator

This is similar to the move constructor:

A& A::operator=(A&& rhs) noexcept {
  if (this != &rhs) {
    delete firstMember;
    firstMember = rhs.firstMember;
    rhs.firstMember = nullptr;

  return *this;

An interesting thing to note is that the move-assignment operator can be defined in terms of the copy-assignment operator if a move constructor is defined:

struct A {
  A(A &&other) noexcept : B(other.B) { other.B = nullptr; }
  A& operator=(A rhs) {
    swap (*this, rhs);
    return *this;

In this case, if an rvalue-reference is used with the assignment operator, then the rhs variable is created using the move-constructor which simply allows rhs to steal the B pointer from the rvalue. Once inside the assignment operator function body, the current instance steals the B pointer from the rhs copy. The rhs copy is automatically destroyed when it goes out of scope.

A move-assignment operator is implicitly-declared if there are no user-defined move-assignment operators or user-forced move-assignment operator via default. Also, there are no user-declared:

  • copy constructors
  • move constructors
  • copy-assignment operators
  • destructors

An implicitly-declared move-assignment operator is deleted if:

  • there is a const or reference member
  • there is a base or member with a deleted or inaccessible move-assignment operator

A move-assignment operator is trivial if it performs a simple copy, same as the trivial copy constructor, and:

  • it isn’t user-provided
  • there are no virtual bases or virtual member functions
  • every direct base and class-type member has a trivial move-assignment operator

An implicitly-declared move-assignment operator is implicitly-defined if it’s neither deleted nor trivial. In this case, the implicitly-defined move-assignment operator simply performs a full member-wise move-assignment of direct bases and members.


Unlike the copy operations that are always synthesized if they’re not otherwise defined or deleted, the compiler only synthesizes move operations if the class doesn’t define any copy operations and if every non-static data member is moveable. Moveable members include built-in types and those that define a move operation.

If a class defines move operations, the respective copy operation will be defined as deleted and must be defined explicitly.

If a default implementation is explicitly requested with the default directive, but the compiler can’t define one due to the following reasons, then it will be defined as deleted:

  • the class has a member that defines its own copy constructor but not a move constructor or if the class has a member that doesn’t define its own copy operations and for which the compiler is unable to synthesize a move constructor. The same applies for move-assignment.
  • the class has a member whose respective move operation is deleted or inaccessible
  • the destructor is deleted or inaccessible
  • the class has a const or reference member


The sequence order of implicit conversions is:

  1. 0 or 1 standard conversion sequence
  2. 0 or 1 user-defined conversion
  3. 0 or 1 standard conversion sequence

The sequence of a standard conversion is:

  1. 0 or 1 lvalue transformation
  2. 0 or 1 numeric promotion or conversion
  3. 0 or 1 function pointer conversion
  4. 0 or 1 qualification adjustment

A user-defined conversion consists of:

  1. 0 or 1 non-explicit, single-argument constructor or non-explicit conversion function call

An explicit bool conversion operator can be used in an implicit conversion sequence when it’s used in the context of:

  • if, while, for conditions
  • logical operators !, &&, ||
  • ternary operator :?
  • static_assert
  • noexcept

An expression E is implicitly convertible to T when an object of T can be copy-initialized with expression E.

The conversion ranks of primitive types are as follows. Note that the unsigned counterparts have equal rank:

  1. bool
  2. char
  3. short
  4. int
  5. long
  6. long long

Arithmetic conversions produce a common type by:

  • if either operand is a scope enum, other must be same type
  • if either operand is long double, other to long double
  • if either operand is double, other to double
  • if either operand is float, other to float
  • if operand has integer type (bool, char, unscoped enum promoted to):
    • if both are signed or unsigned: operand with lesser conversion rank converted to operand with greater conversion rank
    • unsigned operand conversion rank ≤ signed operand conversion rank: signed operand converted to unsigned operand type
    • if signed operand’s type can represent all values of unsigned operand: unsigned operand converted to signed operand’s type
    • else: both operands are converted to unsigned counterpart of signed operand’s type

Converting Constructors

Converting constructors allow for the implicit conversion from other types to the class type. Only one such implicit conversion is possible; it isn’t possible to chain multiple such conversions. Examples of converting constructors are implicitly-declared or user-defined, non-explicit copy and move constructors.

To prevent a converting constructor from being used to perform an implicit conversion, the function can be marked explicit, in which case the constructor is no longer considered a converting constructor.

explicit A(std::string &str) : internal(str) {}

Explicit conversion functions are only considered when performing direct-initialization, whereas converting constructors are considered during copy-initialization as part of the user-defined conversion sequence.

Explicit conversion functions can be used via an explicit static_cast or with direct-initialization.

Conversion Operators

Whereas converting constructors provide a way of converting another type to the class type, conversion operators provide a way of converting the class type to another type. They are defined using the operator keyword followed by the type it converts to.

struct A {
  operator bool () const { return B; }

However, creating a bool conversion operator can cause unexpected results such as in the following:

int i = 42;
cin << i;

The above code is legal even though << isn’t defined for cin which is of type istream. The reason it’s legal is that cin gets converted to bool, which then gets promoted to an int, after which the operation becomes a simple left-shift operation.

For this reason, conversion operators can be defined as explicit. A conversion operator that is defined as explicit won’t be performed implicitly and instead it must be performed explicitly through the use of static_cast. The only exception to this is when the expression would be used for boolean logic.

struct A {
  explicit operator bool () const { return B; }

Conversion Ambiguity

It’s pretty easy to get into a situation where it becomes ambiguous as to how a type is being converted.

In general:

  • don’t define mutually converting classes
  • avoid conversions to built-in arithmetic types. If this is necessary, then:
    • don’t define overloaded versions of operators that take arithmetic types since the conversion will handle it
    • don’t define a conversion for more than one arithmetic type

However, it’s probably best to try to completely avoid conversion functions with the exception of explicit conversions to bool and others that are very obvious.

Mutual Conversions

One way is to create a converting constructor to a type that itself defines a conversion operator to the original type.

For example, given:

struct B;

struct A {
  A() = default;
  A(const B&);

struct B {
  operator A() const;

Both A and B define mutual conversions. A defines a converting constructor that converts B to A, and B itself defines a conversion operator that converts from B to A. Therefore, the last line in the following code is ambiguous:

A f(const A&);
B b;
A a = f(b);

Because the conversion operation is ambiguous to the compiler, an error is emitted. Instead, it would have to be explicitly qualified:

A a1 = f(b.operator A()); // use B's converting operator
A a2 = f(A(b));           // use A's converting constructor

To avoid ambiguity, one should not define classes with mutual conversions.

Redundant Built-In Conversions

Another way is to define multiple conversions to or from types that themselves are related by conversions.

For example, given:

struct A {
  A(int = 0);
  operator int () const;
  operator double () const;

Due to implicit integer promotion, the two conversions to and from int and double become ambiguous to the compiler:

void f2(long double);
A a;
f2(a);    // operator int () or operator double ()

long lg;
A a2(lg); // A(int) or A(double)

The calls above are ambiguous because long -> double and long -> int both have the same rank in terms of integral promotion. If instead the parameter had been of type short then the promotion of short -> int would have had a higher rank than short -> double and so that conversion would have been chosen by the compiler.

For this reason, one should not define more than one conversion to or from an arithmetic type.


Functions can be specified as deleted which prevents the compiler from generating code for them. This can be helpful for preventing copying of a specific type:

struct NoCopy {
  NoCopy(const NoCopy&) = delete;
  NoCopy &operator=(const NoCopy&) = delete;

The compiler sometimes defines copy-control members, which it would have otherwise synthesized, as deleted for the following reasons:

  • destructor: if a member has a deleted or inaccessible destructor, e.g. private
  • copy constructor: if a member has a deleted or inaccessible copy constructor or if a member has a deleted or inaccessible destructor
  • copy-assignment operator: if a member has a deleted or inaccessible copy-assignment operator or if the class has a const or reference member
  • default constructor: if a member has a deleted or inaccessible destructor or has a reference member without a default member initializer or has a const member whose type has no explicit default constructor and the member has no default member initializer

Any function can be marked delete, not just special member functions. This can be used to prevent certain inadvertent conversions from taking place, since overload resolution will automatically select it and the compiler will emit an error since it’s deleted:

bool isLucky(int number);      // arg _must_ be int
bool isLucky(char) = delete;   // not char
bool isLucky(bool) = delete;   // not bool
bool isLucky(double) = delete; // not float or double

isLucky('a')  // error: call to deleted function
isLucky(true) // same
isLucky(3.5f) // same

delete can also be used to prevent certain template instantiations. This is accomplished by specializing the instantiation and deleting it.

// shouldn't be instantiated for use with
// void* or char*
template<typename T>
void processPointer(T *ptr);

void processPointer<void>(void*) = delete;

void processPointer<const char>(const char *) = delete;


Classes that allocate resources might want to define a swap inline friend function that simply swaps pointers around. This is useful for classes that allocate resources, and can be re-used in copy and move operations.

struct A {
  friend void swap(A&, A&);
  SomeType *B;

inline void swap(A &lhs, A &rhs) {
  using std::swap;
  swap(lhs.B, rhs.B);

It’s very important to recognize that the swap function used isn’t explicitly qualified to be from the std namespace. Instead, the swap function from the std namespace is brought into the scope for purposes of name resolution.

Not explicitly qualifying the function allows a type-specific swap function to be used in the event that one is defined, which would be much more efficient than using the std function which simply creates a temporary swap value.

One use of the swap function is to implement the assignment operator:

A& A::operator=(A rhs) {
  swap(*this, rhs);
  return *this;

It’s important to note that this implementation passes the right-hand side by value and not by reference. This is done so that after the type internals are swapped, the right-hand side’s copy’s destructor is run and the resources are freed. This handles self-assignment gracefully.


Constructors, copy and move operations, and assignment operations all have to handle initializing not only their members but also those of the base class. This is usually accomplished by delegating that work to the equivalent operation from the base class.

However, a destructor is always only in charge of destroying only its own members. The base class destructor is implicitly invoked after the completion of the derived class destructor.

Name lookup is affected by inheritance and virtual functions. Given a call p->mem() or p.mem():

  1. determine the static type of p
  2. look for mem in the class that corresponds to the static type of p. If it’s not found, continue the lookup up the inheritance hierarchy. Error if not found.
  3. perform normal type checking (§ 6.1 p. 203) to see if the call is legal
  4. if it’s legal, generate code depending on whether the call is virtual:
    1. virtual: if the call is made through a reference or pointer, then generate code to determine at run-time which version to run based on the dynamic type of p
    2. otherwise: if the call isn’t virtual or made through a reference or pointer, then generate a normal function call

Inheritance can be prevented by a class using the final directive:

class A final {};

This directive can also be used on specific member functions:

struct A {
  void Perform() final;

Virtual Functions

An abstract base class is one that contains a pure abstract method, which is one that must be implemented by children.

class T {
  virtual void func() = 0;

Sometimes a class needs to be abstract but there are no other functions available to declare as pure virtual. In this case, the destructor may be explicitly defined as pure virtual. However, it would need also require a definition, since all base class destructors are always called when a derived class is destroyed.

struct T {
  virtual ~T() = 0;

T::~T() {}

A polymorphic class is one that declares or inherits at least one virtual function.

Function templates cannot be declared virtual.

Virtual functions can be bypassed by using qualified name lookup:

Derived derived;
Base &base = derived;

// call Base::func not Derived::func

Note that virtual functions can’t use return type deduction.

A function with the same name but different parameter list as a base class virtual function does not override the base virtual function of the same name. Instead it shadows it during unqualified name lookup, unless it’s called through a pointer or reference of the base type.

An overriding function can differ in its return type only if:

  • both types are single-level pointers or references to classes
  • the base virtual function’s return type is a direct or indirect base class of the override’s return type
  • the override’s return type is equally or less cv-qualified than the base return type

Virtual destructors are automatically overridden in derived classes.

When a virtual function is called directly or indirectly in a constructor or destructor—including the construction or destruction of members—and the object to which the call applies is the object being constructed or destroyed, the function that is effectively called is the final overriding function in the constructor or destructor’s class, that is, dynamic dispatch doesn’t propagate down the inheritance hierarchy as usual. The more-derived classes don’t exist yet during construction or destruction.

In a class with multiple bases, construction of one subobject restricts polymorphism to its class and its bases.

In a class with multiple bases, during the construction of a base subobject, obtaining a pointer or reference to a separate base subobject and calling a virtual function on it is undefined behavior. In practice, the virtual call is attempted using the current branch’s class virtual table.

The choice of which virtual method to call is often made via virtual tables. A virtual table is constructed for each class containing or overriding virtual methods. Each class is given a virtual table pointer as a hidden member which points to that class’ virtual table. Each virtual table entry contains the address of the appropriate, potentially-overriding implementation of the virtual method for that class. All type-compatible classes have virtual tables with the same layout, this enables a base class pointer to execute overridden methods.

A virtual method invocation on the class’ first method can effectively look like this, given that d is the class:

  1. addr = (*d)[0]

    Dereference the virtual table pointer to access the table, then get the address of the first method within it.

  2. (*addr)(d)

    Invoke the method, passing the correct value of this as the first parameter.


Constructors of derived classes can’t directly initialize base-class members. Instead, initialization is delegated to the base-class constructor:

B(const std::string& str, int num, char ltr) :
  A(str, num), ltr_(ltr) {}

If the base-class is not initialized in this manner, then the base-class is default initialized.

Inherited Constructors

It’s possible to “inherit” constructors from the base class:

struct B : public A {
  using A::A;

The using directive causes B to “inherit” each of the constructors from A except:

  1. the default, copy, and move constructors
  2. those which have the same parameter lists as one of the constructors already defined in the derived class

Despite the first exception above, the inherited constructors aren’t considered to be “user defined” and so the compiler can still synthesize the default, copy, and move constructors if allowed.

The inherited constructors have the exact same properties as defined in the base class, including accessibility, explicit, and constexpr.

Copy and Move Operations

If a derived class defines a copy or move operation, then it is responsible for copy or moving the entire object including base-class members. This is accomplished similar to what a regular does by delegating the work to the equivalent constructor in the base class.

Copy-Assignment Operator

As with the constructor and copy/move operations, the copy-assignment operator can delegate its work to the copy-assignment operator of the base class:

B& B::operator=(const B& rhs) {
  // delegate to base copy

  // assign members of derived class
  return *this;


Base classes that intend to be derived from should define their constructors as virtual, so that correct destructor is run through dynamic dispatch based on the dynamic type of the object being destroyed, instead of the static type. Otherwise destroying a polymorphic class with no virtual destructor is undefined behavior.

This has an implication with move semantics. If a destructor is defined, even as default, then no move operations are synthesized for that class. This issue percolates throughout the inheritance hierarchy, since classes don’t synthesize operations that the base class doesn’t define.

For this reason, the base class usually explicitly defines—even if as default—all of the operations it requires. First the virtual destructor for the aforementioned reasons, then move operations for the aforementioned reasons, and then the copy operations since they would otherwise not be synthesized since the move operations are explicitly defined.

class Base {
  virtual ~Widget() = default;

  Base(Base&&) = default;
  Base& operator=(Base&&) = default;

  Base(const Base&) = default;
  Base& operator=(const Base&) = default;

Operator Overloading

Overloaded operators can be called in a function notation syntax.

std::string str = "A";

str.operator+=("B");        // str += "B"
operator<<(std::cout, str); // std::cout << str;

A function object is one that overloads the function call operator operator().

In order to distinguish pre-increment from post-increment operators, the post-increment operator overloads take a dummy integer parameter.

The canonical pre-increment operator implementation increments and returns a reference to the newly incremented value.

struct X {
  X& operator++() {
    this->value += 1;
    return *this;

The canonical post-increment operator implementation copies the original value and increments the actual value, then returns the copy of the previous value. Often the actual increment can be delegated to the pre-increment operator.

struct X {
  X operator++(int) {
    X tmp(*this);     // copy
    this->value += 1; // increment
    return tmp;       // return original value

This makes it obvious what the effect of *it++ is. First it copies it, then increments the original, then dereferences the copy of it.

Instead of dealing with the complexity of overloading the subscript operator to enable multidimensional array access, since it would entail returning intermediary window/view objects, it is common to overload operator() to return a reference to the correct value, e.g. matrix(i, j, k) = x.

Size of Every Object

The size of every object must be at least 1 byte in order to ensure that each object gets a distinct address. However, the empty base optimization allows for empty base class subobjects to be zero-sized, since their address can be derived from the 1 byte allocated for the container class.

struct Base {};
struct Derived : Base { int i; };

assert(sizeof(Base) == 1);
assert(sizeof(Derived) == sizeof(int));

Notice that the size of Derived is just the size of its data member i, and not the size of i plus the size of Base.

If one of the empty base classes is also the type or base of the type of the first member of the derived class, the empty base optimization cannot occur, since the two base subobjects of the same type are required to have different addresses within the object representation of the derived class, since they are separate objects.


C++17 allows specifying namespace paths in a condensed form:

// pre-C++17
namespace A {
  namespace B {
    namespace C {

// C++17
namespace A::B::C {  }

Inline namespaces treat their members as members of their enclosing namespaces, in a transitive manner.

inline namespace {  }

// std::literals and its member namesapces are inline
// makes visible:
// - std::literals::string_literals::operator""s
// - std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s
using namespace std::literals;

Anonymous namespaces (aka unnamed namespaces) are treated as a namespace with a unique name followed by a using directive so that its members are accessible from the enclosing namespace. Any name declared within has internal linkage.

namespace A {
  namespace { int i; }  // A::(unique)::i
  // implicit `using namespace (unique);`

  i++;  // OK: A::(unique)::i++

A::i++;  // OK: A::(unique)::i++

A using-declaration brings a namespace member into the current scope. Extensions of the namespace made after the point of declaration aren’t visible.

using std::string;

A using-declaration can be used in a class definition to introduce a base class member (either a variable or function) in the derived class, with possibly a different accessibility specifier. In effect this allows for more fine-grained tuning of the inherited members’ accessibility. Note that this does not apply to inherited constructors.

When a member function is introduced, all functions with that name are introduced, not just a particular overload. The derived class functions of the same prototype shadow or override the base class functions.

struct B {
  virtual void f() {}
  void g(char) {}

  int m;

struct D : B {
  using B::m;  // D::m is now public
  using B::f;

  void f() {}  // D::f() overrides B::f()

  using B::g;

  void g(int) {}  // D::g(int) hides B::g(char)

A using-declaration makes visible all members of a namespace as if they were declared in the nearest enclosing scope which contains both the using-directive and the namespace, i.e. the lowest common ancestor namespace of the using-directive and the namespace specified in the directive.

Its effect is transitive, so that nominating a namespace that itself contains using-directives acts as if those directives were done within the enclosing namespace.

Extensions of the namespace made after the point of nomination are visible, unlike with using-declarations.

A namespace alias can be used to define alternate names for a namespace.

namespace A {
  namespace B {
    namespace C {
      int i = 0;

namespace ABC = A::B::C;

assert(ABC::i == 0);

Raw Strings

There are raw string literals. They can contain an optional prefix to disambiguate from the contents.

const char *s = R"(the raw string)";

const char *s = R"delim(
escape codes \n parenthesis)

Unicode Strings

String literal prefixes can be used to specify the string’s encoding and underlying character type.

Prefix Type
u8 const char[]
u const char16_t[]
U const char32_t[]
L const wchar_t[]

Static Assertions

static_assert is a compile-time assertion. It takes a constexpr that is contextually convertible to bool. An optional string can be displayed if the assertion fails.


Attribute specifiers are a standardization of syntax used for implementation-defined language extensions.

[[probably(true)]] if (blah)

for (int i = 0; ; i++) {  }

The [[noreturn]] attribute specifies that a function does not return 3, as such it only applies to functions.

[[ noreturn ]] void f() {
  throw "error";

The [[deprecated]] attribute can mark a name or entity as deprecated, with an optional reason via [[deprecated("reason"]].

Invalid escape sequences in string literals can be avoided by separating the string literals:

const char *p = "\xfff";    // error
const char *p = "\xff" "f"; // ok

The alignas specifier can be used to specify the number of bytes between successive addresses at which objects of a given type can be allocated. It can be applied to a type, variable, or member declaration.

struct alignas(16) sse_t {
  float sse_data[4];

alignas(128) char cache_line[128];

Class bit fields can be used to specify that a member has a specific size. Unnamed bit fields correspond to unused padding, and more specifically an unnamed bit field of size zero is used to finish the padding so that the next bit field begins at the beginning of its allocation unit.

// total 2 bytes
struct S {
  // byte 1
  uint8_t b1 : 3;
  uint8_t    : 0; // pad remaining 5 bits

  // byte 2
  uint8_t b2 : 6; // new byte
  uint8_t b3 : 2;

Source Translation

The source translation phases of C++ are:

  1. source bytes mapped to basic source character set or universal character name \u or \U escaped if not possible
  2. lines ending in backslashes are joined to their next line
  3. source decomposed into comments, whitespace, and preprocessing tokens: header names, identifiers, numbers, character and string literals, operators and punctuators. each comment is replaced by one space character
  4. preprocessor executed, recursively applying steps 1-4 for each #include all preprocessor directives removed by the end of this step
  5. convert character and string literals from source character set to execution character set, e.g. UTF-8
  6. adjacent string literals are concatenated
  7. compilation: translation of tokens into translation unit
  8. examine each translation unit to determine required template instantiations, producing instantiation units
  9. translation units, instantiation units, and library components needed to satisfy external references are collected into a program image

The relationship between header and source files is that a header should only contain the interface (e.g. class definition). This enables other translation units (source files) to “lightly” include just the header file, knowing that the definition of specific methods will be provided at link-time. On the other hand, the source file includes its associated header at the top and defines its implementation.


The volatile keyword can be used to specify that the memory backing a variable may be modified “externally,” such as due to memory-mapped I/O, and it signals to the compiler that it should not perform any optimizations on the variable that may for example elide certain operations.

volatile int temp_sensor_reading;

// don't elide redundant assignments
int temp = temp_sensor_reading;

temp = temp_sensor_reading;


As a rule of thumb, different operations can be ranked in terms of their speed 4:

  1. comparisons
  2. integer add, subtract, bit operations, shift
  3. floating point add, subtract
  4. indexed array access
  5. integer multiplication
  6. floating point multiplication
  7. floating point division, remainder
  8. integer division, remainder

Duff’s Device

Duff’s Device can be used as a method of loop unrolling. It aims to decrease the number of branches. Instead of performing a check on each iteration, it breaks the iteration into chunks. The key is that it starts by jumping to the middle of the loop to process the non-divisible remainder, then continues the loop for each chunk.

For example, to copy 8-byte chunks to destination:

  1. compute number of 8-byte chunks in source memory
  2. create a do-while loop that copies 8-byte chunks per iteration
  3. wrap the loop in a switch statement that switches on the non-divisible remainder
  4. label each individual byte copy statement such that jumping to that label copies that many bytes via fall-through
  5. continue looping for the remaining 8-byte chunks
uint8_t chunks = (count + 7) / 8;
uint8_t remainder = count % 8;

switch (remainder) {
case 0: do { *to = *from++;
case 7:      *to = *from++;
case 6:      *to = *from++;
case 5:      *to = *from++;
case 4:      *to = *from++;
case 3:      *to = *from++;
case 2:      *to = *from++;
case 1:      *to = *from++;
        } while (--chunks > 0);

A switch-based coroutine creates static local variables to hold the coroutine state. A switch statement is used as a jump table to go to the correct behavior for the current state. The disadvantage is that the use of static variables means that the function is not re-entrant or thread-safe. A workaround would be to store the state in an extra argument.

int yield_numbers() {
  static int i, state = 0;

  switch (state) {
   case 0: goto LABEL0;
   case 1: goto LABEL1;

  LABEL0: /* start of function */
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
   state = 1; /* come back to LABEL1 */
   return i;
   LABEL1:; /* resume control after the return */

User-Defined Literals

User-defined literals can easily be created:

MyType operator"" _mytype(int literal) {
  return MyType(literal);

MyType m = 7_mytype;

Thing operator"" _thing(const char *str) {
 return Thing(str);

Thing thing = "test"_thing;

Temp operator"" _deg(long double deg) {
 return Temp(deg);

Temp temp = 3.14_deg;


Unions can have member functions.

By default, special member functions are deleted by default, though they can be defined explicitly.

A maximum of one member may have a default member initializer.

A union’s default member access is public.

A union’s size is as big as necessary to hold the largest member.

If a union member has a user-defined constructor and destructor, switching to another member requires its explicit destruction and placement new of the new member.

union S {
  std::string str;
  std::vector<int> vec;
  ~S() {}

S s = {"test"};
s.str.~basic_string<char>();   // explicit destruction
new (&s.vec) std::vector<int>; // explicit placement new

Anonymous unions can’t have:

  • member functions
  • static data members
  • non-public members

The members of anonymous unions are injected into the enclosing scope, and only the maximum of their sizes is allocated for them all.

A union can’t:

  • have base classes
  • have reference members
  • have virtual functions
  • be used as a base class

A union-like class is any class with at least one anonymous union as a member. All of the anonymous union members are called its variant members.


A name with internal linkage can only be referred to from all scopes in the current translation unit. Items with internal linkage include:

  • static variables, functions, function templates
  • const and constexpr variables that aren’t declared extern
  • members of an anonymous union
  • names declared in unnamed namespaces

A name with no linkage can only be referred to from the scope it is in. Items with no linkage include:

  • variables that aren’t declared extern
  • local classes and their member functions
  • other names declared at block scope

A name with external linkage can be referred to from scopes in other translation units. Items with external linkage include:

  • namespace-scope non-const variables not declared static
  • functions not declared static
  • any variables declared extern
  • enumerations and enumerators
  • names of classes, their member functions, static members, nested classes and enumerations, functions first introduced with friend declarations inside class bodies
  • names of function templates not declared static

Elaborated Type Specifier

The elaborated type specifier syntax is used to disambiguate a type name from a non-type declaration. It works with class, struct, union, and enum. If the type isn’t found, it’s created as a forward declaration.

class T {};
int T;

// disambiguate the class/type from the integer
class T t;

Standard Template Library

Initializer Lists

The std::initializer_list type is a lightweight proxy object wrapping an array of objects of type const T. For this reason, it’s normal and expected to pass it around by-value, since it’s already essentially a pointer to the underlying array.


The std::integral_constant<T, T v> type from type_traits takes an integral type and a constant value for it. Two typedefs for these exist which are true_type (i.e. std::integral_constant<bool, true>) and false_type. That can be used to refine the selection of a function overload.

// integrals
template <typename T>
void foo_impl(T val, true_type);

// floats
template <typename T>
void foo_impl(T val, false_type);

// Use is_integral to select the appropriate overload.
template <typename T>
void foo(T val) {
 foo_impl(val, std::is_integral<T>());


The std::array<N, T> type is a wrapper around regular T[N] arrays. It provides typical STL collection functionality such as iterators and copy and assignment operators. It has no user-provided constructors, no base classes, no virtual member functions, no default member initializers, and only contains a regular public array. This means that std::array is an aggregate type, which allows it to be initialized like a regular array, via aggregate-initialization:

std::array<3, int> numbers = {1, 2, 3};


An std::pair is essentially a tuple with two components, accessible via members first and second. It is used to denote, for example, key-value pairs in maps.

Pairs can be constructed using list-initialization when the type can be inferred or explicitly with the helper free-function std:make_pair:

auto keyval = std::make_pair(42, "test");

When emplacing a new key-value pair into a map, it can become ambiguous as to which parameters correspond to which constructor: either the key’s or the value’s.

std::map<std::string, std::complex<float>> map;

// "key" should be the parameter for the string constructor
// 3.4, 7.8 should be the parameters for the complex constructor
map.emplace("key", 3.4, 7.8);

To disambiguate these situations, there is std::piecewise_construct which can forward the respective pair components as a tuple:

            // used to construct the first pair component
            // used to construct the second pair component
            std::forward_as_tuple(3.4, 7.8));


The std::tuple type is similar to tuples in other languages. get<index>(tuple) retrieves the value at a given index. Tuples can easily be created with the make_tuple function.

Note that tuples cannot be copy-list-initialized because the corresponding constructor is marked explicit in order to prevent a single value from being implicitly converted to a tuple.

std::tuple<int, double> wrong = {3, 3.14}; // error
std::tuple<int, double> correct{3, 3.14};  // ok

As in other languages, tuples can be “unpacked” into multiple values using the tie function:

tie(num, std::ignore, letter) = make_tuple(10, 4.23, 'a');

The std::tie function works by essentially creating an ephemeral tuple of references and copy-assigning the source tuple to the ephemeral tuple, causing those values to be set via reference.

std::tuple<int, string> source(3, "test");

int first;
std::string second;

std::make_tuple(std::ref(first), std::ref(second)) = source;

EXPECT_EQ(3, first);
EXPECT_EQ("test", second);

Tuples implement comparison operators to perform lexicographical comparisons, this makes it possible to use tie to perform lexicographical comparisons of multiple fields:

struct Record {
 std::string name;
 unsigned int floor;
 double weight;

 // First compare names to each other, and if equal, then floor, finally weight.
 friend bool operator<(const Record& l, const Record& r) {
  return std::tie(l.name, l.floor, l.weight)
       < std::tie(r.name, r.floor, r.weight);

If a class defines a constructor that takes an std::initializer_list then that constructor takes precedence when using initializer list construction. Initializer lists cause an error if a construction would narrow a type.

Unordered Containers

Custom hashers and key-equality functions can be used on a given unordered container.

struct S {
  int data;

auto hash_func = [](const T& t) {
    return hash<int>()(t.data);

auto equality = [](const T& lhs, const T &rhs) -> bool {
    return lhs.data == rhs.data;

unordered_map<T, string,
              decltype(equality)> m(S{10}, hash_func, equality);

Note that mismatching the type of the pairs can lead to inefficiency. For example, if the const-qualifier of the key type is missing, it can lead to a temporary being created and then converted to the appropriate type:

std::unordered_map<std::string, int> m;

for (const std::pair<std::string, int>& pair : m) {  }

This can result in the following on each iteration:

  1. create temporary of type of pair
  2. convert m pair to the type of the temporary (i.e. sans key const)
  3. bind pair to that temporary
  4. destroy the temporary

This is contrary to what the user may expect when iterating by reference.

To avoid possibly introducing these type mismatches and consequent performance penalties, it’s safer and easier to just use auto type deduction:

for (const auto& pair : m) {  }


Bitsets can be instantiated from an integer source or a string. They are parameterized by their capacity, i.e. they are not dynamic: their capacity must be stated up-front. For a dynamic bitset there exists an std::vector<bool> specialization.

The indexing operator operator[] is overloaded to test a bit, and there is also a method test to do the same.

There are all, any, and none methods, as well as count to see how many bits are set.

Bits can be turned on (set) via the index operator[] or via the set method, which can set all bits if no parameters are given, a specific bit, or can set a specific bit to an explicit value. The reset method does the opposite, turning off bits. The flip method negates bits.


A constructor overload exists for creating a string consisting of a certain number of a single character.

Arbitrary strings or characters can be inserted anywhere into the string via the insert method, likewise they can be removed with erase.

Strings can be appended to via push_back (there’s also pop_back) or append and operator+=, but an std::stringstream is preferred if there’s going to be many append calls.

The substr function takes a starting position and a count, not one-past last, but a count, and returns the substring denoted by the range [begin, begin + count].

The replace function can replace a given range in the string with another string.

The find method searches for the occurrence of a needle in the string, optionally starting from a given position, and returns the starting position of the first match, or std::string::npos if there was none.

There is also rfind which does the same but starting from the right of the string.

The find_first_of method is like the algorithm of the same name: it looks for the first occurrence of one of the characters in the input string. There is also find_first_not_of, as well as find_last_of and find_last_not_of which search from right-to-left.

Numeric Limits

The limits header contains numeric limits, such as std::numeric_limits<int>::max() for the largest representable number with the int type.

Smart Pointers

Both unique_ptr and shared_ptr are explicit (or contextually, i.e. in an if-condition) convertible operators to bool, denoting whether the managed pointer is nullptr or not.


A unique_ptr can relinquish ownership of the managed object with the release method.

One unique_ptr can transfer ownership to another unique_ptr via move construction or assignment.


Each shared_ptr has an associated control block which consists of:

  • managed object or a pointer to it
  • reference count
  • weak reference count
  • type-erased deleter
  • type-erased allocator

Depending on the way a shared_ptr is constructed, there can be a potential for memory leaks. Imaging the following code:

processWidget(shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget), dangerous());

The compiler can generate the above code as:

  1. allocate Widget
  2. call dangerous
  3. construct shared_ptr from Widget

This can be a problem if the call to dangerous in step 2 throws an exception, because the shared_ptr didn’t have a chance to take ownership of the Widget. If it had taken ownership, the exception would’ve destroyed the shared_ptr which also would’ve deallocated Widget. Otherwise the memory leaks.

For this reason, it’s preferable to use std::make_shared to construct shared_ptrs. It’s also faster because it is usually able to perform a single allocation for both the managed object and the shared_ptr’s control block, whereas when the managed object is explicitly allocated, the shared_ptr has no choice but to perform another allocation for the control block.

processWidget(make_shared<Widget>(), dangerous());

This way, the compiler now has two things that it may rearrange:

  • call make_shared
  • call dangerous

Regardless of their arrangement, there is no possibility for memory leaks.

However, the use of std::make_shared prevents specifying a custom deleter. For that, the regular constructor is necessary:

shared_ptr<c_type>(new_c_type(), free_c_type);

A shared_ptr can change the object it manages by calling its reset method with a pointer to the new object to manage. If the shared_ptr was the last owner of the previously managed object, its deleter is called.

shared_ptr<string> thing;
thing.reset(new std::string("other"));

The raw pointer that a shared_ptr manages can be accessed without relinquishing ownership via the get method.

The “alias constructor” of shared_ptr is one that accepts a raw pointer to manage and whose lifetime is tied to another shared_ptr.

struct X {
  int a;

shared_ptr<X> px(new X);
shared_ptr<X> pi(px, &px->a);

EXPECT_EQ(pi.get(), &px->a);

There are casting functions equivalent to static_cast et al which operate on shared_ptr:

  • static_pointer_cast
  • dynamic_pointer_cast
  • const_pointer_cast

Sometimes it’s necessary to be able to create a type which should be able to give shared_ptrs of itself (i.e. of its this pointer) to other types.

For example, this can be useful or even necessary when creating a tree where the nodes have pointers to their parents. If the children are wrapped in shared_ptr, then the parent pointers must also be shared_ptr so that all paths from which the pointers may be referenced go through a shared_ptr. However, this poses a problem because it would entail giving a child a copy of the parent’s this pointer for it to store in its shared_ptr of its parent. What’s really needed is a shared_ptr of the this pointer.

This can be achieved by having the class derive from std::enable_shared_from_this<T>, where T is the type in question. This inherits a method shared_from_this which returns a shared_ptr of the this pointer.

However, something has to have created a shared_ptr of the this pointer, i.e. of the class. For this reason, there is usually a factory method which constructs shared_ptrs of the class.

class Widget : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Widget> {
  template <typename... Ts>
  static std::shared_ptr<Widget> create(Ts&&... params);

To prevent reference-cycles, the std::weak_ptr represents a pointer that can share but not own a resource. In order to be used, it must first attempt to elevate itself to a shared_ptr via the lock method.

shared_ptr<Thing> shared = make_shared<Thing>();
weak_ptr<Thing> weak(shared);

if (shared_ptr<Thing> locked = weak.lock()) {
  // object still exists
} else {
  // object no longer exists


The type std::function can store a type-erased pointer to any callable: function, lambda, bind expression, function object, pointer to member function, pointer to data member.

void print_int(int n) { cout << n << endl; }

std::function<void(int)> display_int = print_int;


If the callable is a member function, then the target object must be explicitly passed when invoked.

const Class obj;

std::function<void(const Class&, int)> print_num = &Class::show_num;

print_num(obj, 4);

The std::bind function can wrap a function with certain parameters pre-bound. Parameters that aren’t intended to be bound must pass-through using a placeholder in std::placeholders. It’s much easier and less error-prone to use lambdas. For example, arguments to the bind call are copied or moved unless explicitly placed in a reference wrapper such as std::ref or std::cref.

void func(int a, int b, int &c) {
  return a - b * c;

// func(8, 4, 2) == 8

// pre-bind first and second parameter to 0 and 1
auto reverse_params = std::bind(func, 0, 1, std::placeholders::_3);

// func(8, 4, 2) == -2

The functional header contains a variety of function objects for primitive operations, such as std::plus<T> which is a function object for operator+(T a, T b).

There are also std::not1 and std::not2 functions which negate the result of a unary or binary predicate, respectively.


The free-functions std::begin and std::end are specialized to return the respective iterators for different types. For example, usually one would just use the methods of the same name on actual collection objects. However, regular arrays don’t have methods, and so these free-functions have specializations to do the correct thing for arrays.

Additionally, if the parameters are const-qualified, they return constant iterators, like the equivalent cbegin and cend methods.

The distance function can be used to get the number of elements between first and last.

The next and prev function returns a new iterator that is advanced forward or backward respectively by a given number of steps, or a single step by default.

The advance function is similar but it modifies the passed iterator, and it can take a signed integer so that a negative step steps backward.

The functions std::back_inserter and std::front_inserter take a collection and return iterator adapters whose assignment operator automatically calls push_back or push_front on the collection.

std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3}, expect{1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0};

std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(v), 3, 0);

EXPECT_EQ(expect, v);

Function std::inserter is a generalization of the above functions. It takes a collection and an iterator position. Assigning to the iterator (dereferenced or not) calls the corresponding insert method at that position.

std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3}, expect{1, 0, 0, 2, 3};

std::fill_n(std::inserter(v, std::next(v.begin())), 2, 0);

EXPECT_EQ(expect, v);

The std::make_reverse_iterator function returns an iterator adapter that reverses the direction of the iterator. However, with C++14 and above it’s simpler to call the rbegin and rend methods.

The std::make_move_iterator function returns an iterator adapter that overloads its deference operator to convert the returned value into an rvalue, allowing the underlying value to be moved from. Note that there is also an algorithm std::move that can be used.

std::vector<std::string> s{"one", "two", "three"};
std::vector<std::string> v(std::make_move_iterator(s.begin()),

std::vector<std::string> s_expect{"", "", ""};
std::vector<std::string> v_expect{"one", "two", "three"};

EXPECT_EQ(s_expect, s);
EXPECT_EQ(v_expect, v);

The std::ostream_iterator and std::istream_iterator iterator types are iterators which write to an ostream or read from an istream, respectively. These can be used, for example, to read a sequence of delimited numbers from standard input, or write a sequence of numbers to standard output. In the case of std::istream_iterator, the end-point iterator can be constructed by passing no parameters.

// Read the input stream into a vector.
std::istringstream input("1 2 3 4 5");
std::vector<int> v, v_expect{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};


EXPECT_EQ(v_expect, v);

// Write the vector to an output stream (could be std::cout)
std::ostringstream output;

std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(),
          std::ostream_iterator<int>(output, " "));

// Note trailing space.
EXPECT_EQ("1 2 3 4 5 ", output.str());

Collection Exception-Safety

Most functions and collections which are able to perform moves only do so if the moves are noexcept, otherwise copies are performed.


There are a couple of conventions that STL algorithms follow:

  • most algorithms take at least one iterator range specifying the range of operation, where the range is exclusive on its end-point, i.e. [begin, end).

    Some algorithms take two ranges, and sometimes the end-point of the second can be omitted, which automatically assumes the same distance as the first range.

  • algorithms whose names end in _n take a beginning iterator position and a count of elements to affect from that point onward, instead of the regular [begin, end) iterator range.

  • algorithms whose names end in _if take a predicate instead of a value to compare against.

  • algorithms whose names end in _until return an iterator to one-past the last “qualifying” element. For example, is_sorted_until returns one-past the last sorted element.

  • algorithms whose names end in _backward perform their operation from right-to-left. For example, copy_backward copies the last source element to the last destination iterator position, then the penultimate, etc. Don’t confuse this with the operation being performed in reverse. The elements are still in the same order; they were simply copied from right-to-left.

  • algorithms whose names contain _copy perform their operation to elements as they are being copied into another range. Conversely, their counterparts which don’t have _copy in their name operate in-place, modifying the elements of the range.

  • algorithms that take a comparison function expect a function which returns true if the first parameter is less than the second, and false otherwise. Comparison functions must not modify the parameters.

    Equality can be checked with such a comparison function by ensuring that it doesn’t yield true for either one with respect to the other, i.e. a and b are equal if !cmp(a, b) && !cmp(b, a), e.g. if !(a < b) && !(b < a).

  • algorithms that concern “order” or “equality” accept an optional comparison function

  • algorithms usually return one-past the last element that was operated on.

The exchange function replaces the value of an object with that of another and returns the old value.

The swap function swaps two parameters with each other. It’s also overloaded for arrays. It’s important to note that it should usually be called in an unqualified manner. That is, use a using-declaration to bring the std::swap definitions into scope, but call it as swap and not std::swap. This enables additional, perhaps more specialized overloads of swap to be used when appropriate.

void Function() {
  using std::swap;

  int a = 1, b = 2;

  swap(a, b);


The all_of, any_of, and none_of functions specify whether the elements of a given iterator range satisfy the given predicate for all, any, or none of the elements respectively.

vector<int> vec{0, 2, 4, 6};

bool all_even = std::all_of(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](auto i) {
                  return i % 2 == 0;


The equal function checks if two iterator ranges are equivalent by equality or predicate.

std::string s = "radar";

// Compare forward range to backward range
bool is_palindrome = std::equal(s.begin(), (s.begin() + s.size() / 2),


The lexicographical_compare function checks to see if the first range is lexicographically less than the second range.

vector<int> a{1, 2, 2}, b{1, 2, 3};

std::lexicographical_compare(a.begin(), a.end(),
                             b.begin(), b.end());
// a < b = true

The includes function checks if every element of the second sorted range is found within the first sorted range, reads as “first range includes second.”

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
vector<int> a{3, 4, 5}, b{1, 6};

// true
std::includes(v.begin(), v.end(), a.begin(), a.end());

// true
std::includes(v.begin(), v.end(), b.begin(), b.end());


The mismatch function takes two iterator ranges and finds and returns the first mismatching positions as determined by equality or a given predicate.

vector<int> a{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
vector<int> b{1, 2, 3, 5, 6};

auto pos = std::mismatch(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());

EXPECT_EQ(&a[3], &*pos.first);
EXPECT_EQ(a[3], *(pos.first));
EXPECT_EQ(b[3], *(pos.second));

The find function gets the iterator position of the first element equal to the given value, whereas the find_if and find_if_not functions find the first element that does or does not satisfy the given predicate, respectively.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};

auto two_position = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), 2);
auto even_position = std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
                                  [](const int &i) {
                                    return i % 2 == 0;

EXPECT_EQ(&v[1], &*two_position);
EXPECT_EQ(&v[1], &*even_position);

The find_end function gets the iterator position of beginning of the last occurrence of the subsequence denoted by the second iterator range within the sequence denoted by the first iterator range.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4};
vector<int> needle{1, 2, 3};

auto pos = std::find_end(v.begin(), v.end(), seq.begin(), seq.end());

EXPECT_EQ(&v[4], &*pos);

The find_first_of function gets the iterator position of the first element found that’s one of the elements in the second range.

vector<int> v{0, 2, 3, 25, 5};
set<int> els{3, 19, 10, 2};

auto pos = std::find_first_of(v.begin(), v.end(), els.begin(), els.end());

EXPECT_EQ(&v[2], &*pos);

The adjacent_find method finds the position of the first two consecutive elements that are equal to each other or both satisfy a predicate.

vector<int> v{0, 1, 2, 3, 40, 40, 41, 41, 5};

auto pos = std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end());
EXPECT_EQ(&v[4], &*pos);

// If it's sorted, each pair should satisfy std::less<int>()(left, right)
// Conversely, if any pair satisfies std::greater<int>(left, right), then
// that is the first pair of elements that is unsorted.
auto unsorted = std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end(), std::greater<int>());
EXPECT_EQ(&v[7], &*pos);

The search function finds the second range within the first range using equality or a given predicate.

string s = "one two three";
string needle = "two";

auto pos = std::search(s.begin(), s.end(), needle.begin(), needle.end());

EXPECT_EQ(&s[4], &*pos);

The search_n function finds the a sequence of n elements of value, e.g. three 4’s, within the first range using equality or a given predicate.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4};

auto pos = std::search_n(v.begin(), v.end(), 4, 3);

EXPECT_EQ(&v[2], &*pos);

The max_element and min_element find the position of the largest or smallest element in the range, respectively. A comparison function can be passed.

vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 5, 9};

auto pos = std::min_element(v.begin(), v.end());

EXPECT_EQ(1, *pos);

The minmax_element function simultaneously finds the smallest and largest element in the range.

vector<int> v{3, 9, 1, 4, 2, 5, 9};

auto min_max = std::minmax_element(v.begin(), v.end());

EXPECT_EQ(1, *min_max.first);
EXPECT_EQ(9, *min_max.second);

There is also a minmax function which operates on two operands or an initializer list. This can be used to simultaneously find the lesser and greater of two numbers, such as for randomly setting some bounds:

std::vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6};

std::pair<int, int> bounds = std::minmax(std::rand() % v.size(),
                                         std::rand() % v.size());

The nth_element function selects the $n^\text {th}$ element from the sorted order of the range, i.e. the $n^\text {th}$-order statistic. A comparison function can be specified.

This is like Quicksort’s partitioning, so the range is modified so that the element pointed to by nth becomes the nth element of the sorted order of the range. All elements to the left of the iterator are less than or equal to that element and all elements to the right of the iterator are greater than that element.

vector<int> v{5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7, 9, 3};
int mid = v.size() / 2;

std::nth_element(v.begin(), v.begin() + mid, v.end());
// median is v[mid] = 5

std::nth_element(v.begin(), v.end() - 1, v.end());
// max is v.back()

The lower_bound function returns an iterator to the first element in the partially or fully sorted range that is greater than or equal to the value or comparison function. There is also an upper_bound function.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6};

auto lower = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), 4);

// lower = idx 3

The equal_range function returns an iterator range (pair) of the sub-range of elements in the input range that contains values equivalent to the provided value based on an optional comparison function.

vector<int> v{1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4};

auto range = equal_range(v.begin(), v.end(), 2);

bool all_twos = std::all_of(range.first, range.second,
                            [](int i) { return i == 2; });


The binary_search function does a membership check by performing a binary search for the value in the partially or fully sorted range using an optional comparison function.

vector<int> v{1, 3, 4, 5, 9};

bool found_four = std::binary_search(v.begin(), v.end(), 4);


The count function counts all elements in the range which equals a given value, whereas count_if counts those which satisfy a given predicate.

vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3};

int twos = count(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 2);
int odds = count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
                    [](int i) { return i % 2 == 0; });

EXPECT_EQ(1, twos);
EXPECT_EQ(2, odds);

The accumulate function reduces the elements in the range given an initial value and an optional binary function which produces the reduction of two elements. By default, the binary function is addition, so accumulate produces the sum of the elements.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

int sum = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
// sum = 15

int product = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 1,
                              [](int prod, int next) {
                                return prod * next;
// product = 120

// can also be
int product = std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 1, std::multiplies<int>());

The inner_product function computes the sum of the pair-wise products of the elements of the two ranges, which is the dot product. Custom sum and product functions can be provided, in which case the “product” function is applied in a pair-wise manner to the elements of the two ranges, and the “sum” function is applied to those results.

This is like an transform/for_each of pair-wise elements with the “product” function and an accumulate of those results with the “sum” function.

vector<int> a{0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
vector<int> b{5, 4, 2, 3, 1};

int dot_product = std::inner_product(a.begin, a.end(), b.begin(), 0);
// dot_product = 21

The adjacent_difference function computes the difference of each element in the range and its predecessor, writing each element into the output iterator. Since the first element doesn’t have a predecessor, the predecessor is treated as 0.

vector<int> v{2, 4, 6, 8};

// v = {2, 2, 2, 2};
std::adjacent_difference(v.begin(), v.end(), v.begin());

v = {1, 1, 1, 1};

// v = {1, 1, 2, 3}
.adjacent_difference(v.begin(), v.end() - 1,
                     v.begin() + 1,
                     [](int a, int b) { return a + b });

The partial_sum function successively computes the sums of increasing sub-ranges of the input range and copies each sum into the output iterator. A custom sum function can be provided. Specifically, the result is such that:

$$ \text {dest}[i] = \sum_0^i \text {src}[i] $$

This can be useful for example to compute the maximal sub-array.

vector<int> v{2, 2, 2, 2};
vector<int> dest(4);

std::partial_sum(v.begin(), v.end(), dest.begin());

for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dest.size(); ++i) {
  std::cout << "sum of sub-range [0, " << i << "] = " << dest[i] << '\n';

// dest = {2, 4, 6, 8}

The transform function applies a given unary function to each element in the array, or a given binary function to each pair of elements in two ranges, and writes each result to the output iterator. The given function must not modify the elements or invalidate iterators.

string s("hello");

std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::toupper);

// s = "HELLO"


The for_each function applies a function to each element in the range, potentially mutating the element. It returns the provided function object, allowing for the accumulation of a result.

vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3}, expect{2, 3, 4};

std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](int &n) { ++n; });

EXPECT_EQ(expect, vec);

The iota function can be used to fill a range with sequentially incremented values, starting with the given value.

vector<int> v(3);
std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 1);

EXPECT_EQ({1, 2, 3}, v);

The swap_ranges function swaps elements from the first range with the corresponding elements of the second range, and returns one-past the last swapped element of the second range.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};
list<int> l{4, 5, 6};

// Swap the first two elements of v with first two elements of l
std::swap_ranges(v.begin(), v.begin() + 2, l.begin());

EXPECT_EQ({4, 5, 3}, v);
EXPECT_EQ({1, 2, 6}, l);

The fill function sets every element in the range to a given value. There is also fill_n.

vector<int> v(3);

std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 7);

EXPECT_E1({7, 7, 7}, v);

The generate function assigns each element in the range the value generated by the provided function, which takes no arguments. There is also generate_n.

vector<int> v(3);
int n = 1;

std::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), [&n]() { return n++; });

EXPECT_EQ({1, 2, 3}, v);

The replace function replaces the elements in the range that match the given value or satisfy the predicate (with replace_if) with another value. There’s also replace_copy.

vector<int> v{1, 1, 2, 2, 3};

// Replace even numbers with 0.
std::replace_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
                [](int i) { return i % 2 == 0; },

EXPECT_EQ({1, 1, 0, 0, 3}, v);

The reverse function reverses the order of the elements in the range. There’s also reverse_copy.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};

std::reverse(v.begin(), v.end());

EXPECT_EQ({3, 2, 1}, v);

The rotate function rotates all elements in the range to the left such that the middle parameter becomes the first element in the range. Note that this function breaks convention in that there is a parameter (the “new-left”) in between the [begin, end) iterator pair parameters. As per convention, rotate_copy does the same but copies the result into another range.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4};

// Rotate v to the left so that the 3 (v[2]) become the first element.
std::rotate(v.begin(), v.begin() + 2, v.end());

EXPECT_EQ({3, 4, 1, 2}, v);

The random_shuffle function shuffles all elements in the range given a random number generator.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};
random_device rd;
mt19937 g(rd());

std::shuffle(v.begin(), v.end(), g);

// e.g. v = {3, 1, 2}

The unique function removes all consecutive duplicates (and thus expects a sorted input) from the range, returning one-past the new logical end of the range. Consecutive duplicates are checked by equality or a given predicate. There is also unique_copy.

Note that the elements are not physically removed from the container, so this call is usually followed by a call to the erase method of the collection with the iterator returned by unique.

vector<int> v{1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4};

auto last = std::unique(v.begin(), v.end());

// v = {1, 2, 3, 4, x, x, x} where x = indeterminate

v.erase(last, v.end());

EXPECT_EQ({1, 2, 3, 4}, v);

The remove function rearranges the elements of the range so that those equal to a given value or satisfying a given predicate are moved to the end of the range, allowing them to easily be erased from their container. There’s also remove_copy.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4};

auto new_end = std::remove(v.begin(), v.end(), 1);

v.erase(new_end, v.end());

The iter_swap function simply swaps the elements pointed to by the iterators.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};

// Swap the 1 and the 3
std::iter_swap(v.begin(), v.end() - 1);

EXPECT_EQ({3, 2, 1}, v);

// Can also explicitly just dereference iterators and call std::swap
swap(*v.begin(), *(v.end() - 1));


The is_sorted function checks if the range is sorted in ascending order or given a comparison function.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};

bool sorted = std::is_sorted(v.begin(), v.end()));

The is_sorted_until function returns one-past the last sorted element, i.e. the first element that is not sorted.

The sort function sorts the range in ascending order or based on a given comparison function. The stable_sort variant preserves the relative order of equal elements.

The partial_sort function rearranges the elements of the range so that the [begin, middle) contains the elements of the sorted order of the entire array, i.e. the first (middle - begin) smallest elements. There is also partial_sort_copy which only copies enough elements that fit in the destination.

vector<int> v{5, 7, 4, 2, 8, 6, 1, 9, 0, 3};

std::partial_sort(v.begin(), v.begin() + 3, v.end());

// v = {0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 6, 5, 9, 4, 3}
//      |-----|
//      sorted

The merge function merges two sorted ranges together into a destination.

vector<int> a{1, 3, 5}, b{2, 4, 6};
vector<int> dest(6);

std::merge(a.begin(), a.end(),
           b.begin(), b.end(),

// dest = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

The inplace_merge function is an in-place variant of the merge function, merging two sorted ranges denoted by [begin, middle) and [middle, end) into a single sorted range, in-place.

vector<int> v{1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6};

std::inplace_merge(v.begin(), v.begin() + 3, v.end());

// v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}


The is_partitioned function checks if all elements in the range are partitioned based on the given predicate, so that all elements that satisfy the predicate come before all of those that don’t.

vector<int> v{1, 1, 0, 0};

bool is_parted = std::is_partitioned(v.begin(), v.end(),
                                     [](int i) { return i == 1; });

The partition function partitions the elements of a range so that all elements that satisfy the predicate come before all of those that don’t. There is also partition_copy.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
auto partition_func = [](int i) { return i % 2 == 0; };

auto it = std::partition(v.begin(), v.end(), partition_func);

bool is_parted = std::is_partitioned(v.begin(), v.end(),

The stable_partition function is a stable version of the partition function, so that the relative order of equal elements is preserved.

The partition_point function returns one-past the end of the first partition, i.e. the first element that doesn’t satisfy the predicate.

vector<int> v{2, 4, 1, 3};
auto pos = std::partition_point(v.begin(), v.end(),
                                [](int i) { return i % 2 == 0; });


The copy function copies elements from the given range into the range beginning at a given iterator position. The copy_if does the same only if the element satisfies a given predicate. There’s also copy_n and copy_backward.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};
vector<int> odds, odds_expect{1, 3};

std::copy_if(v.begin(), v.end(), std::back_inserter(odds),
             [](auto i) { return i % 2 != 0; });

EXPECT_EQ(odds_expect, odds);

Note that with copy_backward the elements are not copied in reverse, that is, the order of the elements is preserved. Instead, this function copies starting from the right end, which is why the end iterator is provided.

vector<int> source{1, 2, 3};
vector<int> destination(4);

std::copy_backward(source.begin(), source.end(), destination.end());

EXPECT_EQ({0, 1, 2, 3}, destination);

The move function moves elements from the range into the range beginning with the third parameter. There’s also move_backward.

vector<thread> ths;
ths.emplace_back(func, arg);
ths.emplace_back(func, arg);

vector<thread> dest(2);

// Could just dest = move(ths) in this case, but w/e
std::move(ths.begin(), ths.end(), dest.begin());


The set_difference function performs a set difference operation on the two ranges and outputs the result into the destination iterator.

vector<int> a{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
vector<int> b{2, 4};
vector<int> difference(3);

std::set_difference(a.begin(), a.end(),
                    b.begin(), b.end(),

// difference = {1, 3, 5};

There is also set_intersection:

vector<int> a{1, 3, 5};
vector<int> b{2, 4, 6};
vector<int> intersection(6);

std::set_intersection(a.begin(), a.end(),
                      b.begin(), b.end(),

// intersection = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

There is also set_union:

vector<int> a{1, 3, 5, 5};
vector<int> b{1, 2, 2, 4};
vector<int> union(6);

std::set_union(a.begin(), a.end(),
               b.begin(), b.end(),

// union = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

The set_symmetric_difference function computes the set of elements that are in either of the sets but not in both (not in their intersection).

vector<int> a{1, 2, 3};
vector<int> b{3, 4};
vector<int> symmetric_difference(3);

std::set_union(a.begin(), a.end(),
               b.begin(), b.end(),

// symmetric_difference = {1, 2, 4};
// not 3 because it's in both


The make_heap function constructs a max-heap from the elements in the range, i.e. it’s a “heapify” operation. A heap with a different order can be created using an optional comparison function, for example with std::greater<in>() a min-heap can be created.

vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9};

std::make_heap(v.begin(), v.end());

// v = {9, 5, 4, 1, 1, 3}

The push_heap function is used to logically push the last element in the range onto the logical heap. This means that the element must already be present in the range, added for example via something like push_back.

vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9};

std::make_heap(v.begin(), v.end());

// physically push
// v = {9, 5, 4, 1, 1, 3, 6}

// logically push
std::push_heap(v.begin(), v.end());
// v = {9, 5, 6, 1, 1, 3, 4}

The pop_heap function is used to logically pop the top element from the heap by swapping the top element of the logical heap with the last element in the heap, then re-heapifying to preserve heap-order. If an optional comparison function was used with make_heap or push_heap, it should also be used here.

vector<int> v{3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9};

std::make_heap(v.begin(), v.end());

int largest = v.front();

// logically remove
std::pop_heap(v.begin(), v.end());

// physically remove
v.pop_back(); // actually remove

The sort_heap function essentially performs a heap sort, that is, it sorts the elements into the heap in ascending order or given a comparison function, destroying the logical heap.

The is_heap function checks to see if the range is in heap-order given some optional comparison function. There is an is_heap_until function which returns one-past the last heap-ordered element.


The is_permutation function checks to see if the first range is a permutation of the second range.

vector<int> a{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, b{3, 5, 4, 1, 2};

std::is_permutation(a.begin(), a.end(),
                    b.begin(), b.end());
// true

The next_permutation function rearranges the elements of the range into the lexicographically-next permutation and returns true. If a next permutation doesn’t exist, it wraps around and produces the first permutation (i.e sorted order) and returns false. There is also prev_permutation which does the opposite.

string s = "aba";

// produce first permutation
std::sort(s.begin(), s.end());

do { cout << s << endl; }
while (next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));

// aab, aba, baa


Random engines are a stateful source of randomness, and random distributions use a random engine to generate random numbers distributed over a range.

The shuffle method can be used to shuffle a range based on a given random number generator.

vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::default_random_engine engine;

std::shuffle(v.begin(), v.end(), engine);

Random numbers can be generated with, for example, uniform_int_distribution. The constructor takes the inclusive bounds.

std::default_random_engine engine;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(10, 20);

for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
  cout << distribution(engine) << endl;


Threads are represented by std::thread<F, Args...> and they run on a separate thread. These can be instantiated with a lambda:

thread print([]() {
  std::cout << "other thread" << std::endl;

Threads can be joined and detached.

The std::mutex type represents a mutex, which can be locked and unlocked.

An std::lock_guard is a type that provides RAII ownership of an std::mutex, so that the lock is automatically unlocked when the lock_guard is destroyed.

std::mutex global_mutex;

void func() {
  std::lock_guard<mutex> lock(global_mutex);

  // unlocked here

An std::unique_lock is similar except that it may not necessarily be associated with a mutex, and locking and unlocking can be done explicitly, essentially it simply guarantees that if the mutex is locked when the unique_lock is destroyed, it unlocks it.

Ownership of the associated lock can be releaseed.

The std::lock function can lock an arbitrary number of locks (passed as parameters) in such a way that deadlocks are avoided. If an exception occurs, all so-far locked mutexes are unlocked.

An std::condition_variable represents a condition variable which can be used to notify others of being ready via notify_one and notify_all, and others to wait on the condition variable via wait. One of the overloads of wait can accept a lambda which is used to test the condition, in order to guard against spurious wake-ups, in which case the wait is repeated.

std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;

bool ready = false;

// thread 1 runs first
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);

// notify waiting threads

// thread 2 runs after, and waits on the condition variable
// to guard against spurious wake-ups, a lambda is run to ensure
// that the actual condition holds. if it doesn't, it waits again
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
cv.wait(lock, [] { return ready; });

An std::promise<T> is the push/write-end of the promise-future communication channel. It can be used to store a value that is later acquired asynchronously via an std::future created by the promise via get_future. A promise is made ready by writing a value to it via set_value.

A value can be obtained from the future via get, which blocks until a result is received, then returns that value. There’s also wait that simply waits until the value is received, but doesn’t actually retrieve it.

The std::async function wraps a function and calls it asynchronously, possibly on another thread, and returns a future representing the result.

The std::packaged_task<R(Args...)> type is similar in that it wraps any callable so that it can be invoked asynchronously and its return value obtained via a future. It does this by overloading the call operator so that when the function returns, its value is written to a promise.

The future is obtained via get_future. The packaged_task can then be run on a separate thread, for example.

int fib(int n) {
 if (n < 3) return 1;
 else return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

packaged_task<int(int)> task(&fib);
auto result = task.get_future();

thread t(std::move(task), 40);
int answer = result.get();


Atomic types are represented by std::atomic<T> and they can be either integral types or pointers. Their constructor takes their initial value.

Atomic replacement of the value is done via store, and atomic reading can be done with load, which is also aliased to a conversion operator for the underlying type.

The exchange method atomically exchanges the current value with another, and returns the old value.

Similarly, there are fetch_ methods such as fetch_add which atomically adds an operand to the atomic variable and returns the original value. The increment and decrement operators are also overloaded to perform atomic increments and decrements.

  1. Taken from this great StackOverflow answer↩︎

  2. This reminds me of Higher-Kinded Types ↩︎

  3. This seems similar to a diverging function in Rust which returns -> !↩︎

  4. Three Optimization Tips for C++ ↩︎

September 10, 2013
329ce08 — May 23, 2024